Environment & Development Flashcards
Environmental problems are not…
Why do the Global South suffer environmental problems?
Primary, unregulated economies -> poor unequally burdened
Why do the Global North suffer environmental problems?
- Manufacturing
- Services
- Heavy polluters
- High consumption
Onset of industrial society/development age caused…
Huge changes in the environment-development relationship
What are the 2 key views of sustainable development?
- Technocentric/management view
- Ecocentric/people centred view
What event caused huge changes in the environment-development relationship?
Onset of industrial society/development age
What are global commons?
Resource domains/areas that lie outside of the political reach of any one nation State
What does international law identify as the 4 global commons?
High Seas
Outer Space.
What happened in the 1960s/70s?
Awareness increase, realisation of the crisis
When was the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) created?
1972 UN Conference on Human Environment in Stockholm
What is the IPCC and when was it created?
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 1988
What occurred in 1985?
Montreal Protocol
What did the 1985 1985 Montreal Protocol call for?
Ozone depletion & CFCs GLOBAL ACTION
Al Gedicks (The New Resource Wars 1993)
Struggle over remaining natural resources between indigenous/traditional/peasant peoples, state and national governments, and transnational corporations.
What is ecocide?
Destruction of ecosystems