Envi Engg Flashcards
any alteration in the physical, chemical or biological properties of the environment (air, water and land) which adversely affects its quality and/or aesthetic use.
Environmental Pollution
describes the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of water with respect to its suitability for a particular use.
Water Quality
It is known as Water Quality Guidelines and General Effluent Standards of 2016.
a. DAO 34
b. DAO 35
c. RA 9275
d. DAO No. 2016-08
• DAO 34 - Water Quality Guidelines
• DAO 35 - Effluent Regulations
• RA 9275 - Clean Water Act
Class of water intended for primary contact recreation such as bathing, swimming, skin diving, etc.
a. Class AA
b. Class B
c. Class A
d. Class C
• Class AA - Public water supply class I
- protected waters, require ONLY DISINFECTION
• Class A - Public water supply class II
- require CONVENTIONAL TREATMENT (coagulation, filtration, sedimentation, and disinfection)
• Class C - Fishery, recreational with NO PRIMARY CONTACT, Agriculture
is part of water supply to the community, industry/manufacturing, agriculture, etc. which has been mixed with suspended or dissolved solid, and usually contains pollutants.
Color of fresh sewage
Color of septic sewage
fishy odor indicates presence of _____
ammoniacal odor indicates presence of _____
decayed fish odor indicates presence of _____
rotten eggs odor indicates presence of _____
hydrogen sulfide
skunk odor indicates presence of _____
rotten cabbage odor indicates presence of _____
organic skatoles
fecal odor indicates presence of _____
The resistance of water to the passage of light through it is a measure of the
a. color
b. turbidity
c. hardness
d. dissolved gases
Which of the following apparatus is not used in measuring turbidity?
a. Jackson Turbidimeter
b. Secchi Disk Depth
c. Photoelectric Colorimeter
d. none of these
• Photoelectric Colorimeter - apparatus for color measurement
• Olfactometer - for odor
for turbidity:
• Jackson Turbidimeter
• Secchi Disk Depth
lowers the solubility of oxygen in water and increase the rate at which oxygen-consuming microbes attack organic waste.
The total solids in water are due to the presence of
a. suspended and dissolved solids
b. suspended and floating solids
c. colloidal and settleable solids
d. colloidal and bacterial load
Sodium ions contribute to which characteristics of water
a. pH
b. hardness
c. color
d. total dissolved solids
Biological Characteristics of Wastewater which is the actual quantity of free O2 present in water.
a. ThO
b. DO
c. BOD
d. COD
Dissolved Oxygen
• Theoretical Oxygen Demand - a measure of the amount of Oz needed to oxidize completely an organic matter whose chemical formula is known.
• Biological Oxygen Demand - a measure of the amount of O2 needed by microorganism to decompose biodegradable organics at specified time (5 days), temperature (20°C) and pH (7).
• Chemical Oxygen Demand - a measure of the amount of Oz needed to oxidize organics using strong oxidizing agents (KMnO4 or K2Cr207) in acid media.
In the determination of BOD, the reaction takes place at
a. 20°C
b. 40°C
c. 30°С
d. 50°C
In the determination of BOD, the reaction takes place in the dark
a. The microorganisms are sensitive to light.
b. Oxygen is sensitive to light.
c. The reaction is enhanced in the dark.
d. Algae may be present and produce oxygen.
Physical Characteristics of Wastewater (5)
- Color
- Odor
- Turbidity
- Temperature
- Total Solids
Biological Characteristics of Wastewaters (6)
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Theoretical Oxygen Demand
- Biological Oxygen Demand
- Chemical Oxygen Demand
- Total Oxygen Demand
- Total Organic Carbon
Chemical Characteristics of Wastewater (10)
- pH
- Calcium and Magnesium
- Nitrogen and Phosphorus
- Trace Metals
- Proteins
- Carbohydrates
- Oils, Fats, Greases
- Surfactants
- Phenols
- Pesticides and Agricultural Chemicals
Which of the following is not a physical characteristic of wastewater?
a. odor
b. color
c. turbidity
d. hardness
It is the phenomenon that results in the overabundance of algae growth in bodies of water. It is also the natural process of nutrient enrichment that occurs over time in a body of water.
a. biomagnification
b. eutrophication
c. anaerobic respiration
d. thermal inversion
Measure of the total organic and ammonia nitrogen in the wastewater. It also gives a measure of the availability of nitrogen for building cells.
a. TKN
b. COD
d. none of these
Involves the accumulation of trace metals through each species of the food chain.
