Environmental & Engineering Geology Flashcards
What intrinsic factors affect tunnel stability?
- Rock is not a manufactured material
- Discontinuous
- Inhomogeneous
- Anisotropic
- Nonlinear elastic
- Rock type - intact strength
- Rock structure - fractures (orientation etc) / spacing
- Condition of discontinuities
- In-situ pore water pressure
What factors relating to tunnel setting affect tunnel stability?
- In-situ stress (depth, tectonic setting etc)
- Tunnel orientation wrt discontinuity sets
What factors relating to design and construction/support affect tunnel stability?
- Shape and size of tunnel opening etc
In the context of tunnelling, what are the rock mass characteristics that should be considered?
- Intact rock strength
- RQD (Rock Quality Designation)
- Joint spacing (of joint sets)
- Condition of joints
- Groundwater
- Fracture orientation
- State of in-situ stress
(note: each parameter is weighted differently according to its importance)
What is RMR?
The Rock Mass Rating (RMR) classification system takes 5 or more important characteristics (i.e. parameters) known to influence overall strength.
Each parameter is assigned a rating and these are summed to give an overall RMR score or Index out of 100.
Define RQD
Rock Quality Designation (RQD) is an index of the ratio between the sum of the lengths of core fragments longer than 100 mm and the total length of the Core run
Give the equation for Rock Quality Designation (RQD)
What are some criticisms of RQD?
- RQD is conveinient as it is obtained from core samples from a rotary drill, however artifically indiced breaks can be hard to distinguish.
- It can be argued that defining this indicator of fracture scarcity is arbitrary in using 100 mm; why not 200, or 50 mm?
- The RMR uses RQD and the average fracture spacing as a seperate parameter and so will tend to count the influence of fracture density twice!
What are the effects of making a hole underground?
i.e. what are the effects of excavation on stress and groundwater?
- Rock moves inwards - bc material is essentially elastic (creates a ‘squeeze’ issue on rock boring machines)
- Stress refraction: Normal & Shear stresses on the excavation wall are zero
- Excavation acts as a sink if it’s a porous, fractured rock mass - bc pressure in excavation is reduced to atmospheric, fluids flow into excavation under pressure gradient

What parameter is the most heavily weighted out of the RMR classification parameters?
Condition of discontinuities, with a rating of 30
What parameter is the least heavily weighted out of the RMR classification parameters?
Strength of intact rock material
Ground water,
both w/ rating of 15
The RMR system utilizes which six rock mass parameters?
- Uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock material
- Rock quality designation (RQD)
- Spacing of discontinuities
- Condition of discontinuities
- Groundwater conditions
- Orientation of discontinuities
The ‘Condition of discontinuities’ parameter of the RMR system is split into what sub-parameters?
- Length, persistence
- Separation
- Smoothness
- Infilling
- Alteration / weathering
The rating of each of the RMR parameters are summarized to give a value of RMR.
But how are the parameters measured?
All RMR parameters are measureable in the field and can also be obtained from borehole data.
How is the RMR classification applied to a tunnel build project?
- The rock mass along a tunnel route is divided into a number of structural regions, i.e. zones in which certain geological features are more or less uniform.
- The 6 RMR classification parameters are determined for each structural region from measurements in the field.
- Once the classification parameters are determined, the ratings are assigned to each parameter according to the RMR Table. In this respect, the typical/average/overall conditions, rather than the worst (or every detail of) conditions, are evaluated.
- F.m. it should be noted that the ratings, which are given for discontinuity spacings, apply to rock masses having three sets of discontinuities. Thus, when only two sets of discontinuities are present, a conservative assessment is obtained.
What does this figure show?
Stand-up time as function of unsupported span and RMR values
- An interpretation of time and span can be made from RMR class number due to experience of many projects and a lot of data
- Also: Continuum properties (cohesion of rock mass, friction angle of rock mass) can be approximated, taking the assumption that the whole rock mass behaves homogeneously (average/overall properties)
What support in rock tunnels is suggested for a rock mass class stated ‘very good rock’, with an RMR score of 81-100?
- Generally no support required except for occasional spot bolting
What support in rock tunnels is suggested for a rock mass class stated ‘good rock’, with an RMR score of 61-80?
- Locally bolts in crown, 3 m long, spaced 2.5 m with occasional wire mesh
- 50 mm shotcrete in crown where required
What support in rock tunnels is suggested for a rock mass class stated ‘fair rock’, with an RMR score of 41-60?
- Systematic rock bolts 4 m long, spaced 1.5-2 m in crown and walls with wire mesh in crown
- 50-100 mm shotcrete in crown, and 30 mm in sides
What support in rock tunnels is suggested for a rock mass class stated ‘poor rock’, with an RMR score of 21-40?
- Systematic rock bolts 4-5 m long, spaced 1-1.5 m in crown and walls with wire mesh
- 100-150 mm shotcrete in crown, and 100 mm in sides
- Light steel set ribs spaced 1.5 m where required
What support in rock tunnels is suggested for a rock mass class stated ‘very poor rock’, with an RMR score <21?
- Systematic rock bolts 5-6 m long, spaced 1-1.5 m in crown and walls with wire mesh. Bolt invert
- 150-200 mm shotcrete in crown, and 150 mm in sides, and 50 mm on face (cutting face)
- Medium to heavy steel set ribs spaced 0.75 m with steel lagging and forepoling if required. Close invert
Tunneling is normally done between 0-500 m depth.
What is the dominant stress at this depth?
Average horizontal stress is normally higher than vertical stress between 0 and 500 m i.e. normal Civ Eng Tunnel Depths
Discuss the importance of the prevalent stress regime in relation to tunnels?
- Must know the depth to which a particular tectonic stress regime acts
- Affects how support around the tunnel is going to be designed
- What’s the stress across the tunnel, + along the line of the tunnel
- Stress regime is going to change across the tunnel section (consider channel tunnel example)
What if a tunnel opening was rectangular and had corners - what affect would this have on the wall stress magnitudes?
