Ensemble Prediction Flashcards
What is the traditional method of making a weather forecast?
Take the best model available and run it until it loses its skill due to the growth of small errors in the initial conditions
Skill is typically lost after ____ days or so, depending on the season
An alternate method that produces forecasts with skill up to ____ days after the initial forecast uses what is called “____ _____”
15 days
“ensemble forecasting”
Instead of using just one model run, many runs with slightly different ____ conditions are made
An average, or “____ _____” of the different forecasts is created
ensemble mean
Why will the ensemble mean likely have more skill?
- It averages over the many possible initial states
- Smoothes the chaotic nature of climate
Is now possible to forecast probabilities of different conditions because of the ____ ensemble of forecasts available
Every day, at __Z, ___Z, __Z, and __Z global weather observations are collected, transmitted to major weather centers, and are used to produce a snapshot of the global atmosphere
00Z, 06Z, 12Z, and 18Z
What does the “snapshot” of the global atmos (i.e. the model analysis or 0-hour forecast) include?
Winds, pressure, moisture, temperature, etc. at multiple vertical levels in the atmos and at grid intersections of about 100 km
Why does an individual model run merely “ sample” one of many possible current and future states of the atmospheric circulation?
- Because of the uncertainty in the initial conditions
What are some examples of uncertainty in initial conditions?
- instrument error
- spatial/temporal sampling error
- lack of data
- erroneous influences of the first guess background field
How does NCEP (and other weather centers) make many forecast runs out of a model out to 15 days?
- Make initial conditions of the individual runs slightly perturbed
What is the most skillful numerical forecast that can be made given the chaotic nature of the atmospheric circulation?
The average of all these model integrations
Somewhere between ___ and ___ numerical model runs are executed daily using slightly altered initial conditions
12 and 30
These slight alterations are known as “____”.
These 12 to 30 model runs using perturbed initial conditions are called the ____ ____, and theoretically represent the current _____ ____ of the distribution of atmos states expected in the atmos out to forecast times of 15 days
ensemble members
best estimate
One can also use the members to estimate probabilities of certain events, such as ____ ____ or ____ ____ normal temperatures
much below
much above
Such probabilities are dependent on the ____ in the forecasts of individual members
The ensemble prediction approach attempts to define the ____ ____ ____ of atmosphere variables
Probability Density Function (PDF)
This forecast scatter between ensemble members ____ with forecast lead time and should eventually approach the ____ observed in everyday weather
The scatter between separate ____ ____ should approach the ____ _____ scatter of the observed weather
model forecasts
normal climatological