a. biomagnification
b. denitrification
c. anaerobic respiration
d. eutrophication
A trace metal which causes itai itai disease
a. cadmium
b. silver
c. mercury
d. chromium
• Mercury - minimata disease (neurological disease: trembling, inability to walk and speak)
• Cadmium - itai itai disease (disintegration of bones)
• Silver - causes argyria (blue-gray discoloration of skin and mucous membrane)
• Chromium - neurological disease
• Lead - fetal malformation
• Arsenic - carcinogenic
A trace metal which causes minimata disease
a. cadmium
b. silver
c. mercury
d. chromium
Removal of all settleable particles rendered settleable under the influence of gravity, basically the theory of gravity under the influence of which all particles heavier than water tend to settle down.
a. screening
b. sedimentation
c. flotation
d. flocculation
In facultative stabilization pond, the sewage is treated by
a. aerobical bacteria
b. anaerobic bacteria
c. algae
d. both (a) and (b)
Process whereby coarse matter (suspended or floating) of a certain size can be strained out of flowing water with the aid of bars, fines wires or rocks.
a. screening
b. sedimentation
c. flotation
d. flocculation
Water treatment that destroys disease-causing bacteria, nuisance bacteria, parasites and other organisms and removes soluble irons, manganese and hydrogen sulfide from water.
a. disinfection
b. flocculation
c. chlorination
d. coagulation
code for plastics used for food wrapping, trash bags, grocery bags and baby diapers.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
It is the international salute that is currenty the primary bases of the Philippines in its latest environmental dispute with Canada.
a. Kyoto Protocol
b. Copenhagen Talks
c. Basel Convention
d. Montreal Protocol
Ecological Solid Waste Act of 2000 is otherwise known as
a. RA 6969
b. RA 8749
c. RA 9003
d. RA 9275
“Smokey Mountain” is a typical example of a facility for solid waste.
It is classified as
a. open dumping site
b. sanitary landfill
c. transfer station
d. material recovery facility
A global treaty that aims to diminish and eventually phase out chlorofluorocarbons.
a. Stockholm Convention
b. Kyoto Protocol
c. Montreal Protocol
d. none of these
Collective term for the initial POPs identified by the Stockholm
a. Dirty 12
b. Dirty Dozens
c. 12 POPs
d. EDCs
It is an odorless and colorless gas that is lethal to humans with exposure as short as a few minutes to concentrations exceeding 5000 ppm. It reacts with hemoglobin in the blood rendering the latter incapable of carrying oxygen to the body.
a. carbon monoxide
b. hydrogen supplied
c. sulfur dioxide
d. sulfur trioxide
Pick out the wrong statement.
a. The concentric atmosphere layer just above troposphere is called stratosphere, which is rich in ozone
b. Mesosphere is characterized by very low atmosphere pressure and low temperature.
c. Troposphere is a dusty zone containing water vapor and clouds.
d. The radio waves used in the long-distance radio communication
are reflected to earth by stratosphere.
The rate at which temperature in the atmosphere changes with altitude is called
a. temperature change .
b. lapse rate
c. thermal rate
d. vertical rate
Which biogeochemical cycle has bacteria living in a symbiotic relationship with the roots of legumes?
a. oxygen
b. carbon
c. nitrogen
d. phosphorous
• Symbiotic - a relationship between organisms where one organism benefits from the association while not harming the other
By which process is carbon dioxide released from plants back into the atmosphere?
a. evaporation
b. respiration
c. photosynthesis
d. phosphorylation
Which of the acid combination is the dominant composition of acid rain?
a. nitric acid and carbonic acid
b. nitric acid and sulfuric acid
c. carbonic acid and sulfuric acid
d. none of the above
decomposers return back the nitrogen to the soils through the remains and waste of plants and animals
All of the biogeochemical cycles involve the atmosphere as either sink or reservoir except for one. This exception cycle uses the __________ as it sink
The process where more harmful substances are produced from less harmful ones
a. Synergism
b. Eutrophication
c. Biomagnification
d. Thermal stratification
Part of the atmosphere where most of photochemical reactions take place.
a. stratosphere
b. mesosphere
c. ionosphere
d. troposphere
Organisms that belong to the second trophic level.
a. omnivores
b. herbivores
c. carnivores
d. detritivores
It is defined as the role of the organisms in the community
a. biotic factors
b. biomes
c. trophic level
d. niche
Process where decomposers return back the nitrogen to the soils through the remains and waste of plants and animals.