- Firstly, the stress has to refract around the hole
- Therefore, even in a cylindrical tunnel, there is a high localized stress on the tunnel walls, partiularly at the crown on the tunnel, or in the wall opposite to σ3.
- Stress is amplified bc of the stress concentration in these areas.
- In a rectangular tunnel, stress concentration is near/just below the corners, and is greatly amplified - with a magnitude 6.8 x greater than the original horizontal stress.
What is shown in the image below?
The effect of an excavation intersecting a pervasive planar rock fabric, i.e., foliation, on the potential location of rock failure at the excavation periphery. This potential is a function of both the magnitude of the rock stress acting parallel to the excavation boundary and the orientation of the foliation relative to the excavation boundary, as indicated by the white arrows and the shading in the individual rock samples, respectively
What is the optimal orientation of tunnels to avoid damage caused by stress concentrations?
The optimal orientation of tunnels to avoid damage caused by stress concentrations is parallel to the maximum principal stress component, i.e., as in the right-hand sketch.
The stress concentration around the tunnel in the left-hand sketch will be higher than that in the right-hand sketch
What are the two main causes of failure in rock engineering?
How can these be mitigated?
Adversely high rock stresses and the movement of rock block
Key block theory (kinematic analysis) allows joint mapping to try to get good representation of discontinuities;
Here, you can map out most problematic part of structure from a point of view of sliding and falling blocks (w/ stereographic projections)
Re: discontinuity properties and assessment, how might one be objective about spacing?
scanline mapping
What’s the persistence, trace length etc?
When assessing discontinuities, what properties must be made note of?
- Length, persistence (how many sets etc)
- Seperation
- Roughness
- Infilling (gouge)
- Weathering (wall strength)
- Aperture
- Seepage rates
Software can be used to stereographically project discontinuity data. This can help with what?
- Deriving block distributions
Kinematic analyses in tunnels (just like for rock slope failure problems)
- Discontinuity sets (bedding and joints) can be plotted on a stereonet and considered in terms of kinematic stability and sliding into the tunnel
What tunnel orientation relative to the strata is more favourable?
More favourable for tunnel to run perpendicular to the strata than for the tunnel to run parallel to strike.
If tunnel runs parallel to strike, it can lead to problems.
What is the benefit of using RMR classifications, other than safety?
- More economic to know that there’s some good rock (e.g. dolomites) that doesn’t require expensive support
- Also get an idea of how difficult the rock is going to be to excavate.
Is RMR the only classification system that can be used for tunnel support design?
- No
- Q-Index
- Tunnel engineers tend to prefer the Q-index System for rock mass classification
What’s the difference between RMR and Q-Index?
- The Q-Index is obtained by multiplying together three ratios (not the sum of 5):
- Block size
- Shear strength between blocks
- Influence of state of stress
- The interpretation chart for Q-Index is more practical and offers suggested reinforcement categories
How are Numerical Models used in tunneling?
- Continuum approach
- RMR numbers used to generate failure envelopes that can be put into software that can predict:
- Deformation
- Squeezing of tunnels
- What support is needed
- Etc.
What determines whether continuum or discontinuum approaches are used in numerical modelling in tunnelling?
- Size of domain controls how many fractures we’re going find (domain size defined in numerical model)
- Scale of interest tells what type of technique that can be used (continuum or discontinuum)
Give a summary of the empirical approach to tunnel construction.
- Perform Site Investigation for proposed tunnel of given cross section shape
- Characterize the geology and important rock mass properties
- Perform kinematic stability prediction from discontinuities - key blocks
- Evaluate zones of tunnel support from RMR or Q class (along tunnel sections)
- Consider tunnel excavation methods available and support
- Design portal and or shaft access
- Begin exploratory tunnel construction and adopt forward borehole survey
- Update RMR with continuous mapping, monitoring and data analysis
- Drill forward boreholes for grout injection if to seal and minimise water seepage
- Advance excavation-construction with support
- Adapt to changing geological conditions during advance
- Monitor
In recent years a number of high‑latitude permafrost regions have begun to thaw due to increased average air temperatures. As successful construction in these environments depends on preservation of the permafrost, it is likely that infrastructure in regions like Alaska will be adversely affected by such climatic change.
Sketch a typical North‑South cross section through a high‑latitude region showing the spatial relationships of relevant features. Include those geological features indicative of the freeze/thaw processes taking place in such an environment and explain breifly how they form.
- Permafrost currently covers 20% of Earth’s land surface; Active layer (1-3 m thick) thaws during summer; Impearmeable subsoil prevents drainage → waterlogging and flow.
- iw = ice wedge,
- il = ice lens
- Freezing of water → expansive forces → shattering of frozen material → ground heave.
- Pingos (h→50m; Ø→300m) have been unheaved by intrusions of ice; usually deeply fissured, may have crater in top.
In recent years a number of high‑latitude permafrost regions have begun to thaw due to increased average air temperatures. As successful construction in these environments depends on preservation of the permafrost, it is likely that infrastructure in regions like Alaska will be adversely affected by such climatic change.
The Dalton Highway in Alaska extends North from Fairbanks almost 800 km to Prudhoe Bay. Much of the highway crosses the Arctic Coastal Plain where polygonal ground is commonly encountered.
How does polygonal ground form, and what are its principal features both during and after formation?
- Polygonal ground is created by nets of ice wedges;
- Occurs where permafrost is over 60% ice.
- Typical polygons are 15-75 m across, bounded by almost straight ice wedges each 10-40 m long between 3 or 4 point junctions.
- A uniform distribution of ice wedges creates polygons that tend to hexagonal.
- Many polygons have no surface expression where they are stable or growing slowly in undisturbed frozen ground. Others are visible as slight ridges or vegetational contrasts over growing ice wedges.
- Polygons are most conspicuous where their ice wedges are thawing, to create meltwater troughts over them.
- Any slight melting of the permafrost creates a hollow that then fills with water.
- Summer water levels stand below the level of the frozen ground, and each ice wedge is melted back at that level, to form a cave, that then collapses to create a gully - revealing the network of ice wedges (Fig. 10).
