Earth Systems Flashcards
On a reality TV program a family with children are monitored. As the children get noisy, the parents get more mad, and as the parents get mad, the children get more noisy.
a) Draw a systems diagram for the relationship.
b) Is there a positive or negative feedback loop?
c) Is the family unstable?
b) + x + = + , t.f. it is a positive feedback loop
c) Positive feedback loops are unstable

Using the planetary energy balance equation
σT4 = S/4 x (1-A)
Calculate the effective temperature of the Earth with an albedo of 0.8.
σ = 5.667 x 10<sup>-8</sup> W m<sup>-2</sup> K<sup>-4</sup> S = 1370 W m<sup>-2</sup>
T4 = [S/4 x (1-A)] / σ
T4 = 343 W m-2 x (1-0.8) / 5.667 x 10-8 W m-2 K-4
T4 = 1.22 x 109 K4 = 186 K
This would be the T of a snow covered world without an atmosphere.
Disturbing Daisyworld Again scenarios
From P1 remove lots of daisies
Surface T increases beyond limits of dasiy growth. They become extinct

Disturbing Daisyworld Again scenarios
From P2 plant lots of daisies
Surface T decreases and daisy cover increases, then decreases, until back at P1

Disturbing Daisyworld Again scenarios
From P2 remove a few daisies
T rises and daisies suffer immediate extinction

During the deglaciation from Snowball Earth, the ice coverage and resultant lack of sites for CO2 drawdown via photosynthesis and silicate weathering enabled volcanic CO2 to build up in the atmosphere and initiate warming.
a) Using four boxes (labelled with the following terms: CO2 drawdown; surface temperature; ice coverage; area for life and weathering) and four couplings, draw a systems diagram for the process.
b) Explaining your reasoning, state whether the system represents a positive or negative feedback loop.
Odd number of negative couplings = negative feedback loop
Remove CO2, increase ice and cover sites where CO2 removal ocuurs

Daisyworld has a companion planet on which all the daisies are black.
State whether an increase in black daisy coverage will increase or decrease surface temperature.
Support your answer with a systems diagram with three boxes (daisy coverage; daisyworld albedo; surface temperature) and three couplings.
- Increase black daisy coverage
- Decrease albedo
- Increase surface T
- Each are negative feedbacks

Consider a scenario where a planet is heated by a star but has no greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The planet is home to two types of organism: black daisies and white rabbits. Using the concept of coupling in each of your responses, answer the following questions:
i) Draw a graph reflecting the relationship between black daisy coverage and planet surface temperature and explain your reasoning.
ii) Superimpose a graph reflecting the relationship between surface temperature and black daisy coverage and explain your reasoning.
iii) Mark on the graph the two equilibrium states and indicate whether they are stable (negative feedback loop) or unstable (positive feedback loop).
Black dasiyworld scenario
iii) Equilibrium states - 2 relationships coexist:
P1 + x + = + (unstable)
P2 + x - = - (stable)

Consider a scenario where a planet is heated by a star but has no greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The planet is home to two types of organism: black daisies and white rabbits. Using the concept of coupling in each of your responses, answer the following:
Consider a scenario where the planet is in the lowest temperature equlibrium state before an extinction of white rabbits leads to an increase in black daisy coverage. Using either a graph or text describe how the system will react to the disturbance.
- Surface T and daisy coverage increases in positive feedback loops prior to Optimum T for daisy growth
- Increase in T beyond optimum T causes dasiy coverage to decrease, forming negative feedback loop
- Until at P2

Is the stable state on black daisyworld a higher or lower temperature than on white daisyworld?
Stable state for black daisyworld at higher temperature
i) Draw a graph reflecting the relationship between black daisy coverage and planet surface temperature and explain your reasoning.
ii) Superimpose a graph reflecting the relationship between surface temperature and black daisy coverage and explain your reasoning.
i) As black dasiy coverage increases, albedo decreases and surface T increases as more radiation can be absorbed
ii) Plants have an optimum growth temperature, resulting in an overall parabolic relationship between surface T and daisies.
This results in positive coupling below optimum (increase in T = increase in daisies), and negative coupling above optimum (increase in T = decrease in daisies).
Intersections represent two equilibrium states, where 2 relationships coexist

Explain how introducing more white daisies to Dasiyworld affects surface temperature.
This question is about the carbon isotopic record of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels in the Phanerozoic.
In the table, why are the values for d13C marine carbonate rock and d13C paleosol carbonate different for deposits of the same age?
- Carbon dioxide in marine water is primarily from one source, i.e. dissolved gas from the atmosphere.
- Calcium carbonate can ppt or be assimilated by organisms from marine water.
- d13C of carbonate rock faithfully maintains a constant relationship with d13C of the atmosphere.
- By contrast, carbon dioxide in soil water and air is a mixture of two sources.
- Some CO2 in soil water and pore spaces has diffused directly from the atmosphere while some is from the respiration of plants and bacteria.
- Isotopically, the two sources are distinct, atmospheric co2 is enriched in the heavier carbon isotope 13C whereas respired co2 is enriched in the lighter carbon isotop 12C
This question is about the carbon isotopic record of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels in the Phanerozoic.
Explain how can d13C values of paleosol carbonate reveal past changes in atmospheric CO2 levels.
- When atmospheric co2 levels are high, more diffuses into the soil and, conversely, when atmospheric co2 levels are low, less diffuses into the soil.
- The stable isotopic effects of the two situations are that low atmospheric co2 levels give more negative d13C values for soil carbonate and high atmospheric co2 levels give more positive d13C values for soil carbonate.
Describe the relationship between d13C marine carbonate rock (d13Ccarb) and the global fraction of buried organic carbon (forg).
Explain how this relationship is maintained.

- Heavier d13C values for carbonate rocks indicate periods of time when more organic carbon is buried.
- d13C of organic matter is enriched in the lighter carbon isotope and therefore its burial removes amounts of 12C from circulation.
- A residual enrichment in 13C is left behind leaving heavier d13C values in the atmosphere and surface ocean.
Which is the most reliable data source, d13C marine carbonate rock or d13C paleosol carbonate, for reconstructing past atmospheric carbon dioxide levels?

d13C carbonate is a more reliable data source for reconstructing past atmospheric carbon dioxide levels bc it involves fewer variables and assumptions.
What are the variables involved in the use of d13C palaeosol carbonate for reconstructing past atmospheric carbon dioxide levels?
- isotopic change induced by variations in
- soil T,
- moisture,
- porosity and
- plant respiration rates.
What are the assumptions involved in the use of d13C palaeosol carbonate for reconstructing past atmospheric carbon dioxide levels?

- That increased atmospheric co2 levels result in greater amounts diffusing into soil, and
- That amounts of respired co2 present in paleosols can be reliably estimated.
- That d13C plant co2 hasn’t changed over time. In this context it is interesting to note that d13C palaeosol carbonate can’t be used after 14 Ma bc of the evolution of an additional photosynthetic pathway illustrating that d13C plant co2 does change.
- Atmospheric co2 hasn’t changed in d13C over time. This assumption is clearly suspicious as the d13C marine carbonate rock values in the table indicate that d13C atmospheric co2 has changed significantly during Earth’s history.
Using the figure, explain the stable isotopic composition of hamburgers.
Reflects meat fed on a food source other than corn
Using the figure, explain the stable isotopic composition of chicken.
Reflects meat fed on a corn food source
Using the figure, explain the stable isotopic composition of chicken nuggets.
Reflects a mixture of corn-fed meat and other materials such as breadcrumbs
Add to the figure to indicate:
i) A human population existing exclusively on hamburgers
ii) Nursing infants from the same population

How could the data in the figure be used to determine the habitat of a human population?
Based on food sources. E.g. corn grows in hot climates, fish diets reflect proximity to coastline.
Other diets reflect temperate inland locations.
Re: stable isotopes and space
Use plot to assign source regions for:
Sample A: dD -50; d13C -25
Sample B: dD 127400; d13C 435
Sample C: dD 1439; d13C -16.7

Re: stable isotopes and space
List samples A, B and C in order of increasing sample processing. Explain your reasoning.

