Crime and Punishment Flashcards
Why we need laws?
- Prevent Chaos
- So employees are paid and treated fairly
- They protect the weak from the strong (bullying)
- Keep things organised so people know what is right and wrong
Why laws need to be just?
- If laws are unjust people will feel that it is right to break the law
- So people are correctly reared or punished
- If laws don’t give justice people will take law into their own hands
- If people think the legal system is not working it may lead to a civil war
What are the 4 theories of punishment?
1) Retribution
2) Deterrence
3) Reform
4) Protection
Why justice is important for Christians?
- Bible says God is a God of justice
- Jesus said the rich should share with the poor
- New Testament has lots of statements about how Christians should treat people fairly e.g. golden rule
- The Catholic Church has made statements about the need for justice and set up CAFOD to make the world a more just place
Why justice is important for muslims?
- Quaran says Allah is just i.e judgement day
- Shariah Law states that Muslims should not charge interest on loans
- Muslims are stewards and they must share the Earth’s resources equally
- Islam teaches that all Muslims must give 2.5% of their yearly wage to the poor
Non religious arguments in favour of Capital Punishment
- Will deter crimes like murder and terrorism
- Murderers are a threat to society. This threat should be permanently removed
- The only retribution/compensation for murder is death
- Retribution is the best form of justice for victims and their families
Non religious arguments against Capital Punishment
- Could be wrongly convicted
- Countries without death penalty have lower murder rates, so doesn’t work
- Some terrorists want to die
- Life imprisonment is a worse punishment. Death is easy option
Why some christians disagree with capital punishment
- Jesus came to save (reform) sinners. Can’t reform the dead
- Jesus banned the Old Testament law of ‘an eye for an eye’ (retribution)
- Human life is sacred and only God can take it away
- Jesus said ‘turn the other cheek’
Why some christians agree with capital punishment
- Bible mentions it as a punishment eg. an eye for an eye
- The Catholic Church has not banned the use of capital punishment
- Church used it for crimes like heresy in the past
- It is the best way of protecting society and maintaining peace
Why many muslims agree with capital punishment
- The punishment is set down in the Qur’an by Allah
- Muhammad sentenced people to death
- Muhammad made statements showing he accepted capital punishment
- Shariah Law states that capital punishment is acceptable for murder, adultery and apostasy (working against Islam)
Why some muslims are against capital punishment
- The Quran only recommends capital punishment
- Shariah law allows victims’ families to be paid blood money for murder in place of the death penalty
- Only Allah should decide on issues of life and death
UK laws on tobacco
- Can’t sell to under 18s
- Adverts for tobacco products are banned
UK laws on alcohol
- Supervised under 16s can go anywhere in a pub
- Over 16s can have an alcoholic drink with a meal if accompanied by an adult
UK laws on drugs
- Drugs classified as A, B and C
- Supplying class A drugs can lead to life in prison
- All possession of illegal drugs can lead to a prison sentence
Why all christians are against illegal drugs
- St. Paul taught a Christian’s body is a temple and should not be abused
- Drugs have mental effects which make it hard to worship God correctly