Where else are you likely to see polygonal ice wedges, like those in the Arctic Costal Plain?
Polygonal nets characterize periglacial lowlands, and East Anglia has many that are relics from the Pleistocene.
The Dalton Highway in Alaska extends North from Fairbanks almost 800 km to Prudhoe Bay. Much of the highway crosses the Arctic Coastal Plain where polygonal ground is commonly encountered.
The presence of the Dalton Highway has dramatically affected the polygonal ground over which it passes. Describe this situation.
- Cut slopes were initially unstable and unsightly as the frozen ground thawed and collapsed, but after about five seasons the slopes had slumped to stable profiles with established vegetation, and the permafrost was preserved behind the new organic mat.
- Most modifications to the road have been modest drainage features to eliminate inter accumulations of ice.
- E.g. the road crosses a slope of frozen soliflucted till.
In areas of frozen ground and periglacial conditions, construction may cause a particular problem to the landscape.
Describe this kind of problem, paying attention to its cause and nature, and when and why they occur. How might a natural analogue of these conditions form?
- Solifluction is downslope movement of saturated debris as a viscous flow, 10 mm/a > v > 300 mm/a.
- Most significant form of mass movement in tundra.
- Solifluction deposits are poorly sorted, poorly bedded, display fold structures, t→3m.
- Tend to be found at the foot of slopes, are easily reactivated by drainage changes, erosion, construction.
- Called head in the UK;
- Usually weak, compressible, permeable, if derived from chalk, can be weakly cemented with CaCO3.
What features of the polygonal ground formed in Southern England during the Pleistocene, should geotechnical engineers be alerted to, in order to determine whether or not it suffered solifluction?
Solifluction lobes
(e.g. Dartmor)
What effects can a glaciation have on the landscape?
- Frost splitting d→30 m in chalk of SE England.
- Hill creep/solifluction influenced by valley sides in frozen material being over-steepened.
- Valley bulging caused by removal of weight of ice.
- Rockhead may be unrelated to modern topography; depth to r/h may be irregular.
- Buried channels may lie beneath or be unrelated to modern valleys; irregular and variable depth/width.
Draw a suggested mechanism for Valley Bugle situation.
What is a periglacial environment?
cold climate; non-glacial with ground freezing
What is permafrost?
Ground at or below 0°C for > 2 yrs:
Can occur from cold air and winter snowfall.
What is the active layer?
Sees annual freezing and thawing.
Thickness of AL is ~cm scale (near pole) to ~10 m in doscount permafrost regions.
What is the ‘transition zone’ in periglacial regions?
Uppermost permafrost - much segregated ice in lenses.
Much evidence in Kent.
What is ground ice?
Will be in the form of pore, segregated, wedge and lense.
Wedge ice leaves vertical ice laminae where single thermal contraction crack occurs.
What weathering processes take place in periglacial landscapes?
- From features seen in Kent:
- Freezing and thawing - in situ expansion on freezing, thermal suction and segregation leads to fracturing - brecciation.
- Type 1: Angular fragments with infilled fractures having matched sides. By ice wedging, fewer F-T cycles.
- Type 2: Subangular to rounded lumps - lithorelics in a chalky matrix lacking stratification. See infilled dray valleys at Pegwell Bay. Often grades downwards into..
- ..Type 3, by many F-T cycles and possibly some ground movement; e.g. seen folded flint bands.
What peri-glacial processes formed the landscape we see in Kent today?
- Weathering processes
- Cold-climate aeolian processes and deposits
- Deformation processes and structures in soil and rock
- Slope processes and deposits
- Cambering strata and widened vertical joints (gulls)
What peri-glacial cold-climate aeolian processes and deposits do we see example of in Kent?
- Loess - wind blown mainly of coarse silt size, trapped by vegetated cover.
- Often find calcareous tubes marking positions of roots, clays help bind.
- BGS call it ‘brickearth’ or ‘head brickearth’.
- Several m thick.
- Hydroconsolidation is possible.
What peri-glacial deformation processes and structures in soil and rock do we see example of in Kent?
- Periglacial Involutions or Cryoturbations are structures caused by repeated frost action processes deforming the unconsolidated soils or breccias.
- Flame-like structures caused by soft sediment during active layer deepening.
What peri-glacial slope processes and deposits do we see example of in Kent?
- Mass wasting, in the form of solifluction (soil flow) of ‘head’ deposits - deposits that are periglacially derived from underlying weathered bedrock moving on slopes.
- Porewater pressure increases immediately after ice melts often enough to initiate sliding.
- Gravelly sediments may accumulate near bottoms of valleys.
How are the cambering strata and widened vertical joints (gulls) that we see in Kent formed?
- Large-scale flexing and stretching of competent caprocks over the upper parts of valley side slopes lead to beds dipping towards valley floor and blocks tilting.
- Probable mechanism is incompetent mudrock beneath harder beds flowing towards valley.
- In valley itself where river has cut through competent layer to reveal mudrocks and clays, greatest deformation is in lowest point of valley.
- Gulls are widened by tilting of blocks in strata next to deeply incised valleys unsupported on downslope sides, e.g. High Weald (Ardingly Sst.)
How might one decide what types of geomaterials are appropriate for use in the chosen construction?
Think about loads, stability, performance
Identifying the functional requirements of your construction project will lead you into thinking about what geomaterials are needed
How would one figure out how much geomaterial is needed for a given project?
- Detailed and average cross-sections and plans lead to the bulk volumes required.
- A range of different packing densities will affect quantities
Where does the geomaterial come from ?
As close to site as possible (transport costs are a massive part) Quarries, cuttings, hills/borrow areas, (+ cement and bitumen bound aggregates?)
What are the logistics of geomaterial supply?
What is a typical yield of material from a normal aggregates quarry or a dedicated quarry – per week?
More plant can make a job go faster – but there may be limits on construction rates
What is the first question a consultant asks about any project when it is being conceived for the first time (before any design)?
What are the needs and purposes of the project - the Client’s needs?
i.e. what are the functional requirements? - leads you to the geomaterials required
- e.g. when building a motorway:
- don’t want it to be smooth - want friction to allow breaking and steering at high speeds - t.f. tarmac will need to have coarse parts to it too.
