Enterics and review stuff Flashcards
Enterobacteriaceae family
Gram negative bacilli, gut loving. Usually aerobic. Lots of them (don’t memorize)
ferment lactose, groups: Enterobacter, escherischia, klebsiella
non lactose fermenting. Sometimes normal (sometimes not): morganella, edwardsiella, proteus
Pathogenic non coliforms
Never good to find. Salmonella, shigella, yersinia
Culturing enterics
McKonkie Agar that differentiates b/w lactose fermentors and non
E coli and names
O (LPS antigen) and H (flagella antigen), ex. E coli O157:H7. The is K too for capsular (less common)
Klebsiella pathogenesis to cuase UTI
escape from gut into urinary tract, adhere via pili, avoid phagocytosis, cause tissue damage, get into bloodstream
Aspiration pneumonia and enterics?
Typically in large bowel, but in alcoholics they move up to the stomach, can get into lungs
Tx for UTI
TMXSMX, 1st gen cephalosporin, penicillins (increasing resistance to these)
H influenzae, enteric gram negs, neisseria, proteus, e coli, klebsiella
Tx for enteric gram neg
Ciprofloxacin, TMP SMX, aminoglycosides, carbapenems
Capsule bacteria
Neisseria, H influenza, S pneumonia
Bacteriocidal drugs would be used most for…
bloodborne infections that are serious.
Granuloma formation
Activated macrophages unsuccessful; T cell response recruits TH1, TNFa release, T cells and macrophages wall off area.
3 airborne diseases
TB, measles, chickenpox
Parasites, allergies, connective issues, cancer
Measles rundown
Resp droplet and airborne, replication in lymph nodes, viremia, activates cell mediated immunity - Infected endothelial cells = Koplick’s spots; infected epithelial cells = rash (low Vit A or low T cell = no rash, but can cause pneumonia and death)
Measles and Rubella - rash progression
Measles: Like dumping paint on your head. Starts at head, come together, then moves down. Rubella: starts in trunk and face, then to peripheries
B-19 review
Slapped cheek look. Can infect RBC and cause aplastic crisis… In adults causes lacey rash
What causes fever, then feel better, than rash?
HSV 6,7. Variola??
Vesicular rash
VZV and Coxsackie
Chicken pox/shingles
Coxsackie virus
Hand foot and mouth blisters
Like keratin/lipids. Always on surfaces. Tx: topical agents.
RSV common presentation
common in young children, barking cough
Pathogenesis of H influenzae
Droplet or contact; adhesion via pili or LOS, local replication in nasopharynx; Yes capsule: invade bloodstream, can seed distantly and resists phagocytosis; No capsule: spread on mucous, middle ear, sinus, LRT; Both: LOS causes inflammation and tissue necrosis
Top drugs to cover S aureus
Cloxacillin or ampicillin+clavulanate; vancomycin for MRSA
Top drugs to cover S pyogenes
PENICILLIN; Amoxicillin; Pen + clinda (for nec fasc/toxic shock)
Bat bite
Clean the wound, rabies vaccine, rabies Ig
What causes grey teeth?
Tetracycline! Don’t use in pregnancy or young kids