ENT Flashcards
Cause of dacryoadenitis
clogged lacrimal duct
What are the 2 most common etiologies of dacryoadenitis?
What is the MCC of viral conjunctivitis?
adenovirus 3, 8, 19
MCC of bacterial conjunctivitis in non-neonates
staph aureus
strep pneumo
MCC of bacterial conjunctivitis in neonates?
gonococcal, chlamydia, HSV
What symptom will tell you that a neonate has bacterial conjunctivitis caused by chlamydia?
nontender preauricular lymphadenopathy
What is the MC etiology of Otitis externa?
pseudomonas aeruginosa
CPx of Otitis Externa
- pruritis
- purulent discharge
- pain with pinna and auricle movement
Tx of OE
What is the CPx of Sialolithiasis/Sialoadenitis?
- increased saliva production
- mouth swelling
- pain worse with meals
Tx of Sialodenitis/Sialolithiasis
sialogogues like lemon drops that increase salivation
MCC of dental caries
Strep Mutans-refer to dentist
**supplement fluoride to protect against dental caries**
MCC of peritonsillar abscess
strep pyogenes
Cpx of peritonsillar abscess
- hx of pharyngitis
- sore throat + odynophagia
- hot potato voice
- uvula displaced away from PTA
Tx of Peritonsillar Abscess
I & D + Penicillin
Medical emergency!!
CPx of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
sudden onset sensation of room spinning w/positional changes of the head, lasting seconds-minutes
How is dx of BPPV made?
Dix- Hallpike manuever:
with pt sitting up, turn head 45 degrees to one side, lie pt down with head overhanging the edge of the bed & look for nystagmus, repeat on contralateral side
Tx of BPPV
epley maneuver
“blood and thunder”
Central retinal vein occlusion
Sxs of retinal vein occlusion
sudden, painless loss of vision
What will you see on PE (fundoscopic exam) of retinal vein occlusion?
dilated & tortuous retinal veins– MC presentation
cotton wool spots
diffuse intraretinal hemorrhages
swollen optic disk
retinal edema
Pt with retinal vein occlusion will usually have a hx of what two diseases?
Tx for perforated tympanic membrane
What ear drops should you avoid for a perforated typmanic membrane?
aminoglycosides (ototoxic)
Signs/sxs of HSV 1 infection
prodrome of pain/burning/tingling eruption of painful, grouped vesicles on erythematous base
Tx of HSV 1 infection
anti-virals (virs)
What do you see on Tzanck smear of HSV1 vesicles?
multinucleated giant cells
CPx of Infectious Mononucleosis
fever, sore throat
posterior cervical LAD
Dx of infectious mono
monospot Ab test
Cpx of orbital cellulitis
proptosis, pain, fever, increased IOP
restricted/painful eye movement
_**usually 2ry to sinus infections**_
Workup for orbital cellulitis
orbital + sinus CT scan
MCC of acute conjunctivitis
viral infection: serous/clear discharge
What is a cholesteatoma?
Keratinized, desquamated collection of epithelial cells located in the middle ear
What kind of hearing loss is associated with a cholesteatoma?
conductive hearing loss
Sxs of acquired cholesteatoma
hx of chronic ear infections or tympanostomy tubes
c/o painless otorrhea
What will cholesteatoma look like on PE?
yellow/white mass behind tympanic membrane
CPx of macular degeneration
older pt
c/o b/l gradual, central field vision loss
What will PE show in macular degeneration?
Drusen spots (atrophic changes and yellow retinal deposits)
How is Dx of Macular degeneration made?
Amsler grid
Cpx of pt with Pterygium?
Pt has hx of excessive sunlight exposure
c/o “something in the eye”
What is 1st line tx of Group A strep?
CPx of dacryo stenosis
newborn, c/o eye discharge
What will Dacryostenosis PE show?
Large tear lake
overflow of years onto the cheek
presence of mucoid material in the canthi
Tx for dacryostenosis
nasolacrimal massage 2-3 times daily & cleansing with warm water
What will the hx of a pt with corneal ulcer be?
hx of trauma, incomplete closure or extended contact lens use
PE of corneal ulcer
oval ulcer with ragged edges, severe conjunctival inflammation
sudden hearling loss can occur during what procedure?
cerumen impaction removal
Best initial mgmt of acute mastoiditis
CT scan
Empiric IV abx (vancomycin)
CPx of acute mastoiditis
pain + swelling of post-auricular area
PE: tenderness w/palpation, warmth, erythema, swelling behind ear
forward displacement of external ear
typical cause of mastoiditis
untreated acute otitis media
What causes acute painful loss of vision?
optic neuritis
Optic Neuritis Cpx
sudden loss of monocular vision
pain w/movement of affected eye
loss of color (red) vision
Uhthoff phenomenon (transient worsening of vision w/increased body temperature)
Optic Neuritis tx
IV corticosteroids