- corners not too sharp
- slopes not too steep
- hold weight of vehicles
- e.g. if dam, specify volume of water and the head to be able to generate a certain amount of electricity
What is needed to achieve the functional requirements of a given project?
Design and Construct ensuring the design geometry and material strengths will withstand the loads (not just after construction but for the design life i.e. durable, e.g. wave action or vehicles on a road)
Engineering Geology skills input, especially on SI
Where are geomaterials sourced from?
- Quarries (local open quarry or is there a requirement to open a new quarry bc of remote location for e.g.),
- local borrow areas (not legal in UK, but can get planning permish.),
- ready-mix suppliers (transport this in?)
- Different Contractor companies may suggest various suitable sources at time of bidding for the contract.
- Transport costs are key (moving huge volumes of rock or earth).
- Engineering Geology skills input
What principles are applied when designing a particular project?
The consulting engineering company (structural, geotechnical and coastal expertise as a given) applies soil mechanics, rock mechanics, coastal hydrodynamics, codes of practice etc. to arrive at an optimal design that is dimensioned and with the geomaterials types specified.
i.e. from design you get sense of shape (width, height, slope of sides, etc) and t.f. cross-sectional area - then define length = volume
** from CSs and plans you can calculate volumes of geomaterials needed
What would be the functional requirements of this project?

- West Bay (Dorset) being eroded
- Create harbour protection (to let boats in and out safely during rough seas; make calm water behind breakwater), trap beach materials (prevent erosion), provide amenity beach etc
- Design plan shape, profile shape, to resist loads from wave and storm action (e.g. breakwater needs to be strong enough so…)
- Calculate volumes needed, define construction materials requirements and source them -> Engineering Geology

What might be some of the functional requirements for building stone?
- Colour aesthetic for architect
- What sort of tests would you think might be most useful?
- Abrasion resistance? Skid resistance?
- Compressive strength?
- Resistance to weathering in engineering time?
- Freeze thaw ?
What are the phases involved in a construction project?
- Planning phase
- Design phase
- Construction phase
- Monitoring and maintenance phase
Using an example, describe how to get from the planning phase to the design phase in a construction project?
- The process starts with identifying the functional requirements of the design: e.g. in the West Bay Harbour coastal project example, it was to create harbour protection, trap beach materials, provide amenity etc.
- Site Investigation: Ground conditions and environmental factors (probing) e.g. waves, storms are investigated to ascertain loading conditions
- Alternative designs with plan shape and profile sections, designed to resist loads from wave and storm action are proposed.
- Construction materials requirements are defined and volumes needed are calculated.
- Sourcing geomaterials of the required amounts of each material type (often this becomes the job of the contractors).
- Engineering Geology may be involved at all stages by Consultants and Contractors
What does the ‘construction phase’ of a construction project involve?
While it is the consulting engineering company that is responsible for the design of a civil engineering construction project, it is the pieces of rock that make up the construction materials that eventually deliver the functional requirements of the construction project to the client.
Draw a labelled flow diagram that explains the geomaterials properties to be controlled and tested at the subseqent different stages in the life of a construction project.
A conceptual understanding of properties and functions of any geomaterial used in construction (such as gabion stone, recycled materials, concrete units, grouted stone, and the many and varied applications of aggregates and armourstone) is given by the scheme, illustrated here for armourstone.
In relating properties to functions, it is useful to distinguish the three types of property that relate to different phases in the life cycle of armourstone, for instance.
What are the three types of property?
- Intrinsic
- Production-induced
- Construction-induced
- (System response under loads)
Undertaking these steps is important to end up with the right rocky material for the functional requirements of your project!
In relating properties to functions, it is useful to distinguish the three types of property that relate to different phases in the life cycle of armourstone, for instance.
Describe what is meant by the ‘intrinstic’ properties of a geomaterial.
- Relate to the rock source properties, its geological history or the industrial process involving thermal or other modification.
- They account for engineering geology considerations such as:
- mineral fabric characteristics (mineralogy, density, intact strength, Young’s modulus etc)
- discontinuity sets (spacing etc)
- weathering grade (thickness of joints, colour staining etc)
- Colour
- tectonic context of the quarry
- Choose by fitness-for-purpose (by above) and transport cost as well.

In relating properties to functions, it is useful to distinguish the three types of property that relate to different phases in the life cycle of armourstone, for instance.
Describe what is meant by the ‘production-induced’ properties of a geomaterial.
- Properties of geomaterial following excavation
- Relate to the armourstone as an individual piece or as a granular material composed of individual pieces.
- They are affected by the intrinsic properties and controlled by the production technique/affected by excavation process such as:
- blast design,
- selection,
- handling and sorting techniques or devices
- Controls block integrity, shape (expressed as ratio; slab-shapes break more easily than cuboid-shaped rocks), size, size distribution (grading)
- Size distribution determined after stockpiling

In relating properties to functions, it is useful to distinguish the three types of property that relate to different phases in the life cycle of armourstone, for instance.
Describe what is meant by the ‘construction-induced’ properties of a geomaterial.
- Such as layer thickness or layer porosity (packing density), permeability, are controlled by the construction of the armourstone as a granular material and are..
- Heavily influenced by the placement technique, the shape and the conditions of execution, for example above or below water.
- e.g. Shear strength as a granular material depends on layout (porosity, interlocking?), size etc - e.g. low porosity with slab-like shape, w/ gaps only 20% of whole vol. (other shapes nearer to 40%).
- Important for wave-energy dissipation.
- Each property is also susceptible to change with time as a function of loadings from the physical, chemical and biological environment.
- These are considered further in terms of durability.

In relating properties to functions, it is useful to distinguish the three types of property that relate to different phases in the life cycle of armourstone, for instance.
At the end of the cycle is the ‘system response under loads’ phase. What does this entail?
