Environmental and Medical Issues Flashcards
Greenhouse effect
Gases produced from burning coal, oil and gas from a covering around the earth which causes it to heat up
Deaths from global warming
Extinction figures
Within 50 years 1/3 of land based species could be extinct
Causes of global warming (4)
- climate change
- transport is 22% of UK carbon emissions
- 2/3 of energy created in the UK is lost as waste energy
- aviation
Effects of global warming (3)
- sea levels are rising
- seasons are changing
- extreme weather
Quote for global warming
‘We know that climate change is caused by burning fossil fuels’- Greenpeace
Solutions for global warming (6)
- low carbon cars
- reducing rainforest destruction
- reducing air travel
- using energy efficient inventions (lightbulbs)
- sustainable living and conservation
- replace natural resource and protect and preserve the natural world
Land pollution
25 million tonnes of rubbish a year
Air pollution
Causes 32,000 death in the UK every year
Sea pollution
8 million pieces of rubbish enter sea a day
Natural resources
25 % of population uses 80% of resources
Many fish risk extinction because of commercial fishing
Importance of recycling (for)
- we use fewer finite resources when we recycle
- greenhouse gases are reduced
- without recycling some resources will disappear
Importance of recycling (against)
- some recycling causes more pollution than normal production methods
- recycling will cost people their jobs because new things will not be made
- it is a waste of time because not everyone will do it
Islamic teachings on the environment
Qur’an says Allah created world, everything in existence linked (we are all one), Allah provides resources so shouldn’t be damaged, on the day of judgment Allah will judge how Muslims have lived
Muslim word for stewardship
Muslim quotes for the environment
- ‘The world is green and beautiful and Allah has appointed you his steward over it’ prophet Muhammed
- ‘It belongs to God and he has entrusted us with it’s safe keeping’
Religion for protecting the environment (for)
- Christians and Muslimns have a responsibility to leave the earth a better place than they found it
- Most Christians and Muslims believe they will be judged by God on how well they have stewarded the earth
- Religion is the only away society will change the way it views itself
Religion for protecting the environment (against)
- Many people think that the job is so big that only the government can help
- The largest organisations working to protect the environment are non-religious (greenpeace)
Genetic engineering dangerous (yes)
- Scientists are manipulating the structure of living organisms and ‘paying God’
- There are questions about the long-term consequences of genetically modified creatures (Dolly the sheep had health problems)
- Concerns about stem cellos from cloned embryos which help scientists understand diseases like Alzheimer’s (its a human life)
Genetic engineering dangerous (no)
- Genetic engineering isn’t bad in itself and can cure diseases such as diabetes and cystic fibrosis
- Recently treatment for head and neck cancer has been invented from genetically engineered herpes cells
- Can be used on seeds and so crops could be grown which are resistant to disease and pests
Quote for religion and protecting the environment
‘then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and then let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.’’
RCC on infertility treatment
- Artificial fertility treatment destructs human life
- Donation of the eggs is considered as adultery
- Child is a gift from God
- Reward from a loving and sexual relationship
Catholics and protestants on infertility treatment
Don’t approve, eggs destroyed which is destroying a life (sanctity of life)
Other branches of infertility on infertility treatment
agree with RCC, gods plans shouldn’t be interfered with, some accept if egg and sperm used are from couple (Isaak and Sarah), knowledge is god given and should be used
Islamic attitude to infertility treatment (against)
- Anything outside marriage is adultery
- A child is a gift from Allah
- Allah has a plan
- SUrrogacy is banned in islam because its violating the marriage contract
Quote for RCC on infertility treatment
‘Techniques that entail the dissociation of husband and wife, by the intrusion of a person other than the couple are gravely immoral’
‘He spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother. what he did was wicked in the lord’s sight; so he put him to death also’
Christians supporting fertility treatment
- God gave humans knowledge
- Bible contains a story of God giving an infertile woman a child
- Situation Ethics/agape love
Quote for islam against infertility treatment
‘he (allah) bestows both males and females, and he leaves barren whom he wills’
Islamic attitude to infertility treatment (for)
- Embryo only biomes a human at 120 days when Allah breathes a soul into it
- IVF doesn’t destruct human life
- Every woman has the right to be a mother and the right to medical help
- All muslims want children as they believe Allah wants this
Christian agree points to transplant surgery
- preserving precious life of God
- bodies aren’t needed after death only soul
- bodies belong to God and are only loaned,
- people should sacrifice to save others
- Golden Rule
Christians disagree points to transplant surgery
- people shouldn’t interfere with Gods plan/creation
- sanctity of life
- organ should be taken from living out of love
Quote for Christian agree to transplant surgery
I myself can say that you have taken your own eyes, if you could, and given to me
St. Paul, Galatians 4:15
Quote for Christian disagree to transplant surgery
‘love thy neighbour’- Jesus
Secular on transplant surgery (for)
- There are statistics which show they extend the life span of patients
- Utilitarian basis it should be accepted
- Doesn’t have to involve a dead person’s organs, some can be from a live donor
Secular on transplant surgery (against)
- People can be exploited and lives risked with improper operations
- When organs are taken from dead people it has to be quickly after their death and so families grieving can have to make difficult decisions quickly
Muslims on transplant surgery (for)
- It is a muslims duty to alleviate suffering and save lives
- organ donation from a living person is accepted if the donor’s life isn’t at risk
- it is an act of charity
- 995 mcb permitted donor cards
Quotes on for muslim transplant surgery
- ‘whosoever saves the life of one person it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind’ Qur’an 5:32
- ‘organ donation is a gift of life- there is no greater gift. charity is very important within islam and we want people to see organ donation as the greatest act of charity’ Muslim Cardiothoracic surgeon
Muslims on transplant surgery (against)
- on the last day Allah will resurrect everybody bodily
- humans shouldn’t harm Allah’s creation
- Allah is the creator of life and has a plan
Christians on genetic engineering (for)
- knowledge is God given and so should be used
2. Jesus also healed and it can improve life
Christians on genetic engineering (against)
- god can only create life
- playing god
- only god is perfect
- gods plan
- gods creation shouldn’t be altered