- Sample B: Interstellar material
- Sample C: Meteorite macromolecule
- Sample A: Earth organic matter
Reflecting degree of chemical and physical processing.
What is a system?
A system comprises interrelated components functioning as a complex whole
What is a component?
Individual part of a system or sub-system
Define ‘state’
Nature of a system at any point in time
(set of attributes - e.g. room t, noise level, etc)
What is coupling?
- Link between system components
- Change in one component results in a change in the same direction for another
What is a positive coupling?
Change in one component results in a change in the same direction for another
What is a negative coupling?
Change in one component results in a change in the opposite direction in another
What is a feedback loop?
- Self-perpetuating mechanism of change and response.
- Negative feedback loops diminish effects of disturbance.
- Positive feedback loops amplify effects of disturbance.
What determined whether a system is in the equilibrium state?
- Negative feedback
- Stable
- Equilibrium state
- Positive feedback
- Unstable
- Slightest disturbance
- System driven away from equilibrium
- Imagine all possible states as a hilly surface where valleys represent stable states and hills, unstable states; with a ball being the current state.
Imagine all possible states as a hilly surface where valleys represent stable states and hills, unstable states; with a ball being the current state.
Describe a stable equilibrium state.
- The ball can roll back into a stable state in the valley after a small disturbance with a nehative feedback loop diminishing effects of the disturbance (states controlled by negative feedbacks are stable).
- A large disturbance can force system into new equilibrium state (over the hill, into next valley).
Imagine all possible states as a hilly surface where valleys represent stable states and hills, unstable states; with a ball being the current state.
Describe an unstable equilibrium state.
- Ball starts at the top of a hill
- After small disturbance ball accelerates until in new position (no negative feedback to move back to previous position)
- Positive feedback enhances effects of disturbance - rapid change until new state is found
- States controlled by positive feedbacks are unstable
What is the evidence for Snowball Earth (750 to 580 Ma)?
- Glacial deposits (tillites) on all continents, all latitudes.
- Laterally extensive marine sediments indicating anoxia (Banded Iron Fms deposited in absence of oxygen).
- Rapidly replaced by non-glacial, warm, shallow marine “cap” carbonates, indicating rapid transition from cold to warm conditions.
Explain the first stage system of Snowball Earth evidenced by glacial deposits.
Comment on whether it’s in a positive or negative feedback loop.
Explain the second stage system of Snowball Earth evidenced by BIFs.
During Snowball Earth, how did the “loop” get reversed?
Explain the thrid stage system of Snowball Earth evidenced by “cap” carbonates.
Describe the Freeze-Fry scenario
- Single snowball cycle
- Ice reaches 30°
- Runaway albedo
- CO2 build up
- Runaway greenhouse
- CO2 drawdown
- Silicate weathering
- Photosynthesis
Celebrity couple Katie Bryce and Peter Andrew have individual electric blankets with dedicated temperature controllers. Despite repeated attempts by Katie and Peter to change the temperature of their blankets, Katie remains too cold and Peter feels increasingly warm. Draw a systems diagram to illustrate how this situation may have come about. Indicate any positive or negative couplings, discuss whether positive or negative feedback loops are operating and state whether the celebrity couple are in a stable or unstable condition.
Describe the basic theory of stable isotopes
- Stable = they are not radioactive
- Isotopes
- Chemically identical
- same number of electrons and protons
- different masses
- different number of neutrons
- Occurence, different relative abundances
- Effects
- Different masses, different bond frequencies, affects zero points
- Lighter isotopes, smaller energies needed = more reactive
In the context of stable isotopes, what is zero point energy?
- Zero point energy
- lowest possible energy a system can have
- non-zero ground state
- vibration never zero
- Isotopes have different zero-point energies
- e.g. hydrogen bonds
Explain how carbon isotopes reveal Earth system processes
- Carbon isotopes take two different forms in the Earth system, C-12 and C-13, in different relative abundances.
- Carbon reservoirs are oxidised and reduced.
- Photosynthesis uses C-12 preferentially; sinking and burial stores C-12.
- Less C-12 for carbonates or further OM production.
- C-13/C-12 ratio reflects rate of production, sinking and burial.
- Ratio of sample compared to a standard:
d13C (%o) =
[(13C/12Cspl - 13C/12Cstd) / (13C/12Cstd)] x 1000
How have carbon isotopes changed through Earth time?
- Carbon isotope records (d13C carbonates, d13C organic) reflect reservoir sizes.
- ~Constant values for at least 3.5 Ga
- Notable events at 2.1-1.8 and 1.0-0.7 Ga.
- Causes
- Rifting and orogeny
- Clastic supply
- Nutrient supply
- Productivity and organic deposition
What were the causes for d13Ccarb and d13Corg variations during the neoproterozoic?
- Major biological events
- Major depositional events
- Volcanism
- Weathering
- Proterozic ice age
- Drop in productivity
- Decline in d13C
What were the causes for major d13Ccarb variations during the Phanerozoic?
- Significant d13Ccarb variation
- Major depositional events
- Volcanism
- Weathering
- e.g. Silurian-Devonian - increased silicate weathering; marine regression; land plants
- e.g. Carboniferous - evolution of biopolymers; organic deposition; increase in d13C
Indicate how carbon isotopes in paleosols reveal palaeoenvironmental information
- Using a simple mixing ratio:
- Plants (are a carbon reservoir and) take in C-12 preferentially, produce OM which is sometimes buried.
- Some of this OM after its production during photosynthesis is used for energy, e.g. starch, carbohydrates. This energy source is is used for bio-chemical machinery of life.
- T.f. OM comes from CO2 and water, passes through metabolism, and some is respired and converted back to CO2 and water - with the release of energy being the only thing that changes.
- The respired CO2 (rich in light C-12) is either released into the atmosphere or into the soil.
- (The C-12 released acts as a tracer of the source of the C.)
- T.f. part of the C in the soil is C-12 from respiration.
- Additionally, atmospheric CO2 percolates into the soil (into the pores, gaps and cracks), t.f. producing a mixture of respired CO2, rich in C-12, and atmospheric CO2, richer in C-13.
- Diagnostically, the important thing is you get more CO2 from the atmosphere incorporated into the soil when atmospheric CO2 levels are high.
- T.f. when measuring the isotopic composition (d13C; ratio of C-13 to C-12) of the paleosol, the values tell of the mixing ratio between respired and atmospheric CO2 - assuming that plants are producing the same amount of respired CO2 through time, and any variation is due to atmospheric CO2 input, related to the pressure of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Outline/indicate how stable isotopes aidd forensic studies
- Used to determine steroid abuse:
- Use d13C to determine what a person has admistered vs what is produced naturally in the body.
- For e.g., an athlete may administer anabolic steroids for performance enhancement purposes.
- World Anti-Doping Agency
- Athletes no longer take exogenous steroids (e.g. Stanozol) bc it’s not present naturally in the body and can be easily found out.
- Most common anabolic steroid taken amongst athletes is t.f. testosterone (also androgenic) to supplement the testosterone levels already in the body.
- Bc it is produced naturally in the body (it’s endogenous), its structure cannot be used to determine whether a person is doping, but the source of the synthesised testosterone is not anthropogenic, its botanic, and so the d13C can be used.
- Stigmasterol generated in plants can be transformed into testosterone pharmacutically - plants are rich in C-12, and humans are not due to their varied diets.
- Synthetic steroids produced in this way have a similar d13C to C3 plants.
- T.f. if, from a blood or urine sample the steroid compounds (e.g. testosterone) have (i) a d13C identical to/similar to C3 plants; and (ii) different/lighter d13C compared to the d13C of indigenous reference compounds, then GUILTY.
- Indigenous reference compounds are steroids produced naturally in the body, like cholerserol, that don’t posses any performance enhancing capabilities and would t.f. not be administered and posses the d13C produced naturally within the person’s body.
- I.e. if testosterone is C-12 rich, and cholesterol is more C-13 rich - GUILTY.
How are organic compounds extracted from meteorites?
- Extraction
- Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE)
- Retains volatiles
- Efficient/selective
- Contaminant free
- Pyrolysis
- Hydrous pyrolysis
- Thermal decomposition
- >300°C & 72 hrs
- Liquid water
- High yeilds
Carbon isotopes in meteorites indicate preterrestrial mechanisms.
Describe/dicuss the meteorites in question.
- Meteorites are fragments of asteroids that are unprocessed and posses 4.6 Byr old matter, from the birth of the solar system.
- There will be fractions that pre-date the solar system, with d13C beyond the signatures of our solar system (interstellar signatures).
- Carbonaceous chondrites are primitive meteorites, possesing 2-5% OM (25% solvent soluble, “free”; 75% insoluble, macromolecular) with varied d13C.
- This meteoritic organic matter holds record of solar system evolution (preceeding asteroid formation) and several environments (e.g. interstellar could, solar nebula).
- E.g. Murchison
- It is important to know if the d13C’s are true or are from terrestrial contamination.