Desinger calculates (using appropriate equations) the performance of the material in fulfilling its functional requirements.
e.g. withstanding loads like wave action, or weight of vehicles on a road
In relating properties to functions, it is useful to distinguish the three types of property that relate to different phases in the life cycle of armourstone, for instance.
Durability characteristics are also considered in this process. Why is that?
Don’t want properties of the material to start changing with time, especially when the project is designed to last, say, 100 yrs.
e.g. if a granite has feldspars that are weathering to kaolinite, that part of the rock is going to disintegrate causing the integrity of the rock to fail.
Discuss the main controls of geomaterials supply to a construction site.
- Here, one would:
- Choose a geomaterial type e.g. rockfill, aggregates
- Indicate if supplies come from sources ‘dedicated’ to the project or if from established supplier company.
- Propose the most likely vessel/truck type and its capacity (tonnes or volume) by which the material arrives on site.
- If there is a time limit, e.g. 2 yrs (~100 weeks), to construct the geomaterials part - calculate how many transporter vessels would need to arrive per working hr/day/week. Is construction acheivable?
Not all material complying with the definition “aggregates” has come from a crushed rock quarry.
What are the other sources of aggregates?
- Sand and gravel (land, e.g. beach)
- Marine sand and gravel
- Secondary aggregates
- Recycled aggregates
What is an aggregate?
A granular material used in construction
What is a primary aggregate?
Crushed rock, land or marine won sand and gravel
What is secondary aggregate?
Indistrial by-products,
e.g. powerstation ash (pfa, fba), blastfurnace and steel lags, colliery spoil, china clay wastes, slate wastes
What is recycled aggregate?
Generated from demolition and construction arisings
e.g. crushed concrete, bricks and mortar, road planings
What are ‘alternative aggregates’?
Secondary and recycled aggregates
List the geomaterials/aggregate test methods.
- Sampling (not a test as such)
- Size
- Shape
- Physical
- Mechanical
- Weathering resistance
- Chemical
Give examples for some end uses for aggregates
Concrete, track ballast
What are the reasons for testing aggregate?
- To predict likely in-service behaviour
- To compare between competing sources
- To help the producer in the quality control of the production process
- To establish if a supplied aggregate will satisfy a specification clause in the contract
What are the aggregate specifications for the geometrical requirements of bituminous mixtures and surface dressing for roads, airfields and other trafficked areas?
- Requirements for coarse aggregate and fine aggregate (sand)
- Geometrical requirements
- Grading (i.e. upper and lower sieve limits defined)
- Shape (i.e. flakiness)
What are the aggregate specifications for the physical requirements of bituminous mixtures and surface dressing for roads, airfields and other trafficked areas?
- Requirements for coarse aggregate and fine aggregate (sand)
- Resistance to fragmentation of coarse aggregate
- Resistance to polishing and abrasion of coarse aggregate to be used for running surfaces
- Resistance to wear of coarse aggregate
- Resistance to abrasion from studded tyres
- Particle density
- Bulk density
What are the aggregate specifications for the durability requirements of bituminous mixtures and surface dressing for roads, airfields and other trafficked areas?
- Requirements for coarse aggregate and fine aggregate (sand)
- Resistance to freezing and thawing
- Resistance to salt crystallization
Weathering resistance of coarse aggregate
“Sonnenbrand” of basalt - Remember also the chemical requirements
What are the specifications for the requirements for filler aggregate of bituminous mixtures and surface dressing for roads, airfields and other trafficked areas?
- Geometric
- Physical
- Stiffening
- Chemical requirements
List the aggregate tests given in the lecture.
- Los Angeles test for aggregates
- AIV test
- Micro-Deval test
- Aggregate Abrasion Value (AAV) test
- Polished Stone Value (PSV) test
What are the aggregate properties being tested for in the Los Angeles test?
Resistance to degradation by
abrasion or attrition, impact, and grinding
What are the aggregate properties being tested for in the AIV test?
Resistance to impact
What are the aggregate properties being tested for in the Micro-Deval test?
Resistance to wear
What are the aggregate properties being tested for in the Aggregate Abrasion Value (AAV) test?
Resistance to abrasion of coarse aggregates
to be used for running surfaces
What are the aggregate properties being tested for in the Polished Stone Value (PSV) test?
Resistnace to polishing of coarse aggregates
to be used for running surfaces
Aggregates have a wide range of uses, for each “end-use” the important properties are specified by…
…indicating the values that must be achieved with a standard test method
Aggregate test methods tend to fall into what categories?
- Geometric,
- Physical (Mechanical)
- Chemical
- Durability
How much aggregate goes into one km of new motorway in the UK?
100,000 tonnes
The roas network of 345,000 km in the UK is at least 95% constructed with at least one layer of material consisting of bituminous mixes.
What are the kinds of bituminous mixes for roads?
Asphalt and Macadam
The road network of 345,000 km in the UK is at least 95% constructed with at least one layer of material consisting of bituminous mixes (asphalt and/or macadam).
What are the characteristics of asphalt?
- Dense mortar providing strength and stiffness
- High bitumen content
- High filler/fines content
- Low coarse aggregate content
- Load transmitted through mortar
The road network of 345,000 km in the UK is at least 95% constructed with at least one layer of material consisting of bituminous mixes (asphalt and/or macadam).
What are the characteristics of macadam?
- Well graded aggregate giving dense stable aggregate structure
- Low bitumen content
- Load transmitted through aggregate structure
With aid of a diagram, describe the cross section of a motor way road.
Re: roads, what are the requirements for the wearing coarse?
- Waterproof, with skid-resistant chips rolled into its top to give high friction to the final road surface; it must not deform under braking conditions.
- The lower the AAV and MDE, the better the wearing properties; for a good wearing-coarse aggregate chippings, an AAV < 14 is needed (sometimes as low as 10) or MDE < 36.
- The higher the PSV, the better the resistance to polishing, and the better the aggregate.
For a good wearing course, the PSV > 60, and sometimes values as high as 70 are called for. - Most igneous and metamorphic rocks are strong enough to have sufficiently low AAV and AIVS, but often they are easily polished, and so have a PSV value which is too low.
