ENGN132 - Chapter 1 Flashcards
Define Millenials
Persons born from 1982 on that are said to be confident, social, team-oriented, proud of achievement, prone to use analytic skills, and determined to seek, stability and balance for themselves.
Define Computer
A Machine that can Receive, Store, Transform and Output Data of all kinds.
Define Computer Chip/Microprocessor Chip
A Silicone Chip containing Circuitry for a Computer Processor.
Define Hardware
The actual computer equipment; monitors, mice, towers, etc.
Define Software
The set of programs associated with a computer.
What is a Program
A list of instructions that enables a computer to perform a specific task.
What is a Binary Number
A number whose digits are zero and one
Define Memory Cell
An individual storage location in memory
What is the Address of a Memory Cell?
The relative position of a memory cell in the computer’s main memory
Define the Contents of a Memory Cell
The information stored in a memory cell, either a program instruction or data.
What is a Stored Program Concept?
A computer’s ability to store program instructions in main memory for execution.
What is a Byte?
A byte is the amount of space required to store a single character.
What is a bit?
A bit is a binary digit; a 0 or a 1
Define Data Storage
Setting the individual bits of a memory cell to 0 or 1 destroying the cell’s previous contents.
What is Data Retrieval?
Copying the contents of a particular memory cell to another storage area.
What is RAM
Random Access Memory: The part of the main memory that temporarily stores programs, data and results.
What is ROM
Read Only Memory: The part of the main memory that permanently stores programs or data.
Define Volatile Memory
Memory cells whose contents are not saved when the computer is switched off. (The values disappear.)
What is Classified as Secondary Storage
Units such as disks or flash drives that retain data even when the power to the drive is off.
What is a disk?
A disk is a thin platter of metal or plastic on which data are represented by magnetized spots arranged in tracks.
What is an Optical Drive?
A device that uses a laser to access or store data on a CD (Compact Disk) or DVD
What is a Flash Drive?
A device that plugs into USB port and stores data bits as trapped electrons.
What is a File?
A named collection of data stored on a disk
What is a Directory?
A list of the names of files stored on a disk.
What is a Sub-Directory?
A list of the names of files that relate to a particular topic
What is the CPU
The Central Processing Unit: coordinates all computer operations and performs arithmetic and logical operations on data.
What is Fetching an Instruction?
Retrieving an Instruction from Main Memory
What is a Register?
A High-Speed memory location inside the CPU
What is a Multiprocessor?
A computer with multiple CPU’s
What is a cursor?
A moving place marker that appears on the monitor.
What are Function Keys?
Special keyboard keys used to select a particular operation. The operation selected depends on the program being used.
What is a mouse?
An input device that moves its cursor on the computer screen to select an operation.
What is an Icon?
An icon is a picture representing a computer operation.
What is a hard copy?
A printed version of information.
Define LAN
Local Area Network: Computers, printers, scanners and storage devices that are connected by cables for intercommunication.
What is a File Server?
The computer in a network that controls access to a secondary storage device such as a hard disk.
Define WAN
Wide Area Network: A network such as the internet that connects computers and LAN’s over a large geographic area.
Define WWW
The World Wide Web: A part of the Internet whose GUI make associated network resources easily navigable.
What is a Graphical User Interface?
GUI: Pictures and menus displayed to allow user to select commands and data.
What is a Modem
A device that converts binary data into audio signals that can be transmitted between computers and over telephone lines.
What is a DSL Connection
A Digital Subscriber Line is a High-Speed internet connection that uses a telephone line and does not interfere with simultaneous voice communication on the same line.
What is Cable Internet Access?
Two-Way High-Speed transmission of Internet data through two of the hundreds of channels available over the coaxial cable that carries cable television signals.
What is an OS?
Operating System: Software that controls interaction of user and computer hardware and that manages allocation of computer resources.
What is Booting a Computer?
Loading the OS from disk to memory.
What is an Application?
Software used for a specific task such as word processing, accounting, or database management.
Define Install
Make an application available on a computer by copying it to the computer’s hard drive.
What is Machine Language?
Binary number codes understood by a specific CPU
What is Assembly Language?
Mnemonic Codes that correspond to machine language instructions.
What is High-Level Language?
Machine-Independent Programming Language that combines algebraic expressions and English symbols.
What is a Compiler?
Software that translates a high-level language program into machine language.
What is a Source File?
A file containing a program written in a high-level language; the input for the compiler.
Define Syntax
Grammatical rules of Programming Language
What is an Object File?
A file of machine language instructions that is the output of a compiler.
What is a Linker?
Linkers are software that combine object files and resolves cross-references to create an executable machine language program.
What is an IDE
Integrated Development Environment: a software package that combines a word processor, compiler, linker, loader, and tools for finding errors.
Define Input Data
The Data values that are Scanned by a Program.
What is Program Output?
The lines displayed by a program.
What is the 6-Step-Process for Software Development?
- Specify the problem Requirements
- Analyze the Problem
- Design an Algorithm to Solve the Problem
- Implement the Algorithm
- Test and Verify the Completed Algorithm
- Maintain and Update the Program
What is Abstraction
The Process of modeling a problem by extracting the essential variables and their relationships.
What is an Algorithm?
A list of steps towards solving a problem.
What is Top-Down Design?
Breaking a problem into its major sub-problems and then solving the sub-problems
What is Stepwise Refinement?
The development of a detailed list of steps to solve a particular step in the original algorithm.
What is Desk Checking?
The step-by-step simulation of the computer execution of an algorithm.
What is Computer Theft/Fraud?
Illegally obtaining money by falsifying Information in a Computer Database.
What is a Virus?
Code Attached to another program that spreads through a computers disk memory, disrupting the memory or erasing information.
What is a Worm?
A Virus that can Disrupt a Network by Replicating itself on other Network Computers.
Define Software Piracy
Violating Copyright Agreements by Illegally Copying Software for Use in Another Computer