- Also, the presence of a mixture of large and small, and stable and unstable organic componds reflects its unprocessed nature.
It is important to know if the d13C’s of meteorites are true or are from terrestrial contamination.
What d13C characteristics do meteorites posses?
- high d13C of 20-25 in meteorite amino acids;
- relatively high d13C of -10 in organic C compared to earth materials;
- really high CO2 and carbonate d13C of 30-50;
- also high dD (deuterium) is a non terrestrial signature, 1000-2500 in meteorite amino acids.
What d13C reaction mechanisms take place within Murchison organic compounds during pyrolysis?
- Aromatic hydrocarbons become enriched in C-12 down the reaction sequence as the carbon number is increased (building more complex C compounds from simpler precursors), i.e. making bonds >12C in products (synthesis)
- Also show the opposite in a “cracking reaction”, where breaking bonds >12C in products, and larger starting materials break into smaller compounds.
- In either case, C-12 always becomes more enriched in the reaction product.
- So have opposite reactions taking place from central point.
- The same/similar trend is followed in the macromolecules, the major organic component of the meteorite.
- The processes are indicated as such bc stable isotopes are good for indicating whether similar processes take place in different compounds, bc the sources are the same - they are genetically linked.
- However, free compounds always slightly more C-12 enriched (determined by comparison vs pyrolysis fragments of macromolecular material).
Explain how the carbon isotopoic signature of the Murchison meteorite indicates preterrestrial mechanisms.
- Free aromatics, from pre-terrestrial generation, have lighter d13C than pyrolysate aromatics generated at present day in the lab.
- Pyrolysate aromatics t.f. have more C-13 enriched reservoir.
- This demonstrates that the macromolecules present in the asteroid started to break down at some point in the pre-terrestrial past and became more enriched in C-12 during the reaction.
- The same sample, in modern day, is taken to the lab and the macromolecule is broken down again, extending the degredation process.
- But bc the lightest C has already gone, the second attempt is slightly more enriched in C-13.
Explain mass dependent fractionation.
- If an element has more than one rare stable isotopes (e.g. 16O, 17O, 18O) the fractionation patterns of the two rare isotopes is predictable.
- Based soley on mass effects, the amount of fractionation increases as the mass increases.
- Example: If a reaction isotopically discriminates against 18O it will discriminate less for 17O, by roughly a factor of 2.
- So, based soley on mass-dependent fractionation, if you know the d18O, then you also know the d17O. The slope of a d17O vs d18O plot is 0.5.
- So what are the points that fall off the mass-dependent line…?
Explain mass independent fractionation.
- Mass-independent fractionation refers to any process that seperates isotopes, that does not scale in proportion with the difference in the masses of the isotopes.
- Mass-independent fractionation processes are uncommon, occuring mainly in photochemical and spin-forbidden reactions.
- Found mainly associated with atmospheric chemistry, effect can be preserved as many geochemical reactions in water and rock are mass-dependent.
Describe the multiplication rules that help define positive and negative feedback loops.
- Negative feedback loops have an odd number of negative couplings (- x + = -)
- Positive feedback loops have only positives or an even number of negative couplings (- x - ; or, + x +, = +)
Define the term primary atmosphere.
An atmosphere that exists immediately after the planet’s formation
Define the term secondary atmosphere.
Forms after the primary atmosphere is lost
Briefly discuss/introduce the various theories of primary atmosphere formation.
- Primary atmospheres form from earliest solar system, 4.56 Ga
- Giant disk of dust and gas
- Planets formed by positive feedback of accretion and gravitational attraction
- Dust grains to larger bodies
- Larger bodies had atmospheres
- The origin of gas has a combination of four possible mechanisms:
- Solar nebula theory
- Accretion theory
- Solar wind theory
- Comet/asteroid theory
Briefly describe and evaluate the solar nebula theory of primary atmosphere formation.
- Gravitational attraction
- Gas from solar nebula
- Requires planets to grow quickly, before nebula gas dissipates within 10 Myr of nebula lifetime
- Earth & Venus
- 60% Earth’s mass in 10-20 Myrs
- Long enough to capture substantial atmosphere
- Mars
- Smaller
- Uncertain if massive enough
Briefly describe the accretion theory of primary atmosphere formation.
- Volatiles carried into the growing planets by infalling planetesimals and dust
- Easily driven out with heating
- Gases released from minerals as planets heated up
- Contributions would be similar to those found in primitive meteorites
- H2O, CO2, N2, CH4, NH3
Briefly describe the solar wind theory of primary atmosphere formation.
- Atmospheres caught from solar wind
- Plasma (primarily protons and electrons with ionised gas of many elements)
- 300 km s-1
- 1000 km s-1 during flares
Briefly describe the comet/asteroid theory of primary atmosphere formation.
- Volatile-rich comets and asteroids
- Late veneer
What does the chemistry of the Earth’s volatiles tell us about their origin?
- Outer earth reservoirs = atmosphere, hydrosphere and crust.
- Earth volatiles (relative) different from Sun - fractioned relative to Sun; Similar to chondrites
- Other similarities to chondrites = atmosphere noble gases; Earth D/H
- Differences from chondrites = absolute abundances lower, xenon depleted.
- Chondritic source: asteroid belt, kuiper belt, giant planet regions - final stages of Earth formation
Outline the various ways in which secondary atmospheres are formed.
- Secondary atmospheres evolved from, or after, primary atmospheres.
- Several mechanisms:
- Atmospheric loss (thermal and hydrodynamic escape and other)
- Outgassing from interior (volcanic eruptions, juvenile gases)
- Crustal interactions (weathering, CO2 to carbonate, condensation of H2O into ice)
- Photochemistry
- Photosynthesis (LIFE a major contributor)
Explain how thermal escape can cause the formation of secondary atmospheres.
- Higher T’s, more rapid movemements
- Distribution of speeds
- Exceptionally fast gas molecules can escape pletary gravity
- This is critical speed is called the escape speed
- Earth’s atmosphere
- No lid so molecules moving faster than escape speed are lost continually
- All planets are constantly losing a proportion of their atmospheres
What are the thermal escape variables?
- Temp: Hotter atmospheres have greater average molecular speeds, higher chances of molecules leaving
- Molecular size: molecules have different masses; average speed for one gas will be different from another
- Planetary gravity: bigger planet can hold on to smaller molecules; Mars - CO2; Jupiter H2
- Implication: A planet’s atmopshere can change through time bc of physical processes
In the context of thermal escape, what is ‘Jean’s observation’?
For a planet to retain a gas over time, mean speed of molecules must be less than one sixth escape speed
Explain how hydrodynamic escape can cause the formation of secondary atmospheres.
- Intense extreme UV radiation
- Hydrogen expands at supersonic speeds
- Exerts forces on heavier molecules (push; pushes them out)
- Lighter molecules entrained (drag; drags them out)
- Notable occurances: Pluto, Triton (Neptune’s largest moon)
Explain how the other escape mechanisms can cause the formation of secondary atmospheres.
- Atmospheric cratering (molecules reach escape speed during impact) e.g. Mars 50-90% loss; Earth in Moon forming event
- Solar wind (ionization of heavier gases by solar UV; CO, N2; convected in the magnetosphere) e.g. Mercury’s gases lost this way
Explain how the volcanic outgassing can cause the formation of secondary atmospheres.
- Terrestrial planets have “volcanic” atmospheres
- Volcanic gasses are water rich
- Without water they look planetary, similar to Mars and Venus
- Valid comparison - most water is cycled near surface
Explain how the crustal interaction can cause the formation of secondary atmospheres.
- Silicate weathering
- Carbonate ppt
- Combination of these two reactions results in one CO2 molecule being removed from the atmosphere
What caused the Earth’s atmosphere to change around 4.5 - 3.8 Ga?
- Hadean Earth
- 4.5 - 3.8 Ga oceans formed
- CO2 dissolves in water
- CO2 removed from atmosphere by rain
- Drop in atmospheric CO2
Explain how the photochemistry can cause the formation of secondary atmospheres.
- E.g. photolytic dissociation
- Water was a source of oxygen on prebiotic Earth
- 2H2O + UV → 2H2 + O2
- 10-12 to 10-14 present atmospheric level
- Some products recombine
- 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O
- Often light products (e.g. H2) are permanently lost to space (Venus lost all its water this way; Earth lost a third of its water this way)
Auto-oxidation of carbon dioxide
- 2CO2 + UV → 2CO + O2
- Mars 0.13% O2 formed this way
Explain how the photosynthesis can cause the formation of secondary atmospheres.
- Photosynthetic organisms capture sunlight and transform in into organic compounds
- Organic compounds fuel the biosphere (stored energy is released via respiration)
- To oxygenate the atmosphere the cycle must be interrupted
- Each carbon atom buried releases one O2 molecule
How does the Sun generate its energy and how does this process evolve over long periods of time?
- Nuclear fusion (4 x 1H = 4He)
- Long term evolution
- Fusion gives volume reduction, but core does not shrink - heats up to maintain pressure
- Higher core T’s (increase reactions, faster rates of fusion, higher energy output)