a. ammonification
b. nitrogen fixation
c. denitrification
d. ammonolysis
Process of converting nitrogen gas to ammonia is called
a. ammonification
b. denitrification
c. nitrogen fixation
d. ammonolysis
These organisms feed on the waste of the ecosystem.
a. omnivores
b. herbivores
c. carnivores
d. detritivores
Biomes are distinguished or identified by its
a. dominant plant life
b. climate
c. type of plants and animals
d. geographic location
A biome is an area classified according to the species that live in that location
Denitrification is carried out when bacteria break down nitrates and release nitrogen gas. What are these bacteria?
a. anaerobic bacteria
b. cyanobacteria
c. rhizobium
d. aerobic bacteria
Denitrification is the process that converts NITRATE TO NITROGEN GAS, thus removing bioavailable nitrogen and returning it to the atmosphere.
The red brownish color of water is due to the presence of dissolved impurities of
a. bicarbonate
b. sulphate
c. arsenic
d. iron and manganese
The alkalinity of wastewater is due to the presence of the following EXCEPT
a. ammonia
b. dissolved CO2
c. carbonate
d. bicarbonate
Which of the following is NOT used as adsorbent material?
a. activated charcoal
b. Fuller’s earth
c. silica gel
d. water
Insufficient washing of sand grains in a rapid sand filter causes
a. air-binding
b. mud balls
c. shrinkage of media
d. expansion of media
Nitrates more than 50 ppm in water leads to a disease called
a. Typhoid
b. Mathenoglobenemia
c. Gastroenteritis
d. Mottled tee
The process of killing infective bacteria in water is called
a. coagulation
b. screening
c. sterilization
d. sedimentation
The amount of chlorine available in water after the disinfection is called
a. Free chlorine
b. Residual chlorine
c. Free available chlorine
d. Combines available chlorine
A neurological disease characterized by trembling, inability to walk and speak and even serious convulsions that can lead to death due to ingestion of mercury
a. scurvy
b. minimata
c. itai-itai
d. argyria
A wastewater with a BOD/COD = 1 indicates that
a. chemical treatment is required
b. biological treatment is most practical
c. the wastewater is highly polluted
d. does not indicate anything
Type of wastewater treatment that employs biological methods to remove fine suspended, colloidal and dissolved organics by biochemical oxidation.
a. Primary Treatment
b. Secondary Treatment
c. Tertiary Treatment
d. Minor Treatment
A continuous re-circulating aerobic biochemical process that keeps cells in suspended growth
a. activated sludge process
b. trickling filters
c. stabilization ponds
d. aerated lagoon
A phenomenon where a cold layer of air becomes trapped by a layer of warmer air above due to a lack of wind circulation or the presence of certain topographical features, such as mountains, resulting to air pollution being trapped in the lower, cooler layers of the troposphere.
a. global warming
b. thermal inversion
c. greenhouse effect
d. anaerobic respiration
• Global Warming - Global warming is a gradual, long-term increase in the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere due to the greenhouse effect where gasses from various human activities, including the burning of fossil fuels, trap heat from solar radiation.
• Greenhouse effect - The greenhouse effect is the way in which heat is trapped close to Earth’s surface by “greenhouse gases.”
• Anaerobic respiration - the process of creating energy without the presence of oxygen.
It is described as the cloud of air pollution trapped by thermal inversion
a. CFC
b. smog
c. NOx
d. SO2
PAN is a powerful lachrymator or tear producer formed from unburned bydrocarbons, aldehydes, nitrogen oxides and oxygen. PAN stands for
a. peroxyacetyl nitrate
b. peroxyallyl nitrate
c. peroxyamyl nitrate
d. peroxyalkyl nitrate
Component of CFC’s that causes destruction of 100,000 molecules of ozone.
a. carbon
b. chlorine
c. fluorine
d. hydrogen
One chlorine atom can destroy over 100,000 ozone molecules before it is removed from the stratosphere.
Clear lake turbidity
25 units
Muddy water turbidity units
> 100 units
Salinity of fresh water
Salinity of marine water
<30 ppt
Radioactive solid nuclear wastes are disposed off by
A. high temperature incineration
B. pyrolysis
C. pathological incineration
D. underground burial in concrete containers
Above the stratosphere, the concentration of ozone and other gases is low, and the temperature decreases with increasing altitude
A. troposphere
B. stratosphere
C. mesosphere
D. ionosphere
” The Smart Man Takes (the) Elevator “
eq wt of alum