ENT and Eye Flashcards
Basic part of the ear
- Inner
- Middle
- Outer
Basic Inner Ear anatomy
Cochlear nerve
Vestibular nerve
Eustachian tube
Basic Middle Ear anatomy
Semicircular canals
Eustachian tube
Tympanic membrane
SIM-> Proximal to distal
Basic Outer Ear anatomy
External acoustic meatus
Temperal bone
External ear surgeries
Reconstruction of ear or auditory canal
GA with LMA and local
Middle Ear procedures: OCR
Ossicular chain reconstruction (OCR) is a surgical method used to repair conductive hearing loss.
Middle Ear procedures: Myringotomy and Tube Insertion
Classic BMT
Helps drain middle ear because the eustachian tube isnt working
Facemask induction for shorter cases. LMA or ETT for longer ones
Middle Ear procedures: Cholesteatoma
Cholesteatoma is a skin-lined cyst that begins at the margin of the eardrum and invades the middle ear and mastoid
Middle Ear procedures: Stapedectomy
Stapedectomy is a surgical procedure to treat hearing loss caused by otosclerosis
Inner Ear Procedures: Neoplasm or chochlear implant
Meneirs Dx: common issues with Labyrinth/Semicurcular canals
Complex, GA with muscle relaxation
Increased PONV risk
A microscope is common in ear surgery. What things do we have an impact on while the doc is working under the scope?
Movement: Relaxation
Breathing: Spontaneous / Belly breathing
Ear surgery considerations
Avoid coughing
Increased PONV risk
Monitoring negates use of NMB’s
Basic Nasal Anatomy
Sinus Anatomy
4 types of nasal surgery
- External
- Nasal Cavity
- Nasal Sinus
- Nasal Bony Structures
LMA’s in Nasal surgery?
No, they get in the way. Use an ETT and tape it to the side
Nasal Surgery: Throat packs
Remove BEFORE wakeup
OG tubes sometimes used
Nasal Surgery: Nasal ETT or Nasal Airway
Do not use
Throat surgery: Pearls
- Decadron for swelling, pain, PONV (0.05-0.15mg/kg)
- Abx not indicated
- NMB not indicated
- NSAIDS (minus aspirin) are fine
Throat surgery: Complications
- Post extubation laryngospasms
- Bleeding Tonsils
- Reintubation difficult (swelling and bleeding)
How can we decrease post extubation spasms?
- Lay on side, decrease secretions on vocal chords
- IV Lido 1mg/kg
- Topical Lido 4mg/kg
- IV Magnesium (not really just in the book)
- Ensure proper narc level
- Small bolus of propofol
General info on bleeding tonsils
Venous in nature
bleeds more often in adult males (2-5%)
Usually in a 6 hour window
Blood loss is hard to measure since it is swallowed
Check H/H if low
Use smaller ETT if reintubating
OG Tube for blood in stomach
Vocal Cord surgeries
Pathology: Bx and resections
Injections: for RLN/Cord dysfunction (usually a filler)
Types of tubes: MLT
Micro Laryngeal Tube
Smaller in diameter, less in the way
Types of tubes: Dual cuff laser
Yellow cuff: air
Clear cuff: saline
Sometimes add dye to saline to see if ruptured easier
Types of tubes: Armored
won’t kink but can be compromised by compression
Types of tubes: Montandon
J shaped and inserted into a temp tracheostomy if larynx is to be removed.
Head and Neck considerations
- Usually for cancer resections
- avoid jugular veins for central line
- carotid sinus may be manipulated
- risk for blood loss
- neuromonitoring common
- airway issues by manipulations, lesions, or radiation scarring
- Remifent infusions are great for these
Tracheostomy steps
- Dissection down to trachea
- We advance ETT further to avoid puncture
- Doc has us SLOWLY retract for visualization
- Once our tube goes past they will introduce the trach device
- Leave out tube just past the vocal cords for emergency
- Disconnect circuit and pass to surgeon. Confirm EtCO2
Three parts to a trach tube
- Outer cannula
- Obturator
- Inner cannula