ENGLIT MACBETH masculinity quotes Flashcards
How is masculinity presented in I.2?
“bloody execution” “worthy gentleman”
- killing enemies in a gruesome way and killing a large amount is seen as something that should be praised
- this immediately creates the world that Macbeth is set in is one that is very violent and masculine
- to be seen as a worthy man, you have to prove yourself in battle
Why is LM attacking Macbeth’s masculinity in I.7 the most significant?
“when you durst do it, then you were a man”
- Macbeth’s reputation is founded on being a brave and noble warrior in battle and is the reason the people of Scotland like him so much
- he has no response to this
How is masculinity shown in IV.3?
- Malcolm tells Macduff to “dispute it like a man” when Macduff finds out his family has been killed
- Macduff responds by saying he should “feel it as a man” which could hint that Macduff thinks that men can be sensitive too
- Macduff could be seen as teaching Malcolm how to be a good king and how to be a good man
How is masculinity shown in V.9?
- siward only cares that his song died bravely “like a man”
- Malcolm says that “he’s worth more sorrow”, shows that being a man means more than being violent and aggressive, learnt his lesson masculinity from Macduff
Why doesn’t Macbeth deny LM when she wants him to kill Duncan?
- he doesn’t want to seem unmanly or a coward
- throughout the play, Macbeth and LM link masculinity with strength and courage
How does LM achieve her ambitions through this society?
takes place in a violent, male-dominated society, so LM can only achieve what she wants through Macbeth
How does Duncan make the audience question their views on masculinity in I.4?
“my plenteous joys, wanton in fullness, seek to hide themselves in drops of sorrow”
- not afraid to show emotion
- shows “drops of sorrow” because he’s so happy and talks about his “gentle senses” which could be seen as unmanly
- doesn’t have the qualities that other characters associate with masculinity, Shakespeare shows he’s kind, fair and generous
- this makes the audience question whether a good man has to be a violent warrior or not
How do Macbeth and LM most often discuss masculinity?
- often only see masculinity as naked agression
- whenever they discuss about manhood, violence shortly follows
- their understanding of manhood allows the political order of the play to descend into chaos