ENT Anatomy Flashcards
sphenoid sinus drains into
sphenoethmoid recess
posterior ethmoidal air cells drain into
superior meatus
frontal sinus, anterior ethmoidal air cells and maxillary sinus drain into
semilunar hiatus
middle ethmoidal air cells drain into
ethmoidal bulla
nasolacrimal duct drains into
inferior meatus
skeleton surrounding brain
facial skeleton
bone situated at the roof of the nasal cavity between the two orbital cavities
ethmoid bone
bone that makes up the forehead
frontal bone
bone at the lateral wall of the nasal cavity
inferior conchae
bone located at the medial wall of the orbit
lacrimal bone
bone that makes up the jaw
bone that makes up the area surrounding the nose and between the nose and mouth
bone that makes up the nose
nasal bone
bone that makes up the scalp
parietal bone
connects neurocranium and viscerocranium, contains a lateral pterygoid plate and a medial pterygoid plate
sphenoid bone
bone that makes up the skull around the ear
temporal bone
bone in between the nostrils
bone that makes up the cheekbones
zygomatic bone
connection between sphenoid, parietal, frontal and temporal bones
foramen that transmits the spinal cord
foramen magnum
foramen that transmits the mandibular nerve
foramen ovale
foramen that transmits the maxillary nerve
foramen rotundum
foramen that transmits the frontal, lacrimal, nasociliary, abducent, trochlear and oculomotor (superior and inferior branches) nerves
superior orbital fissure
foramen that transmits CNIX-XI
jugular foramen
foramen that transmits the hypoglossal nerve and blood vessels
hypoglossal canal
foramen that gathers sound waves
external acoustic meatus
foramen that transmits the vestibulocochlear nerve, facial nerve and labyrinthine artery
internal acoustic meatus
foramen that transmits the olfactory nerve
cribriform plate of ethmoid bone
foramen that transmits the facial nerve and stylomastoid artery
stylomastoid foramen
foramen that transmits the greater palatine nerve and blood vessels
greater palatine foramen
foramen that transmits the lesser palatine nerve and arteries
lesser palatine foramen
area just inside the nostril that leads to the nasal cavity
nasal vestibules
the inside of most of the visible nose
respiratory regions
the part of the nasal cavity close to the roof
olfactory regions
the rounded part of the nostrils that is visible
top of the nose between the eyebrows
the long anterior part of the nose
cartilage on the lateral aspects of the nose
lateral cartilage
cartilage on the medial aspect of the nose
septal cartilage
small space in the nasal cavity posterior and superior to the superior concha
sphenoethmoidal recess
small space between the superior and middle conchae
superior meatus
small space between the middle and inferior conchae
middle meatus
small space under the inferior concha
inferior meatus
what cells are sinuses lined with?
respiratory epithelium
name the four sinuses
frontal, ethmoid air cells, sphenoid, maxillary
borders of the nasopharynx
posterior nasal cavity to soft palate
borders of the oropharynx
soft palate to superior border of epiglottis
borders of laryngopharynx
superior border of epiglottis to inferior border of cricoid cartilage
gap in the posterior nasal cavity
elevation in mucous membrane caused by underlying Eustachian tube
torus tubarius
a deep hole behind the Eustachian tube
pharyngeal recess
a raised ridge of mucous membrane extending along the wall of the pharynx
salpingopharyngeal fold
an opening that connects the middle ear with the nasal-sinus cavity
Eustachian tube
bundles of lymphatic tissue located in the lateral oropharynx
palatine tonsils
anterior arch of the oral cavity
palatoglossal arch
posterior arch of the oral cavity
palatopharyngeal arch
bundles of lymphatic tissue at the sides of the tongue at the base
lingual tonsil
the entrance to the larynx
laryngeal aditus
side branches from the vocal tract
piriform fossa
name the 9 pharyngeal cartilages
thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, epiglottis, arytenoid cartilage (x2), corniculate cartilage (x2), cuneiform cartilage (x2)
what is the internal larynx lined with?