- Luminosity (hydrogen fuel depletion, luminosity (brightness) increases)
What is the Faint Young Sun paradox?
The Faint Young Sun paradox describes the evidence for liquid water at the surface of the Earth during the Archaean despite the Sun being about 25-30% less luminous
What evidence suggests that a greenhouse gas is part of the solution to the Faint Young Sun paradox?
Oxygenation of the atmosphere around 2.4 Ga was immediately followed by the Huronian glaciation; this suggests that atmospheric oxygen destroyed a reducing greenhouse gas.
Some greenhouse gases brought to Earth by meteorites.
Describe the terrestrial evidence for the Faint Young Sun paradox.
- 3,8 Ga sedimentary rocks that require liquid water
- Life at least 3.5 Ga - requires water also
Describe the stellar processes “evidence” for the Faint Young Sun paradox. Briefly critique some example mechanisms which may or may not resolve the issue.
- Suggestion that a More massive Sun, brighter in the early solar system, accounts for T difference, and that Sun mass lost since formation.
- Solar wind caused outflow of charged particles from corona
- 1% mass loss over geol time
- 10,000 too small to put into models
- Suggestion that mass lost in T-Tauri stage, which is known to cause rapid loss to young stars but only over the course of 1 Myrs!
- Earth took 10 Myrs to form, t.f. T-Tauri over too early.
- Earth-bound scenario needed!
Discuss the proposed terrestrial solutions to the Faint Young Sun paradox.
- Planetary albedo
- Current albedo = 0.3
- 70% solar luminosity requires 0.0 albedo which is impossible (e.g. clouds)
- Geothermal heat sources
- For radioactive decay to be a solution, 70% SL needs 70 Wm-2.
- Modern is only 0.06 Wm-2, and it was 4-5 times this 4 Ga but that’s still not enough.
- Greenhouse effect (water vapour, but precipitates; ammonia, destroyed by UV; CO2).
- Atmospheres can influence habitability
- Planetary atmospheres can retain heat owing to the greenhouse effect
- CO2, water, methane are all GHGs.
Discuss the possibility of a carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere being a solution to the Faint Young Sun paradox.
- Fewer CO2 sinks (small continents, little silicate weathering, small carbonate stores)
- More CO2 sources (impact degassing, enhanced volcanism)
- Amounts needed:
- 70% SL needs 0.3 bar, 1000 times present day
- Carbonate reservoir = 60 bar, t.f. only 0.5% of that needed (and can assume that CO2 wasn’t all ppt at that point)
- Ocean covered Earth - 10 bar pressure
What conditions were present in the Hadean that would facilitate CO2 as a solution to the FYS paradox?
- 1020 kg surface carbonate today, assume same amount 4.5 Ga
- No continents so no land storage - atmosphere, ocean and sea floor only reservoirs
- More dissolved inorganic carbon, higher heat flux and conditions for forming carbonated basalts
- Assume 100% efficiency for carbon removal in vents, and a seafloor lifetime of 60 Ma - ocean through vents in 10 Ma.
- Carbon 6:1, seafloor : ocean
- 1/7 (15%) of 1020 kg carbonate present in atmosphere + ocean:
- 0.15 x 1020 kg = 0.85 x 1019 kg
- Present day 4.076 x 1016
- Hadean had 400 times more CO2 in atmosphere and ocean than present day- GH effect
Outline how planets can reside in habitable zones.
- Sun-like stars are best for habitable zones
- Flux of radiant energy from Sun is related to distance and drops by inverse-square law
- Effective T related to T of surface and atmosphere of planet
- Earth-like planet with liquid water at the surface related to luminosity and distance from star (models say 0.95 - 1.1 au).
- Would have runaway GH (& albedo) with stabalization of CO2 feedbacks (silicate weathering drops 1.5 au (near Mars))
- Star luminosity increases with time and HZ moves outwards
- There’s a continuously habitable zone that overlaps HZ at all times, CHZ narrower than HZ, 1.25 au
What other habitable zones exist?
- Midway through star’s life
- Mass relative to Sun
- Distance in au
- Red star
- closer than 1au
- ca. 0.1 tidal locking
- Blue star
- further than 1 au
- short lifetime
- hottest star 10s Ma, sun 10 Ga
- high T, high wavelength
- peak in UV light
- splits O2, super ozone layer?
- Sun like stars best for HZ
What are the sources of atmospheric oxygen?
Describe how photochemistry is a source for atmospheric oxygen.
- E.g. Photolytic dissociation (source of oxygen on prebiotic Earth)
- Water, H2O + UV → 2H2 + O2
- CO2, 2CO2 + UV → 2CO + O2
- Very small amounts: 10-12 to 10-14 present atmospheric level (PAL)
Describe how photosynthesis is a source for atmospheric oxygen.
Light + nCO2 + nH2O → (CH2O)n + nO2
- Respiration, (CH2O)n + nO2 → nCO2 + nH2O + energy
- Balanced equations
- Interuption of cycle
- Burial of OM (CH2O)n allows O2 to accumulate
- Each C atmon buried releases one O2 molecule to the atmosphere
What geological evidence is there that gives indication of past oxygen levels?
- Iron and oxygen
- Banded iron fms
- Red beds
- Uranium and oxygen
- Detrital uraninites
- Oklo natural reactor
- Paleosols
- Iron profiles
- Soil-rock relationships
- Sulfur stable isotopes
- Mass independent fractionation
Describe the relationship between iron and oxygen.
- Iron has 3 oxidation states
- Least oxidized: metallic iron, Fe; rapidly oxidised at present day.
- FeO (ferrous iron) forms under partly oxidising conditions
- Fe2O3 (ferric iron, haematite; Fe2O3.3H2O, limonite/rust) forms under highly oxidising conditions
- Variable solubilities - Fe2+ soluble in water; Fe3+ insoluble
- Only Fe3+ oxides persist in nature
What does the presence of BIFs tell of the level of atmospheric oxygen?
- BIFs extend over thousands of square kms.
- The iron must originally have been held in solution in the soluble ferrous state.
- Huge quantities of iron in BIFs could only have been transported into the areas in which they were deposited if the ocean was mostly oxygen-free.
- Gases readily transfer between the atmosphere and ocean.
- It follows, t.f., that at the time the atmosphere cannot have been highly oxidising.
- If it were, the oxygen-rich waters would simply cause the iron to be ppt nearer to its source.
- But process poorly understood
During what time do we see BIFs being deposited and what does this tell us about atmospheric composition?
- Lots of BIF deposits older than 2 Ga (e.g. Isua group, Greenland 3.8 Ga)
- Only few BIFs younger than 2 Ga
- (On five continents between 0.7 - 0.55 Ga, Snowball Earth)
- Around 2 Ga the oxidation state of the ocean and, t.f., the atmosphere changed decisively.
- Great Oxidation Event 2.3 Ga
What does the occurance of red beds tell us about atmospheric composition?
- Ancient rocks with iron oxide staining are prima facie evidence of an oxidising environment.
- No red beds older than 2 Ga (e.g. Huronian fms Ontario, Canada)
- Prior to 2.3 Ga (GOE), the oxygen content of the atmosphere was insufficient to oxidise all the iron minerals at the surface of the Earth.
- Oxygen depletion replaced by oxygen abundance.
Describe BIFs.
- Rhythmic alternation of dark brown, iron-rich layers with lighter coloured, iron-poor layers
- Iron oxides make up the iron-rich bands
- Iron-poor bands consist mostly of flinty silica (SiO2), also known as chert
- Layers are of centimetre scale with sub-millimetre size microbanding
- Larger scale rhythmic banding is known in some deposits
- Individual bands only millimetres thick can be traced for tens of kilometres
State how uranium dissolves in water at various oxidation states and, by reference to geological examples, indicate how uranium deposits reveal the oxygen content of Earth’s atmosphere through time.
- Uranium shows the opposite relationship to iron:
- It’s reduced form (U4+) is extremely insoluble in water, and its oxidised form (U6+) is soluble in water.
- Uraninite (f.k.a. pitchblende; U3O8) is a partially reduced oxide, and is not stable at the Earth’s surface today. The ore would be oxidised to its soluble form and leached away.
- 2.45 Ga detrital uraninite deposits are found at Blind River and Elliot Lake in Ontario, Canada.
- Before ~2 Ga similar deposits of uraninite occur elsewhere in the world.
- After ~2 Ga detrital uraninite deposits dissapear from the geo. record.
- Indicates a decisive change in the atmosphere, roughly coincident with that signalled by the disappearence of BIFs.
- Uraninite grains could not have survived in an oxidising atmosphere. So before 2 Ga the atmosphere must have been more reducing than the present day.
Describe what is meant by the Oklo natural reactor.
- Oklo (Gabon, Africa) has 1.8 Ga Uranium ore deposits that is severely depleted in the radioactive isotope 235U, indicating that the deposit had gone ‘critical’.
- U-235 had long ago decayed to different daughter products and so a critical mass of uranium must have accumulated.
- Sufficient U-235 accumulated for chain reactions to start; neutrons from some uranium atoms caused fission of others, liberating yet more neutrons.
- The reactions continued for many years, generating gentle heat
Describe the creation of the Oklo natural reactor and state what it meant for contemporary oxygen levels.
- In the present oxygen-rich atmosphere, eroded uranium is dissolved in water and transported.
- Some oxidised uranium may encounter organic material, rotting vegetation and logs of wood.
- Bacterial processes use up all the oxygen, and create locally reducing conditions.
- Uranium becomes insoluble and is deposited.
- Through time, large concentrations of uranium builds up in decomposing organic matter, sometimes within individual logs.
- 1.8 Ga, the only organic matter was algal or bacterial mats
- A concentration process was operating at Oklo, Gabon, Africa.
- T.f. @ 1.8 Ga, the atmosphere must have been oxidissing to allow transport of water-soluble uranium that was then accumulated at Oklo.
Briefly describe what palaeosols can tell us about past atmospheric oxygen levels.
