Environmental and Medical Issues Flashcards
What are the causes of global warming?
1) Greenhouse effect
2) Natural climate change
3) Solar activity
What are the forms of pollution?
1) Acid rain
2) Human waste
3) Eutrophication
4) Radioactive pollution
What is the greenhouse effect?
Burning fossil fuels (gas, oil, coal) produces carbon dioxide which forms a barrier that stops heat escaping earth. Causes temperatures to rise. Polar ice caps will melt, rain will increase and many places will be flooded.
What is natural climate change?
Changes in solar energy, volcanic eruptions, and natural changes in greenhouse gas, causing temperature to rise
What is solar activity?
Radiation from the sun is warming the Earth. Burning fossil fuels does not seem to fit with the theory because the earth got cooler after WW2 when lots of CO2 was produced.
What is acid rain?
Burning fossil fuels releases sulphuric and nitric acid. In the atmosphere this changes the pH of the rain water acidic. This destroys buildings and forests.
What is human waste?
Sewage and rubbish. Leads to the spread of diseases and attracts rats.
Why christians believe they should protect the environment
- God made everything and we have a responsibility to protect it
- Genesis 1 and 2 states how God made everything. All was made by God the way he wanted it to be.
- Jesus says the earth’s resources must be shared fairly
- Christians believe God will judge them on how they have acted as Stewards
How beliefs on stewardship affect Christian attitudes to the environment
- Try to reduce pollution and leave it in a better state than they found it
- Try to help people in LEDCs as this means things are shared fairly
- Support conservation groups as they know God will judge them
- Only by being a good steward that a Christian becomes a good Christian
Why muslims believe they should protect the environment
- God created Adam as his khalifah (someone who looks after something for you)
- Muslims believe they follow on from Adam and should look after the Earth for God
- They believe they will be judged by God when they die on how they have looked after the earth. Polluters will not get into heaven.
- They are part of the Ummah - community
How Muslim teachings affect attitudes to the environment
- Being God’s khalifah they should try to reduce pollution
- Help people in LEDCs as Shariah says they should share the Earth’s resources fairly
- Judgement day means they will help to conserve resources, as they want to get to heaven
- Teachings on the unity and balance of creation means they will try to preserve the environment
Why infertility treatments are important
- 12.5% of UK couples have fertility problems
- 1.5 million UK men have fertility problems
- It is human nature to want to have children
- Can suffer from depression if can’t have children
Why all catholics are against all fertility treatments involving medical technology
- IVF uses a number of eggs. Some are thrown away. Catholics view this as abortion.
- Surrogacy involves male masturbation which is a sin
- Life begins at contraception - embryos that are destroyed breaks commandment ‘do not kill’
Why other christians allow IVD and AIH
- Technology allows a couple to have children which is the purpose of a christian marriage
- Egg and sperm are from the husband and wife, so baby is biologically theirs
- Supported by situation ethics - loving thing to do
Why most muslims accept IVF and AIH
- It is a form of medicine that allows a family, which muslims are expected to have
- Husband and wife give egg and sperm so baby is theirs
- Embryos don’t have a soul for 120 days = IVF ok
Why other types of embryo technology are banned by muslims
- Deny a child the right to know its parents. Essential in islam
- Egg or sperm donation is seen as adultery
- Similar to adoption which is banned
- Life belongs to Allah - should not interfere
Why transplant surgery is important
- Cures life threatening diseases
- Could save over 4000 extra lives each year if enough donors were found
- People needing transplants rises by 8% each year
- It allows people to help others even after they die
Why most christians agree with transplant surgery
- Believe in immortality of the soul. Body parts not needed after death
- Jesus said love thy neighbour
- Jesus was a healer
Why some christians are against organs from dead people but allow donated organs from living relatives
- The heart is central to who a person is and that is who God created
- Taking things from the dead could be seen as playing God
Why some christians do not agree with transplants
- Takes away from the idea of the sanctity of life
- Seen as playing God
Why most muslims are against transplant surgery
- Shariah says nothing should be taken from a body after death
- Quran sees it as acting like God which is ‘shirk’ (most serious sin in Islam)
- Life belongs to Allah
- Muhamad said Muslims should not remove anything from the body - banned post-mortem
Why some muslims allow the use of organs from a living donor
- Some muslim lawyers have said that this is allowed
- Islam aims to do good and does not want to burden people
- Quran says saving one life is like saving all of mankind
- Muslims are part of the Ummah-community. They should do what they can to help others