ENT Flashcards
What are the two types of hearing loss?
Conductive Hearing Loss Consists of
External or middle ear
What are some causes of Conductive Hearing Loss?
Cerumen Impaction
TM perf
Fluid accumulation
Tympanosclerosis (hardening of the tissues of the middle ear)
Sensorineural Hearing Loss Consists of
Inner ear or damaged 8th Cranial Nerve
Causes of Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Acoustic neuroma Meniere’s Dz Ototoxic drugs Injury form noise Viral (after mumps)
Hearing loss due to aging
Any sudden hearing loss is
an emergency
Diagnostic tests for hearing loss
- Weber
2. Rinne
Rinne Test Normal Finding
AC (air conduction) > BC (bone conduction)
Rinne Conductive Hearing Loss
Tone heard louder in the affected ear
(CB—conductive bad)
Rinne Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can cause _________ in children
delayed speech
Hearing loss treatment
Remove cerumen impaction with Debrox or Murine
Abx to treat OM
Decongestants for serous otitis
Refer to ENT if conductive hearing loss does not improve w/ Tx
Otitis Externa
Aka Swimmer’s ears
Extremely painful to touch
Treatment for Otitis Externa
Ciprofloxin & Hydrocortisone (intact TM): 3 gtts BID x 7 days (>1 year)
Ofloxiacin Otic drops 5 gtts affected ear qdx 7 days (6 mos-13 years); Adults 10 gtts qd x7 days
Neomycin sulfate 3.5mg, polymixinb sulfate 1000 units & hydrocortisone 10mg/ ml (Adults 4gtts qid, 2-16 years 3 gtts tid Max 10 days)
2 % Acetic acid (50/50 mix with water) after swimming. Keeps ph acidic
No gtts for otitis externa if
TM is perforated
ear pain
drainage form the ear
Otitis Median SS
Otalgia Otorrhea TM redness (not always present) Effusion may persist for months can cause hearing and speech problems N/V Fever (often coexist with URI symptoms) anorexia
Otitis Media Treatment
Watchful waiting for kids 2-12
Amoxil 80-90mg/kg/dose
Tympanosotmy may be placed for
persistant effusions and it allows Cx of fluid
Foreign body in ear
Kill bugs w/ mineral oil or petroleum jelly
Assess object 1st before attempting to remove the foreign object
What is serous otitis?
fluid build up in middle ear
Treatment for serous otitis
Open eustachian tube Antihistamines Decongestants Nasal steroids Valsalva Gum chewing
a cyst or skin growth behind the TM of into the mastoid
Cholesteatoma cause
recurrent infection
congenital (rare)
Cholesteatoma symptoms
recurrent drainage full feeling dizziness facial paralysis Hearing loss