- Look at distribution of iron in a profile through the soil.
- Ferrous (Fe2+) iron is soluble in water and ferric (Fe3+) iron is insoluble in water.
- Whether iron is present in its ferrous or ferric state depends on whether the local environment is reducing or oxidising.
- So determining whether water has transported iron away, or left it in place, at some point in the past can tell us if conditions were oxygen-poor or oxygen-rich.
To see how we interpret the iron chemistry of paleosols let us consider what happens when water is poured into a plant pot which contains a certain amount of iron-containing soil.
Explain what happens in reducing conditions.
- Water exiting from the base will contain iron in the ferrous (Fe2+) form.
- This is soluble in water and can be transported down through the soil and out through the holes.
- Palaeosols that were in contact with a reducing atmosphere when they formed will themselves be reduced and the ferrous (Fe2+) form of iron will be dominant.
- Ferrous iron is soluble in water and so percolating fluids will transport iron down through the soil profile.
- Reduced palaeosols, t.f., will have lost much of their iron from their top layers and iron will increase in abundance downwards.
To see how we interpret the iron chemistry of paleosols let us consider what happens when water is poured into a plant pot which contains a certain amount of iron-containing soil.
Explain what happens in oxidising conditions.
- Water exiting from the base of pot will not contain iron.
- Iron present as ferric (Fe3+) form which is insoluble in water and cannot be moved from its sites in the soil.
- Palaeosols that were in contact with an oxidising atmosphere when they formed will be oxidised and will be dominated by ferric (Fe3+) iron.
- Ferric iron is insoluble in water and so percolating fluids will not be able to transport it.
- Iron abundance in an oxidised soil profile should be reletively constant with depth.
What do palaeosols tell us about atmospheric composition through time?
- When fossil soils from around the world are examined, a consistent picture emerges.
- All the well studied examples less than 1.9 Ga indicate highly oxidised conditions.
- Those older than 2.2 Ga reveal reducing conditions.
- Best explained by a sharp increase in atmospheric oxygen around 2 Ga.
Outline the various isotopes of sulfur and briefly explain how they may be fractionated.
- Four naturally occuring isotopes 32S (94.9%), 33S (0.76%), 34S (4.29%) and 36S (0.02%).
- Mass dependent fractionation (MDF) controlled by mass difference and has specific rules (d33S ~0.5 x d34S ; d36S ~2 x d34S) and correlated relationships.
- Mass independent fractionation (MIF) has different controls and lost proportionally:
- Causes: volcanic eruptions, gas phase reactions, photochemical oxidation
- Cannot occur if even small amounts of oxygen present
- Ozone layer must be absent
- No significant atmospheric component in present day sulfur cycle.
Describe how sulphur isotopes have revealed the oxidation state of the Earth’s atmosphere through geological time.
- Labratory studies show that:
- Prior to 2.45 Ga (Stage I), the oxygen content of the atmosphere was low enough (<10-5 pal) to allow mass independent fractionation (MIF).
- Onset of oxidation occured in a period between 2.45 and 2 Ga (Stage II); “Great Oxidation Event; oxygen levels > 10-2 pal.
- Oxidation was complete after 2 Ga (Stage III); oxygenated atmosphere - no MIF.
Using geological examples, describe the “Three Stages” of atmospheric oxygen change during Earth History.
• Evidence from the rock record point to an increase in atmospheric oxygen levels between 2.5 and about 2 Ga.
• A three-stage, “Three Box” summary model conveniently expresses the changes. The atmosphere, deep ocean and surface ocean form three distinct reservoirs for oxygen.
• Stage I, which persisted until about 2.5 Ga, all three reservoirs were anoxic. This is indicated by the absence of red beds and the preservation of detrital uranium minerals.
• Hydrothermal vents (‘black smokers’) delivered vast amounts of reduced ferrous iron into deep oceans.
• Local ‘oases’ in productive regions of ocean surface waters where photosynthesizing organisms flourished.
• The Earth would be steadily oxidized as atmospheric CH4 from methanogenic bacteria was photolytically
decomposed and H is lost to space.
• Initially, all the oxygen produced was mopped up immediately in oxidizing reduced gases exhaled by volcanoes.
• Stage II, between about 2.1 and 1.85 Ga, the atmosphere was oxidizing, but the oceans may have been stratified, with anoxic deep waters overlain by oxygenated surface waters.
• Both red beds and BIFS were widely deposited, indicating that the deep oceans were anoxic then, while the land surface was oxidising.
• Stage III, all three reservoirs were fully oxidizing, as in the modern Earth.
Explain how oxygen levels can initiate evolutionary adaptations.
- More dissolved oxygen in water
- Bigger marine organisms
- Corals, foramifera, brachiopods
- E.g. Carboniferous producids
- Gigantoproductus 30 cm across
- Greater atmospheric density
- Flapping is more efficient
- Bigger flying insects e.g. Meganeura Monyi > 75 cm wing span
- Metabolism - bigger worms and insects respire by passive dissusion; spiracles and trachea; surface area limited: carboniferous cockroach 30 cm long
- Increased oxygen resulted in amphibian-reptile transition; the animal colonization of land.
- Breathing loses water, more oxygen less water loss.
- Amphibian eggs have thin, permeable membrane while reptiles reproduce by amniotic egg. Amniotic egg has porous shell - more oxygen, fewer pores, stronger eggs.
A system comprises interrelated components functioning as a complex whole, and defined by its boundaries.
Define an isolated system.
Boundaries prevents transfer of either energy or material.
A system comprises interrelated components functioning as a complex whole, and defined by its boundaries.
Define a closed system.
Permits the exchange of energy but not material
A system comprises interrelated components functioning as a complex whole, and defined by its boundaries.
Define an open system.
Permits the exchange of energy and material
Explaining your reasoning state the type of system to which the Earth approximates.
- The Earth has a continuous supply of energy from the Sun.
- The Earth’s store of materials (excluding small amounts of extraterrestrial material) is finite.
- Overall Earth approximates a closed system.
- Since life on Earth began, the biologically important elements have been cycled, where elements are transformed from one chemical compound to another and pass through both the biosphere and geosphere.
- This process is termed biogeochemical cycling
Explain what is meant by the terms “flux” and “residence time” and write a simple equation for calculating residence time.
- Flux is the rate of transfer of matter between reservoirs
- Residence time is the duration a given material/matter spends in a given reservoir
Residence time = amount in reservoir / flux
State the subcycles of the carbon cycle and the relative time-scales on which they operate.
- Terrestrial carbon cycle
- Short term
- Marine carbon cycle
- Medium term
- Geological carbon cycle
- Long term
What is the commonly used unit for the carbon cycle?
1012 kg C or “gigatonne”
Corresponds to 1015 g C or “petagram”
Including reservoirs, fluxes and their appropriate values and units, draw a cycles diagram to represent the terrestrial carbon cycle.
values in 1012 kg C and 1012 kg C yr-1
Draw a cycles diagram to represent the marine carbon cycle, including reservoirs, fluxes and their appropriate values and units.
Remaining 0.2 x 1012 kg yr-1 is buried and becomes marine sediment
values in 1012 kg C and 1012 kg C yr-1
Including reservoirs, fluxes and their appropriate values and units, draw a cycles diagram to represent the geological carbon cycle.
values in 1012 kg C and 1012 kg C yr-1
What is the Biological Pump?
The combined biological processes which transfer organic matter and associated elements to depth.
It quickly removes carbon from surface ocean and atmosphere and puts it in the deep ocean.
Turning off the biological pump would lead to a 200ppm increase in atmospheric CO2 i.e. the biological pump locks away the equivalent of 200ppm of CO2 in organic carbon.
The bio pump in the modern ocean is not working at its full capacity. There are parts of the ocean that could have more life, and if these were utilized could increase its capacity by 50%.
How does the organic carbon or soft tissue pump work?
- Small algae called phytoplankton that live in the euphotic zone of surface ocean waters comsume CO2 by photosynthesis and form organic matter as tissue (carbohydrate) and release oxygen. These tiny particles cannot sink and so cannot transport carbon deeper into the ocean.
- Phytoplankton is at the bottom of the food chain and so are grazed upon by zooplankton. The excretion produced by zooplankton contains millions of phytoplankton and has now bio-accumulated (bio-packaged) into denser aggregate called marine snow. Marine snow is heavy/dense enough to start sinking.
- As the aggregate sinks deeper into the ocean it gets acted upon by bacteria. Under the uptake of 1 mole of oxygen, the organic C is decomposed, freeing 1 mole of dissolved CO2 (DIC) which is then physically mixed and recycled.
- This carbon flux takes place in the ocean mixed layer (top 100m)
In modern oceans only 10% of DIC leaves this loop and only 1% of Corg gets deposited on the sea floor before respiration takes place, but there were times in Earth history when black shales were getting deposited e.g. anoxic events in Mesozoic
The amount of Corg getting deposited obviosly effects the climate balance and controls deep water ocean chemistry of O2, inorganic carbon, and nutrients (the elements marine organisms need for life = C, N, P, Si, Cd, Fe etc.)