This is understandable, since it is ig. and met. rocks which are most widely used as decorative slabs that take a polish.
What is the relationship between abrasion and skid resistance in ig. and met. rocks?
Good abrasion resistance (i.e. low AAV) sometimes inversely correlated with good skid resistance (i.e. high PSV)
But why?
Is the insistence of high PSV specification cost effective to the Tax Payer?
- Micro-friction and skid resistance can be maintained by abrasive plucking of surface minerals which retains jagged chipping surfaces but leads to material losses and high road maintenance needs.
- The abrasion, and associated loss of macro-friction is also very detrimental for safety at higher speeds and with very wet conditions, so rapid wearing down caused by low abrasion resistance is also a problem for safety.
For granular geomaterials, define void ratio, giving the equation.
e = VV / VS
e = n/(1-n)
(Volume of void over volume of solids within an aggregate body).
Gives indication of the porosity (and permeability).
In the image, void = liquid + gas (non-solid).
For granular geomaterials, define porosity, giving the equation.
Porosity is governed by what?
n = VV / Vt
n = e/(1+e)
where e = void ratio
Volume of void over total volume of aggregate body.
Porosity (and permeability) is governed mainly by particle geometry i.e. sizes and shapes of particles.
For granular geomaterials, define bulking factor, giving the equation.
B = Vt/V<strong>s</strong> = swell factor
B = 1 + e
where e is the void ratio
If n=0.30 or 30% (n=porosity), bulk volume = 143% of solid volume,
swell factor = 1.43 = 1 + e
e.g. after blasting, rock takes up larger volume
Re: particle packing characteristics (e.g. for geomaterials applications), what are the general properties of particulates?
- Shear strength
- Porosity
- Porosity
- Void ratio
Shear strength is one of the general properties of packed particulates.
What is the shear strength of a particulate body governed by, and explain how the particulate characteristics affect the shear strength.
- Shear strength is governed mainly by the number of contacts per unit area.
- This coordination gives the intergranular friction, which is greater if there is a greater difference in the sizes of the grains.
- I.e. higher grading gives higher coordination numbers - that allow the body to harness more shear strength.
Re: aggregate packing properties
A wide grading encourages:
- Lower porosity
- Greater packing density
- Higher shear strength when compacted
- Poor drainage
Re: aggregate packing properties
A narrow grading (single size) encourages:
- Higher porosity
- Lower packing density
- Lower shear strength when compacted
- Greater drainage
Re: aggregate packing properties
A well rounded compared with a highly angular aggregate encourages:
- Lower porosity
- Greater packing density
- It is not clear cut the effect regarding shear strength
Re: aggregate packing properties
A highly angular compared with a well rounded aggregate encourages:
- Higher porosity
- Lower packing density
- Effect not clear re: the shear strength
- Beware that with a high vibro-compaction, angular pieces can find the geometric positions to pack tightly
Porosity/Packing density is a function of what?
- Ranges of sizes
- Range of shapes
- Absolute sizes (adhesive forces ~<0.5mm)
- History of coalescence
- Compaction / vibration
- Degredation
Can one accurately predict the porosity of particulates?
No, real porosity of particulates is hard to predict accurately.
Construction of a 10 km motorway section of the M62 between Leeds and Manchester is to cross a flat lying section which then traverses a valley just before an inclined section that climbs up onto the Pennines.
What are the functional requirements of the motorway?
- Major transport pathway (at least 4 lanes) for vehicles moving at high speeds 50-70 mph in safety for some 50 years design life.
- Safety will restrict sharpness of bends and steepness of inclines.
Construction of a 10 km motorway section of the M62 between Leeds and Manchester is to cross a flat lying section which then traverses a valley just before an inclined section that climbs up onto the Pennines.
With the functional requirements of the project in mind, outline the factors that an engineering geologist would need to take into account to identify the types of geomaterials to be considered to complete the project
- Rockfill for road foundation,
- Rockfill for possible dam if river is to be dammed (e.g. solution eventually adopted at Scammonden) or concrete aggregates/readymix concrete for a bridge over the river.
- Rockfill from making a cutting into Pennines to reduce incline is used for embankment fill as new grade line for the road rises towards Pennine scarp.
- Several concrete bridges to cross the motorway might be expected in 10km together with possible junctions/slip roads.
- Road pavement requires series of various quality aggregates from sub-base – to bituminous bound wearing courses.
- Local geology determines rock types excavated in road cut and types from borrow area fills.
Construction of a 10 km motorway section of the M62 between Leeds and Manchester is to cross a flat lying section which then traverses a valley just before an inclined section that climbs up onto the Pennines.
Outline how the required quantities of the main types of geomaterials involved in the project would be estimated.
(Note: you are not required to perform specific calculations.)
- Plans and cross section to calc volumes is the issue.
- Ease of excavation (by ripping) affects route; route affects road foundation thickness required and engineering geology estimation of capping layer depth.
- Cut and fill detailing from drawings and highway width allows calculation of rock fill volumes.
- The average width (e.g 6-8 lanes with shoulders and central verge) and depth of the motorway pavement layers provide average cross sections.
- For given lengths (10 km in total) the bulk compacted volumes of required sub base and aggregate materials can be calculated.
- If a dam is to be built from rockfill, to make a reservoir in the valley, the plans and sections give bulk compacted volumes of the fill.
- Concrete structures created from readymix. – calculate volumes from dimensions.
Construction of a 10 km motorway section of the M62 between Leeds and Manchester is to cross a flat lying section which then traverses a valley just before an inclined section that climbs up onto the Pennines.
Identify the most probable sources of the main types of geomaterials involved in the project.
- High valued ready-mix and bituminous bound aggregates trucked in from depots and quarries up to 30km away.
- Embankment fill from borrow areas – suitable superficial (sands and gravels). Can also use clay rich deposits - but at gentler embankment angles and more materials needed.
- Several established Carb limestone aggregates quarries are available for supplying subbase in this region – also high PSV gritstones from Carboniferous Coal Measures for wearing course are available from quarries in the area.
