Environmental ethics and care for the p and V Flashcards
based on the principle that all people have a right to be protected from environmental pollution, and to live in and enjoy a clean and healthful environment
Environmental justice
concerns the view that non-human beings such as animals also have entitlements, for instance to an adequate habitat. must address both environmental justice and the ecological quality of our practices.
Ecological justice
the responsible use and protection of the environment. Examples of responsible use include limiting the harvest of natural resources.
Environmental stewardship
Wrote a letter to everyone saying how we must protect the environment and that we are taking more than needed. Helped 1.2 billion people understand.
Laudato Si
As created in the image and likeness of God. The Church, therefore, calls for
Integral Human Development concerns the wellbeing of each person in every dimension: economic, political, social, ecological, and spiritual.
Dignity of the human person
These are innately linked with our
responsibility to ensure the rights of others—that we do not take more than is needed to fulfill our rights at the expense of another.
Rights and Responsibilities
love is universal, so this principle does not mean that we should focus on the poor
to the exclusion of others, but rather that we are called to prioritize those who are in
most need of our Solidarity.
Preferential Option For the poor
We must see ourselves in others
and collaborate towards solutions. is a recognition that we are “all in this
together,” and is a commitment to strengthen community and promote a just society.
The Earth is sacred. Creation has its intrinsic value. We have a responsibility
to protect and cherish the Earth’s ecological diversity, beauty, and life-sustaining properties. Together, we must hold it in trust for future generations.
Care for God’s creation
The economy must serve people, and not the other way around. All persons have a
right to dignified work and to fair wages and working conditions. Work is more than a way to make a living: it is a form of continuing participation in God’s creation.
Dignity of work and rights of workers
Human beings are social, and how we live together affects the dignity of the individual and the progress of society. All persons are entitled to participate in the community, and in decisions that affect their lives, and cannot be excluded for any reason.
Call to family, community, and participation