respiratory mucosa
area of larynx above vocal cords
laryngeal vestibule
structure that lies between the vocal and vestibular fold
laryngeal ventricle
laryngeal vestibule and ventricle collective term
space between the vocal cords and cricoid cartilage
infra-glottic cavity
Adam’s apple
laryngeal prominence
connects thyroid cartilage to hyoid bone
thyrohyoid membrane
superior protuberance from thyroid cartilage
superior horn of thyroid cartilage
inferior protuberance from thyroid cartilage
inferior horn of thyroid cartilage
flat portion of cricoid cartilage
cricoid lamina
links vestibular ligament and epiglottis
quadrangular membrane
free lower edge of quadrangular membrane
vestibular ligament
medial edge of laryngeal triangular membrane
vocal ligament
links cricoid cartilage and vocal ligament
conus elasticus
processes of arytenoid cartilage
vocal and muscular
articulation between cricoid and arytenoid cartilages
cricoarytenoid joint
articulation between cricoid and thyroid cartilages
cricothyroid joint
most anterior aspect of the chin
mental protuberance
bony projection at the base of the temporal bone
mastoid process
elevation on posterior surface of occipital bone
external occipital protuberance
space between inside of lips and gums/teeth
oral vestibule
deep layer of fascia surrounding the vertebral column
prevertebral fascia
fascia arranged like a collar around the neck
investing fascia
fascia surrounding the trachea
pretracheal fascia
fascia surrounding internal carotid artery and CNIX-XII)
carotid sheath
anterior boundary of oral cavity
lips and oral fissure
opening between the lips
oral fissure
posterior boundary of oral cavity
isthmus of fauces
lateral boundary of oral cavity
superior boundary of oral cavity
hard and soft palates
inferior boundary of oral cavity
floor of mouth
bit that hangs down at the back of the throat
opening for submandibular glands
sublingual caruncle
line in the middle underneath the tongue
lingual frenulum
crest of mucous membrane around the bottom of the tongue
sublingual fold
line between left and right palatine bones
medial palatine suture
connects nasal and oral cavities
incisive foramen
salivary glands in the palatal mucosa secrete…
mucosal elevations on anterior third of palate
palatal rugae
false vocal cord
vestibular fold
true vocal cord
vocal fold
septal cartilage aka
quadrilateral cartilage
foramen that transmits anterior ethmoidal artery, vein and nerve
anterior ethmoidal foramen
foramen that transmits posterior ethmoidal artery, vein and nerve
posterior ethmoidal foramen
foramen that transmits sphenopalatine artery, posterior superior lateral nasal nerve, and nasopalatine nerves
sphenopalatine foramen
two branches of ophthalmic artery
anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries
first branch from internal carotid artery after it enters the cranial cavity
ophthalmic artery
two branches of maxillary artery
sphenopalatine artery and descending palatine artery
branch of descending palatine artery
greater palatine artery
terminal branch of external carotid artery
maxillary artery
two branches of facial artery
septal branch of superior labial artery and lateral nasal artery
three origins of vessels supplying nasal cavity
facial, maxillary and ophthalmic arteries
five contributors to Keisselbach’s plexus
anterior ethmoidal artery, posterior ethmoidal artery, septal branch of superior labial artery, sphenopalatine artery, and greater palatine artery
respiratory epithelium
pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium with goblet cells
olfactory epithelium
pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium with goblet cells and receptor cells
what kind of neurons are receptor cells?
function of nasal conchae
keep turbulent air in nasal cavity for a bit longer giving the receptor cells in the olfactory epithelium a chance to pick up odorants
olfactory pathway
olfactory nerves (receptor cells) in olfactory epithelium, pass up through cribriform plate, synapse in olfactory bulb, pass along olfactory tract to temporal lobe and other olfactory areas of brain
ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve
maxillary division of trigeminal nerve
two foraminae that nasopalatine nerves pass through
sphenopalatine foramen and incisive foramen
what direction do greater palatine artery and sphenopalatine artery travel through incisive foramen?
what direction do nasopalatine nerves travel through incisive foramen?
ophthalmic division sends axons through…
superior orbital fissure
maxillary division sends axons through…
foramen rotundum
trigeminal ganglion location
temporal bone
inferior portion of temporal bone
petrous portion
superior portion of temporal bone
squamous portion