ENT: Head and Neck path Flashcards
What are two major symptoms of patients with neck cancers?
- Hoarseness of greater than 3 weeks duration
2. Unexplained dysphasia greater than 3 weeks duration
What is most commonly found in the history of a patient that develops cancerous lesions in the head and neck?
Tobacco and/or alcohol abuse
How can leukoplakia be differentiated from thrush?
Leukoplakia cannot be scraped off without bleeding, whereas the fungus can.
What needs to be done with leukoplakia or erythroplakia that persists greater than 3 weeks?
- leuko has 5% chance of progression to cancer
- erythro has 25-75% chance of progression to cancer
Most common head and neck cancer.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Most common site of Basal Cell Carcinoma in the head and neck.
Upper Lip
Infectious agent associated with oropharynx squamous cell carcinoma.
Human Papilloma Virus
Serotypes of HPV that are associated with highest incidence of causing oropharyngeal cancer.
16 and 18
HPV causes cancer by affecting two proteins. Name them and the two genes that each influences.
- E6: decreases p53 activity
2. E7: decreases RB activity