ENT Flashcards
Most reliable landmark of TMembrane
Lateral process of malleus
Most mobile part of tympanic membrane
Cone of light falls where in Tympanic membrane
Antero inferior quadrant of pars tensa
Which nerve on face gets thickened in laprosy?
Great auricular nerve
nerve supply to Antero superior EA canal
Auricotemporal nerve- Branch of V3
Nerve supply to floor/antero inferior EA canal
Arnold’s vranch of vagus
Nerve supply to Posterior superior EA canal
Facial nerve
Nerve supply to anterior half of lateral aspect of TM
Auricotemporal nerve- Branch of V3
Nerve supply to posterior half of lateral aspect of TM
Arnold’s nerve branch of Vagus
Nerve supply to medial aspect of TM
Jacobson’s nerve- branch of Glossopharyngeal nerve
Oval window is covered by which structure?
Foot plate of stapes
Round window is covered with which structure?
Secondary tympanic membrane
Which muscle hook around the processus cochleariformis and where it is attached?
Tensor tympani
Attached to handle of malleus
Which nerve supplies to tensor tympani and tensor vali palitini?
Mandibular nerve
Archuate eminance in tegmen of middle ear is due to which structure?
Superior semicircular canal
Promontary on medial wall of middle ear is formed due to which structure?
1st turn/ basal turn of cochlea
Dome of which structure is present on medial wall of middle ear?
Lateral semicircular canal
Which muscle arises from posterior wall of middle ear and attaches to which structure?
To neck of stapes
Which nerve supplies to stapedius?
Facial nerve
Lateral scc= another Name of semicircular canal- Which head movement it is involved- Which nystagmus it produces
Horizontal scc
No no movement
Horizontal nystagmus
Posterior scc= another Name of semicircular canal- Which head movement it is involved- Which nystagmus it produces
Vertical scc
Yes yes movement
Vertical nystagmus
Anterior scc= another Name of semicircular canal- Which head movement it is involved- Which nystagmus it produces
Superior scc
Ear to shoulder movement
Torsional nystagmus
Which structure of inner ear detects horizontal linear acceleration?
Which structure of inner ear detects vertical linear acceleration?
In waber test, sound better heard in diseased ear- which type of hearing loss in which ear?
Conducive hearing loss in diseased ear
In waber test, sound better heard in healthy ear- which type of hearing loss in which ear?
Sensorineural hearing loss of other diseased ear
In ear testing, AC is more than BC, 2 findings?
Normal finding
Unilateral sensorineural hearing loss
In ear testing, BC more than AC, 3 findings?
External ear pathology
Middle ear pathology
Severe unilateral SNHL/ dead ear
Boiler’s notch in NIHL is seen at which frequency?
No AB gap with dip at 4000hz in pure tome audiometry?
Air bone gap is present of 40db on pure tone audiometry- Diagnosis?
Conductive hearing loss
Ac and Bc curves have come down and AB gap is present in pure tone audiometry- diagnosis
Both mixed CHL and SNHL
Carhart’s notch is seen in which condition and at which frequency?
At 2000hz in bone conduction
Which 3 sinuses opens in Osteo meatal complex which presents in middle meatus?
anterior ethmoidal
maxillary sinus
Naso lacrimal duct open in which meatus?
Inferior meatus
Out of eight bones of lateral wall of nasal cavity which are four bones apart from paranasal sinus bones?
Nasal bone
Palatine bone
Inferior turbinate
Lacrimal bone
Out of 7 bones of medial wall of nasal cavity which are 3 bones apart from paranasal sinus bones?
Palatine bone
nasal bone
Which artery doesn’t contribute to bleeding from little’s area?
Posterior Ethmoidal artery
Artery of epistaxis
Sphenopalatine artery
Which artery is never ligated in epistaxis management?
Internal carotide artery
Mc sinus involved in rhinosinusitis?
Maxillary sinus
Merciful anosmia is finding in which disease? 2 names
Atrophic rhonosinusitis/ ozeana
Miculicz cells and russell bodies are seen in which nasal atrophic disease? 2 names
Rhinoscleroma/ respiratory scleroma
Which are the causative agents of rhinoscleroma? 2 names
Klebisiella rhinoscleromatosis/ Frisch bacillus
Woody/hebra/tapir nose is found in which disease? 2 names
Rhinoscleroma/ respiratory scleroma
Aquatic protozoa causing nasal disease?
Which disease of nose has strawberry granuloma?