ENT Flashcards
22 y/o female. singer - noticed deeper voice. Smoker. Examination = bilateral nodules on vocal cord
What is the diagnosis?
What is the treatment?
Vocal cord nodules - small, hard growth on vocal cords caused by voice abuse.
Tx = conservative - rest cords and speech therapy.
Surgical excision may be needed.
At what age does laryngeal carcinoma commonly occur?
- how does it present?
- what is the most common type?
- does it affect men or women more often?
- what are some risk factors?
- middle aged- older patients
hoarse voice, cough or difficulty swallowing
may have systemic signs of distant mets
- usually squamous cell carcinoma
- more common in men
- RF: smoking, alcohol
Globus pharyngeus
- what is it?
- How does it present?
sensation of lump at back of throat.
- no difficulty swallowing
RF: GORD, chronic sinusitis
- what is it?
- how is it investigated?
disorder of oesophagus
- muscle layer affected - failure of relation of lower esophageal sphincter
- swallowing difficult and associated with regurgitation
- may be painful
Barium swallow = birds beak
Manometry - used to confirm hyper contraction
Eosinophilic esophagitis
- presentation
allergic reaction with proliferation of eosinophils in oesophagus.
Pain - felt on swallowing
heart burn
may vomit and lose apetite
Oesophageal ring
benign structure at lower end of oesophagus - may cause swallowing difficulties.
- not always symptomatic
- regurgitation - food gets obstructed and stuck in oesophagus
Ix = upper GI endoscopy
Otitis externa
- risk factors
- treatment
RF: psoriasis
Tx = 2% acetic acid, neomycin or aminoglycosides
- may add steroid drops
- continue drops for 3 days after symptoms go away