Explain how the biological pump operates, and describe the nature and relative abundances of the materials involved.
- Surface organic matter decends
- During its passage to the deep ocean, marine organic matter decomposes in the water column, releasing CO2.
- 90% recycled in surface waters
- 9% recycled in deeper waters
- Around 1% of this organic matter reaches the sea-bed intact
- Once incorporated in the sediment, degredation continues - aerobic and anaerobic organisms
- 0.1% of the original surface water organic matter preserved. This small proportion of OM is an important leak in the system bc it allows carbon to enter the long term geological C cycle.
Explain how the biological pump affects atmospheric composition
- If transport of photosynthetically produced organic matter to the deep ocean continued in isoloation, the surface waters would be stripped of dissolved CO2.
- Continuous exchange of gasses between the atmosphere and ocean causes CO2 in surface waters to be replenished.
- Activity of phytoplankton can, therefore, affect the composition of the atmosphere as well as the ocean.
- Overall, the effect of drawdown of CO2 from the atmosphere, the photosynthetic fixation of CO2 in surface waters, and the transport of the organic matter to deeper waters is the biological pump.
Calculate the relative proportion of carbonate carbon to fossil organic carbon on Earth.
40 000 000 : 10 000 000
4 : 1
State the annual terrestrial gross primary productivity (GPP).
Calculate the Net Primary Productivity (NPP) if ¾ of this was returned to the atmosphere as respired CO2.
Describe what is likely to be the fate of this NPP carbon.
GPP = 120 x 1012 kg C yr-1
NPP = 120 x 1012 - 90 x 1012 = 30 x 1012 kg C yr-1
The likely fate of this NPP carbon is that it will be returned to the atmosphere as CO2 following respiration by decomposers.
What is the residence time of carbon in:
(i) Terrestrial plant biomass, and
(ii) Soil; and,
(iii) Comment on the relative fluxes and residence times. Explain any differences.
- i) The flux of carbon for land plants is 120 x 1012 kg C yr-1; the amount in the reservoir is 560 x 1012 kg C.
- Residence time = amount in reservoir / flux =
560 x 1012 kg C / 120 x 1012 kg C yr-1 = 4.6 yrs - ii) The flux of carbon for soil is 60 x 1012 kg C yr-1;
the amount in the reservoir is 1500 x 1012 kg C.
Residence time = 1500 / 60 = 25 yrs - iii) The fluxes in and out of terrestrial biomass are twice that for soil. The residence times for soil, however, are not 2 x soil.
- Carbon in soil has 5 x longer residence time. This is bc the soil reservoir is bigger than that for terrestrial biomass.
If terrestrial biomass were spread evenly over the Earth’s surface (150 x 106 km2), how much would there be per square metre?
560 x 1012 kg / 150 x 106 km2
= 3.7 x 106 kg C per km2
= 3.7 kg C per m2
Although there is much heterogeneity, e.g. contrast tropical rainforest and deserts.
What is the carbonate compensation depth (CCD)?
- In deeper water environments water is CO2-rich due to the decomposition of organic matter.
- CO2 is more soluble in water at lower T’s and higher P’s.
- The lower T’s and higher P’s in deep ocean waters will allow them to hold more dissolved CO2 than surface waters.
- CO2 dissolved in water forms carbonic acid; water will be corrosive to CaCO3.
- Level at which the rate of dissolution of CaCO3 is equal to the flux of material through the water column is called the CCD.
- Below this depth, all shells dissolve.
- It is for this reason that the deep ocean floor has no CaCO3 sediments.
If, due to fossil fuel use, atmospheric CO2 levels continue to rise, how do you think this will affect the carbonate compensation depth (CCD)?
- Increased CO2 conc.s in the atmosphere would lead to a corresponding increase of dissolved CO2 in the ocean.
- Bc dissolved CO2 forms an acidic solution, the average acidity of the ocean would increase and the CCD would shift to a shallower level.
If the marine biological pump suddenly began to transport twice as much organic debris to the ocean floor, much of which became incorporated into sediments and ultimetly rock, would atmospheric oxygen levels increase or decrease?
- Atmospheric oxygen levels would increase.
- For each carbon atom that enters the rock reservoir, one oxygen molecule is left behind in the atmosphere.
Explain the process of nitrification.
- Nitrification is the production of nitrate.
- Most soils are acidic (mineralization usually leads to high levels of NH4+)
- In well oxygenated soils, nitrifying bacteria oxidise the NH4+ to NO2- and NO3- (releasing energy in the process)
- Nitrification takes place in two sequential reactions involving bacteria (Genus Nitrosomonas and Genus Nitrobacter)
2NH4+ + 3O2 = 2NO2- + 2H2O + 4H+
2NO2- + O2 = 2NO3-
- Produces soluble, mobile, oxidising agent - nitrate - during thunderstorms and at vents as well as in oxic environments
- NO3- can be leached from soils and may move to organic-rich reducing environments (denitrification)
Explain the process of denitrification.
- NO3- is converted back to nitrogen gas
- With, minor amounts of N2O and NO
- Process performed primarily by heterotrophic bacteria (e.g. Paracoccus denitrificans or various pseudomonads)
- Occurs in organic-rich anoxic environments
- Denitrifying bacteria use NO3- instead of O2 during the oxidation of organic matter in reducing environments
- Converts fixed N to atmospheric N2 - these loses balanced by N fixation
With the aid of a figure describe a soil profile that is in contact with the atmosphere and indicate how the process of denitrification and nitrification are connected.
- Nitrification-denitrification cycle
- Soil well aerated at surface
- Shallow organic N converted to nitrate
- Much leached from the soil
- At depth, soil waterlogged and anoxic
- Nitrate washed in from above
- Denitifying bacteria e.g. Pseudomonas
- Oxidize the organic matter using nitrate instead of oxygen
- End products are N2, N2O and NO
Define what is meant by digestion and detail the chemical steps that occur for nitrogen containing materials
- Digestion is the mechanical and chemical breakdown of food into smaller components that are more easily absorbed into a bloodstream
- Peptide bonds of that link the amino acids of the injested proteins together are broken and individual amino acids are released.
- Some amino acids are used to make proteins and repair damaged tissues, and excess protein is an energy source.
- During mineralization, amino groups are removed and the carbon skeletons are catabolized to CO2 and water.
- Then, nitrogen is released initially as NH3, this molecule is rapidly converted to NH4+.
- NH4+ can be toxic and its removal requires water.
- Aquatic organisms dissolve it away, and most mammals (including humans) convert it to urea, CO(NH2)2.
- Birds, reptiles and insects produce insoluble uric acid C5H4N4O3 (guano, fertilizer)
Animals eat plant protein and excrete the waste nitrogen in the form of urea. This lies on, or close to the surface soil.
What happens to the urea?
- Decomposes to NH3 and CO2
- CO(NH2)2 + H2O → 2NH3 + CO2
- NH3 lost to atmosphere
- Process may be very common on arable land
- Manures and animal slurries can lose up to half of their nitrogen by ammonia volitization
State what is meant by the term “nitrogen fixation”
- Fixation is the first step in the nitrogen cycle
- For use in growth N must be “fixed” or combined:
- Ammonium (NH4+) ions
- Nitrate (NO3-) ions
- Urea [CO(NH2)2]
- Plants secture their N in fixed form through assimilation.
Explain why nitrogen fixation is difficult.
Even though there is abundant N in Earth’s atmosphere, nearly 79% is in the form of N2 gas.
N2 is unavailable for use bc of strong triple bond making the molecule almost inert.
N is often the limiting factor for growth.
Explain why N is often the limiting factor for growth.
- N is difficult to fix, but
- Plants must secure their N in “fixed” form through assimilation.
- Animals secure their N compounds from plants (or animals that have fed on plants)
- Weathering of rocks is slow (negligible effect on the availability of fixed N)
Give non-biological and biological examples of nitrogen fixation.
- Small amount of ammonia is produced by lightning.
- Small amounts at volcanic vents (conventional thought)
- Ammonia also produced industrially by the Haber-Bosch process
- Major conversion of N2 into ammonia achived by microorganisms (biological fixation x2 non-biological)
Describe nitrogen fixation by lightning