Construction of a 10 km motorway section of the M62 between Leeds and Manchester is to cross a flat lying section which then traverses a valley just before an inclined section that climbs up onto the Pennines.
For the motorway project, give examples of where packing characteristics (void ratio, porosity, bulking factor) may be important in design and construction.
- From rock in-situ – after ripping or blasting to create rockfill, it will have swelled in volume by a bulking factor.
- These volumes may be compacted somewhat during laying of rockfill layers and foundation fills but considerable porosity will remain.
- Truck loads of aggregates and mixtures are paid for by the tonne and conversion of weight to volumes in order to make the volumes in the design drawings require an understanding of porosity achieved and the density of the rock material itself (usually ~2.7 t/m3).
Construction of a 10 km motorway section of the M62 between Leeds and Manchester is to cross a flat lying section which then traverses a valley just before an inclined section that climbs up onto the Pennines.
List four geomaterials test methods that would be required in the quality control of the project, identifying in each case the part of the construction and the property that is being tested for.
- Point load test for intact strength to assess rippability and blastability to excavate highway cutting and capping horizon across top of Pennines.
- Los Angeles test for resistance to fragmentation of the subbase aggregates.
- Micro-deval test for resistance to wear of wearing course aggregates.
- PSV to test for skid resistance of wearing course aggregate.
Construction of a 10 km motorway section of the M62 between Leeds and Manchester is to cross a flat lying section which then traverses a valley just before an inclined section that climbs up onto the Pennines.
Explain which properties of an aggregate will help contribute towards a high skid resistance.
- Require micro and macro-friction.
- High PSV and hence microfriction requires polyminerallic rocks (not very coarse grained igneous) with mainly hard but varying strength minerals prone to revealing new uneven surfaces during continuous wear.
In the engineering geology of igneous rocks, it is useful to characterise these materials in terms of (i) the form of their emplacement and (ii) their mineral chemistry.
Outline the main engineering geological characteristics of extrusive rocks. Your answer should include, but not be limited to, comments on the following: effects of cooling; permeability; weathering potential.
- Extrusives are episodic in origin and lead to complex banded structures.
- Jointing is polygonal from cooling of intrusive, but surface cooling of extrusives often leads to lava tubes.
- Inter-Layering is common and is associated with gaps between eruptions and complex reworking of the ground surface can introduce soils.
- Permeability is highly variable because of highly variable porosity of lavas through to ashes and agglomerates forming tuffs.
- Alteration: many weak and deleterious minerals
- Can have further local thin intrusives cross cutting.
- Geol Complications include: very complex topography is possible, blocky heterogeneous materials interlayered but not necessarily in horizontal beds. Non-systematic history, interlayers of soil, original and thermally induced rock properties
In the engineering geology of igneous rocks, it is useful to characterise these materials in terms of (i) the form of their emplacement and (ii) their mineral chemistry.
What are the specific geological complications that an engineering geologist should be aware of, regarding the engineering geological characteristics of extrusive rocks.
- Very complex topography is possible, blocky heterogeneous materials interlayered but not necessarily in horizontal beds.
- Non-systematic history, interlayers of soil, original and thermally induced rock properties
In the engineering geology of igneous rocks, it is useful to characterise these materials in terms of (i) the form of their emplacement and (ii) their mineral chemistry.
Describe the principal weathering processes and products in acidic igneous rocks, and describe how these may affect engineering projects.
- Fractures → increase surface area → carbonic acid solutions replace silicate cations leading to decomposition of plag and k-feldspars to kaolinite, illite.
- Quartz is unaffected.
- Complete disintegration leads to a metastable loose sand after the clay has been removed.
In the engineering geology of igneous rocks, it is useful to characterise these materials in terms of (i) the form of their emplacement and (ii) their mineral chemistry.
Describe the principal weathering processes and products in basic igneous rocks, and describe how these may affect engineering projects.
Mg and Fe are abundant and combine to produce hydrated aluminosilicate – montmorillonite – key problem due to crystalline structure allowing swell/shrink.
Construction of the Ataturk dam in south eastern Turkey was completed in 1990, but within 2 years settlement of the vesicular basalt rock fill from which it is built had caused a considerable reduction of the dam’s crest level. Investigation revealed that this settlement was due to slaking of the basalt.
Define slaking.
Slaking is the deterioration and breakdown of a rock resulting from its exposure during excavation.
Construction of the Ataturk dam in south eastern Turkey was completed in 1990, but within 2 years settlement of the vesicular basalt rock fill from which it is built had caused a considerable reduction of the dam’s crest level. Investigation revealed that this settlement was due to slaking of the basalt.
Under what circumstances do vesicular basalts form, and how might they become susceptible to slaking?
- Vesicles in basalt are due to expansion of dissolved gases in magma forming bubbles.
- Subsequent mineralisation can lead to vesicles filling with slake susceptible minerals.
- The amygdules were largely montmorillonite and calcite at Ataturk dam.
- Slaking potential is very high with montmorillonite, therefore very high susceptibility of basalt to slaking.
Construction of the Ataturk dam in south eastern Turkey was completed in 1990, but within 2 years settlement of the vesicular basalt rock fill from which it is built had caused a considerable reduction of the dam’s crest level. Investigation revealed that this settlement was due to slaking of the basalt.
Write down a checklist that an engineering geologist could follow on site in order to properly identify the presence and slake susceptibility of such basalts. In what ways might this checklist differ for the identification of slake susceptibility in mudrocks?
- Are we dealing with basalt rocks?
- Is this basalt likely to be assoc. with vesicular basalt? Search and identify samples with vesicles.
- Are they amygduloidal and if so what minerals have crystallised?
- Use Methylene Blue spot test and/or XRD.
- Difference with mudrocks – the entire rock and not just the inclusions are potentially prone to slaking.
- Therefore lumps of rock rather than crystalline products are investigated.
- Two suitable tests for mudrocks are the slake durability test and the jar slake test.
What is the Methylene Blue spot test?
Titration of amount of methylene blue adsorbed by the ground clay sample
How long did it take for excavation and supply of the geomaterials required for the M62 Motorway project and why did it take this long?