- Lightning produces 1,000-100,000 Amps and reaches 30,000°C in its less-than-half-a-second duration.
- Produces more energy than all of the electrical utilities in the world combined during that instant.
- Splits triple bond in N2 (N2 + O2 → 2NO) and N is rained out in nitric acid.
- 10 x 1012 g yr-1 fixed N.
- Important prebiotic source of fixed N.
Describe N fixation by vents
- Volcanic vents promote the thermal fixation of atmospheric N2.
- At Masaya volcano, Nicaragua, NO and NO2 are present in volcanic aerosols
- NOx levels are an order of magnitude above background.
- HNO3 contents are elevated.
- Present-day global production of fixed N at hot vents = 14 x 1010 g yr-1
- Potentially important source of fixed N on the early Earth
What is the prebiotic relevance of N fixation by vents
- Conversion efficiency would have been lower in a non-oxygenated atmosphere
- More subaerial volcanism
Why was fixation by vents a potentially important source of fixed N on the early Earth?
- 1.4 x 1012 g yr-1 of fixed N during major episodes of volcanism
- Comparable to nitrogen-fixation rates from lightning
Describe N-fixation by microbes
- Ability to fix N is found only in certain bacteria
- Some N-fixing bacteria live free in the soil
- Some live in a symbiotic relationship with plants of the legume family (e.g. soyabeans, alfalfa)
- Some establish symbiotic relationships with plants other than legumes (e.g. alders)
- N-fixing cyanobacteria are essentially for fertility of semi-aquatic environments, e.g. rice paddies
- Biological N-fixation requires a complex set of enzymes and a huge expenditure of energy.
- First stable product of the process is ammonia (NH3), this is quickly incorporated into proteins and other organic nitrogen compounds.
What’s a symbiotic relationship?
A close association between two distinct species where both organisms benefit from the relationship
Give an example of biological N-fixation in nature.
- Every plant in the Lower Sonoran desert in Arizona depends on biological N fixation.
- Free-living cyanobacteria associate with lichens.
- Contribute N to the soil by forming a cryptobiotic crust (delicate, thin, fibrous, biological soil crust)
- Leguminous plants followed (N-fixing Rhizobium in their root nodules)
- E.g. Parkinsonia sp.
Describe industrial N-fixation.
- Haber-Bosch process
- Hydrogen is first obtained from natural gas (methane)
- Ni catalyst
- 30 atmospheres
- 750°C
- CH4 + 2H2O → CO2 + 4H2
- Nitrogen and hydrogen are then reacted to produce ammonia
- Iron catalyst
- 200 atm
- 450°C
- N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇔ 2NH3(g) + heat
Why were Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch named the most influential persons of the 20th century according to Nature in 1999?
- Haber-Bosch products represent fertilizers from non-natural sources (agriculturally significant)
- Considered the most important invention of the 20th Century bc it initiated population explosion (1.6 billion in 1900 to 6.0 billion in 2000)
- 1% of the world’s present-day energy supply is used for Haber-Bosch process, producing 500 million tons of artificial fertilizer per year.
- This sustains roughly 40% of the population!!
What is ozone and where is it located in our atmosphere?
- Ozone (O3) is a highly reactive and toxic gas located in the very stable stratosphere.
- Most (~90%) of ozone is in the stratosphere between 10-16 km up to ~50 km altitude.
- Most ozone resides in an “ozone layer” 15 - 30 km altitude.
- The remaining ozone (~10%) resides in the troposphere, the lowest region of the atmosphere.
Explain how how ozone levels are remotely measured.
- Measure amount in a column of atmosphere directly above a point at Earth’s surface.
- Measured using a Dobson spectrometer.
- Expressed in Dobson units (DU).
- Ozone absorbs UV light but does not absorb visible light.
- Amount of ozone in the atmosphere determined by measuring the difference between the two wavelengths.
Explain how how ozone levels are directly measured.
- Detected by aircraft and satellites in contact with ozone
- UV absorption
- Electrical currents generated by chemical reactions involving ozone.
- Small balloons or aircraft travel to required locations, transporting measuring devices (ozonesondes)
Explain how ozone is produced in the stratosphere.
- Sidney Chapman deduced reactions for production and destruction of atmospheric ozone.
- Ozone production begins when an O2 molecule is broken apart by light (hv)
- UV radiation with wavelenghts < 240 nm
- Process termed photodissociation.
O2 + hv → 2O
- O atom combine with another O2 molecule to produce ozone (note: lifetime of O very short in the stratosphere, typically < 1 s)
O + O2 → O3
- Amount of energy generated by the collision is too much for the newly formed ozone molecule, so
- A helper molecule, M, which can be any other atmospheric gas removes excess.
O + O2 + M → O3 + M
Explain how ozone is broken in the stratosphere.
- Ozone is a strong absorber of light between 240 and 310 nm (energy absorbed and released as heat).
O3 + hv → heat
- However, with wavelengths above 310 nm, ozone is dissociated to an oxygen atom and molecular oxygen.
- This reduction also gives out heat.
O3 + hv → O + O2
- We are now back to the raw materials of ozone generation.
O + O2 → O3
Using a simple diagram, describe the Chapman cycle of reactions reactions and state the consequences of this cycle for the stability of stratospheric ozone levels.
- Chapman realized photochemical production and destruction of ozone is a cyclic process.
- Cycle stops when a fourth reaction occurs.
- Ozone molecule meets single atom of oxygen
- Two stable molecules of O2 are formed
- Overall, natural ozone loss should balance production.
Describe how ozone depletion and its main causes were recognized.
- Stratospheric (“good”) ozone absorbs UV-B radiation from the Sun.
- Therefore, there is a negative correlation between the two factors: high amounts of UV-B at the surface = low amounts of stratospheric ozone and v.v.
- In the 1970’s numerical models and lab. experiments discovered 30% less ozone in the stratosphere than predicted.
- Depleted by increased rate of ozone destruction:
- Raised conc.s of ozone-depleting molecules in the stratosphere.
- Ozone-depleting molecules (X) disturb the ozone cycle.
- Net change is a loss of ozone.
By providing generic reactions equations, outline the mechanism for ozone depletion,
X + O3 → XO + O2
XO + O → X + O2
Net change:
O + O3 → 2O2
- X is not included in the net reaction bc it is a catalyst
- Trace amounts of X can remove large quantities of ozone bc it is continually recycled
Define catalyst
A substance which increases the rate of reaction but remains unchanged at the end
Give 3 examples of ozone depleting molecules and their sources.
- NO ; major source = supersonic jet aircraft
- CFC’s e.g. CFCl3 (Freon-11) ; refrigerant, propellant
- BFC’s e.g. CF3Br (Halon-1301) ; fire extinguisher
What are the sources of NO?
- Indirectly from biological N2O
- Accelerated by the application of agricultural fertilizers
- Directly from supersonic aircraft
How do CFC’s and BFC’s affect ozone?
- CFC’s reach the stratosphere and decompose to release chlorine radicals that catalytically destroy ozone
- BFC’s have similar effect
What are the 3 key obserations that gave clues as to the origin of the ozone hole?
- The ozone hole is largely an Antarctic phenomenon.
- The ozone hole occurs only during October.
- The ozone hole did not exist prior to 1967.
Why is the ozone hole largely an Antarctic phenomenon?
- Stratosphere is relatively isolated from adjacent areas during the winter months
- Cold, dense air sinks in a polar vortex
- Wind speeds are much higher than the surrounding atmosphere
- Transfer of gas into the Antarctic stratosphere is very limited
- Any ozone depletion which occurs cannot be replenished from other parts of the Earth’s stratosphere
Why does the ozone hole only occur during October?
- Very low T’s during May to September
- Clouds generally confined to the troposphere
- Stratosphere over Antarctica is so cold (less than 80°C ???) that small amounts of nitric acid and water freeze out.
- Reactions occur that involve molecules in both the gas phase and solid phase.
- They are termed heterogeneous reactions.
Explain the heterogeneous reactions that cause depletion of ozone over Antarctica in October.
- In the stratosphere chlorine and nitrogen containing molecules combine to form a reletively unreactive compound - Chlorine nitrate or ClONO2.
- ClONO2 does not react easily with ozone or oxygen, but forms an inert store of Cl and NO.
- For this reason, it is often termed a “reservoir compound”.
- On surfaces of polar stratospheric particles, however, heterogeneous reactions can release chlorine.
- ClONO2 and HCl react on the surfaces of the ice particles, leading to the production of Cl2.
- Cl2 itself will not destroy ozone, but conversion of Cl2 to Cl radicals determines the timing of ozone hole.
- Cl2 remains frozen in the stratospheric particles until the Antarctic spring in October.
- Levels of sunlight increase and the Cl2 is released and photodissociated to form chlorine radicals.
- They begin a catalytic cycle of ozone destruction.
Why did the ozone hole not exist prior to 1976?
Cl has anthropogenic origin, hence 1976 origin of ozone hole.
Describe the relationship between oxygen levels and ozone production and state when the Earth is likely to have (first) developed a significant ozone layer.
- Ozone is derived from atmospheric oxygen, and oxygen built up around 2 Ga during the Great Oxidation Event.
- Only small amount of oxygen needed
- Ozone production has non-linear relationship with oxygen conc.
- Photochemical models suggest 100 DU at 0.001 PAL
- Decent Ozone layer present at 2.3 Ga
Give a geological example of where ozone depletion seems to have affected the Earth’s biosphere.
Give fossil evidence.
- The Fungal spike (fungal event)
- Unique abundances of fungi
- Coincident with isotope shift
- End-Permian bioevent
- Worldwide
- All environments
- Destruction of terrestrial biomass (gymnosperm forests)
- Replaced by opportunistic herbs (e.g. 1-2 m tall Pleuromia - a spore producing lycopod)
- Fossil evidence in early Triassic Red Sandstone of the Eifel area, Germany.
Describe any additional plant evidence that reveals the atmospheric cause of a Fungal Spike
- Modern day example is the contaminated area of the Black Triangle, Great Mountains.
- Boundary between Germany, Poland, Czech Republic.
- Where buring of black coal (sulfur-rich lignite) led to the release of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) led to the production of acid rain (nitric acid).
- Between 1972 and 1989, 50% of coniferous forest died (50% of children born also died).
- Deforestation led to opportunistic expansion of lower vascular plants and proliferation of fungi.
- Extinction = loss in diversity = dominated by opportunistic herbs / decomposers dominant over others that don’t survive in low pH conditions.
Suggest a geological mechanism for the End-Permian Fungal Spike occurrence.
- The morphology of End-Permian lycopsid microspores tell us something of the possible mechanism.
- Tetrads normally seperate following dispersal,
- However, during the E.P., tetrads dispersed intact, with no seperation - and this occured worldwide.
- It is seen that the prevention of tetrad pectin (plastic) degredation caused by gene mutation from radiation damage was the cause.
- But what was the source of radiation? Cosmic radiation, or depletion of ozone in some way? See next card…
During the Late Permian Fungal Spike, what was the source of radiation that caused gene mutation in lycopsid microspores (tetrads)?
- Cosmic radiation could be a good source, but only lasts 10-100s years - too short for the End-Permian.
- Maybe an impact could have destroyed the ozone layer by punching a hole through it?
- Helium and osmium show terrestrial values.
- No conclusive evidence for impact (e.g. no shocked quartz)
- Siberian traps viable option, the largest Phanerozoic volcanic event, associated with massive emissions and aerosol release and acidification..
- Hydrothermalism (heat + water) of halogen-rich country rocks (evaporitic sed. basin) (organohalogens) over 500 kyrs, leading to ozone depletion and UV-B increase and gene damage.
- Followed by ecosystem destabalization, loss of rooted vegetation and soil erosion.
- Affected carbon cycle.
Describe a recently developed biological proxy for ozone levels.
- UV-B radiation (280-315 nm) damages plant proteins, membrane lipids DNA and can cause mutations.
- But as plants need sunlight for photosynthesis, they face a trade-off between UV-B exposure and the need for photosynthesis.
- One way around this imbalance is the use of UV-B absorbing compounds:
- Sporopollenin, structural contituents of outer walls of pollen and spores from vascular plants.
- Aromatic acids absorb in the UV-B range.
- Aromatic acids - UV pigment abundance proxy UVB flux.
- Results show that ozone has been decreasing with time since ~1960 at high latitudes.
Describe the multiplication rules that help define positive and negative feedback loops
A newly discovered planet called “Carbonica” is very similar to the Hadean Earth with few land masses evident and the prolific production of submarine carbonated basalts. On Carbonica the amount of global carbon is 1 x 1020 kg, sea floor lifetime is 60 million years and complete circulation of the ocean (and the atmosphere with which it readily exchanges) through hydrothermal vents occurs in 10 million years.
Describe, qualitatively, how carbon was distributed between the atmosphere, ocean and land on Carbonica.
- Small continents result in little silicate weathering and small land storage, small carbonate stores.
- Atmosphere, ocean and sea floor primary reservoirs.
- More dissolved inorganic C (in atmos. + ocean) during the Hadean, with higher heat flux and ideal conditions for forming carbonated basalts (carbonites) (water pumped through vents).
- Interaction between ocean and atmosphere so regular that they have an equal proportion of carbon.
- Assuming no land storage:
- Carbon 6:1 - seafloor:ocean,
- T.f. 1/7 (15%) present in atmosphere and ocean, relative to sediments.
A newly discovered planet called “Carbonica” is very similar to the Hadean Earth with few land masses evident and the prolific production of submarine carbonated basalts. On Carbonica the amount of global carbon is 1 x 1020 kg, sea floor lifetime is 60 million years and complete circulation of the ocean (and the atmosphere with which it readily exchanges) through hydrothermal vents occurs in 10 million years.
Explaining your reasoning, calculate the amount of carbon resident in the sea floor sediments and the ocean and atmosphere of Carbonica.
- Taking simple C cycle assumptions:
- Assume no continents so no land storage.
- Atmosphere, ocean and sea floor only reservoirs.
- Assume 100% efficiency for carbon removal in vents.
- Seafloor lifetime 60 Myrs; ocean through vents in 10 Myrs
- 1020 kg surface carbonate 4.5 Ga (assume same as today)
- Carbon 6:1 - seafloor:ocean
- 1/7 (15%) present in atmosphere + ocean
- 0.15 x 1020 kg = 1.5 x1019 kg
- Catmos = Cocean = 7.5 x1018 kg (1.5 x1019 / 2)
- Csea.sed = 0.85 x 1020 = 8.5 x1018 kg
A newly discovered planet called “Carbonica” is very similar to the Hadean Earth with few land masses evident and the prolific production of submarine carbonated basalts. On Carbonica the amount of global carbon is 1 x 1020 kg, sea floor lifetime is 60 million years and complete circulation of the ocean (and the atmosphere with which it readily exchanges) through hydrothermal vents occurs in 10 million years.
How does the amount of carbon in the ocean/atmosphere of Carbonica compare with the estimated 4.1 x 1016 kg of the present day Earth? What effects would this have?
- Carbon 6:1 - seafloor:ocean
- 1/7 (15%) present in atmosphere + ocean
- 0.15 x 1020 kg = 1.5 x1019 kg
- Catmos = Cocean = 7.5 x1018 kg (1.5 x1019 / 2)
- Csea.sed = 0.85 x 1020 = 8.5 x1018 kg
Present-day Earth
- 4 x1016 + 7.6 x1014 (ocean + atmosphere)
- 4.076 x1016 kg = 4.1 x1016
- Carbonica(/Hadean) has ~400 (365.9) times more CO2
- The effect = substantial greenhouse effect
Using appropriate equations, describe how organic matter is produced and utilised in the biosphere.
(State how this process relates to oxygen levels in the atmosphere. Explain the role of nutrient-related feedback mechanisms in controlling the production of organic matter and the level of atmospheric oxygen.) ?
- Photosynthesis
- light + nCO2 + nH2O → (CH2O)n + nO2
- Light is harvested and converted to energy stores
- Respiration
- (CH2O)n + nO2 → nCO2 + nH2O + energy
- Energy store is consumed to drive biochemical reactions
- Balanced equations = only energy is consumed
Why will the carbon atoms contained in CH4 continue to take part in greenhouse warming after the CH4 has been destroyed by oxidation?
no answer in notes