What is the purpose of weathering classification of ingeous rocks?
Need to incorporate degree of weathering (rock-material characterization) and relative abundance of altered materials (rock-mass characterization).
How might one classify the weathering of an igneous rock?
Put into one of six grades
Describe the different criteria that classify the weathering grade of a Grade 1 igneous rock.
State whether this kind of rock is suitable for foundations.
- Fresh
- Sound minerals
- Knife cannot scratch feldspars
- Samples need repeated hammer blows to break
- Foundations: Sound
Describe the different criteria that classify the weathering grade of a Grade 2 igneous rock.
State whether this kind of rock is suitable for foundations.
- Slightly weathered
- Biotites show edge staining
- Microfissures > 1 cm apart
- Feldspars difficult to scratch
- >1 hammer-blow needed to break
- Foundations: Good for anything execpt large dams.
Describe the different criteria that classify the weathering grade of a Grade 3 igneous rock.
State whether this kind of rock is suitable for foundations.
- Moderately weathered
- Fsps and biotites moderately decomposed
- Some grain boundaries open
- Fsps can be scratched
- One good hammer blow breaks samples
- Foundations: Good for most small structures
Describe the different criteria that classify the weathering grade of a Grade 4 igneous rock.
State whether this kind of rock is suitable for foundations.
- Highly weathered
- Fsps and biotites highly decomposed
- Open grain boundaries
- Fsps can be peeled
- Hammer crushes samples
- Foundations: Variable and unreliable
Describe the different criteria that classify the weathering grade of a Grade 5 igneous rock.
State whether this kind of rock is suitable for foundations.
- Completely weathered
- Recognisably crystalline but all fsps and biotite completely decomposed
- Geology pick will indent outcrops/samples,
- Samples disintegrate when saturated
- Foundations: Assess by soil testing
Describe the different criteria that classify the weathering grade of a Grade 6 igneous rock.
State whether this kind of rock is suitable for foundations.
- Residual soil
- No crystalline texture
- All non-qtz minerals feels clayey
- Thumb will indent outcrops/samples
- Foundations: Unsuitable
Arkose is sandstone that contains 25% or more feldspar, and as a result it can be misinterpreted in borehole core as granite.
Using your geological knowledge of these rock types, what features should an engineering geologist look for in a short length of borehole core (say, 5 m) to help determine which of these two materials is present?
- Arkose is sedimentary so sed structures such as grading and bedding should be evident,
- Granite will contain other accessory minerals and micas, and have crystalline structure…
- The particulate clastic nature of arkose will be visible with a hand lens.
- Hydrothermal activity much more commonly associated with granite
Arkose is sandstone that contains 25% or more feldspar, and as a result it can be misinterpreted in borehole core as granite.
Considering the engineering characteristics of these rocks, what could be the engineering consequences of misinterpreting arkose as granite and vice-versa?
- The weathering profiles are different.
- Corestones in granites may grade rapidly into tropical soil.
- Permeability assoc with porosity of sst is much greater in arkose.
- Granite weathering is likely to be very much more extensive than arkose.
- Variability and structural changes (bedding discontinuities) are more likely in arkose terrains.
Arkose is sandstone that contains 25% or more feldspar, and as a result it can be misinterpreted in borehole core as granite.
A water supply company is proposing to construct a new reservoir in a valley that is underlain by arkose. Although most of the valley is covered by glacial till to a thickness of about 5 m, there is some outcrop evidence of mineralised veins that suggest hydrothermal activity.
How might the hydrothermal activity have altered the mineral composition of the arkose?
feldspars altered/decomposed to kaolinite
Arkose is sandstone that contains 25% or more feldspar, and as a result it can be misinterpreted in borehole core as granite.
A water supply company is proposing to construct a new reservoir in a valley that is underlain by arkose. Although most of the valley is covered by glacial till to a thickness of about 5 m, there is some outcrop evidence of mineralised veins that suggest hydrothermal activity.
What could the consequences of this be for the stability of the dam foundation?
- kaolinite is a clay and is weak, and easily eroded by water and redeposited in joints and fractures.
- It will lower shear strength – easy planes of shear for instability, and will further increase the permeability of the unweathered arkose
Arkose is sandstone that contains 25% or more feldspar, and as a result it can be misinterpreted in borehole core as granite.
A water supply company is proposing to construct a new reservoir in a valley that is underlain by arkose. Although most of the valley is covered by glacial till to a thickness of about 5 m, there is some outcrop evidence of mineralised veins that suggest hydrothermal activity.
What techniques would you employ to investigate the quality of the foundation rocks, firstly at the preliminary site selection stage and secondly at the detailed design stage?
- Prelim stage - Geophysics – to get depth to foundation level (weathering grade 1-2) rock head and possibly identify weathered zones.
- Detailed stage requires exploratory trenches to locate weathered zones.
- During construction – trenches are used in a flexible manner to account for the very variable foundation levels likely to be encountered
Rock breakage by blasting can lead to a range of undesirable environmental impacts in and around surface mines and quarries. By outlining the mechanisms operating during the blasting process, explain the types of environmental impacts that may arise from blasting.
- Explosives converted to gases at high T and P
- Gas impulse on borehole wall, crushing of borehole wall (creates fines that contribute later to dust nuisance)
- Stress pulse radiates beyond crush zone and tangential (hoop stresses) become tensile à radial cracks
- Creation of many free faces, reflected compression waves become tensile making it ~10 times easy to break rock. When stress amplitudes no longer break rock – this energy sets up heavy ground vibrations that propagate and attenuate.
- Stemming in boreholes confine the gases so this forces gas volume to expands inside holes and along cracks and helps push and heave the blocks out of front face. The pressure pulse then extends out into the air causing air blast vibration which is manifest as both noise nuisance (higher frequencies) and sub-audible airblast (lower frequencies) is very uncomfortable and will damage eardrums if too intense because too close.
- The main cause of excessive airblast levels and flyrock is when unexpected cavities, locally burden is too small and not accounted for, or drilling accuracy is poor.