ENGLIT MACBETH banquo quotes Flashcards
How is Banquo used throughout the play?
- shown to be the opposite of Macbeth, more noble
- he hears witches predictions but doesn’t act on them in contrast to Macbeth
- this shows that Macbeth’s actions were his fault entirely
How is Banquo shown to be undisturbed in I.3?
“neither beg nor fear your favour nor your hate”
- he doesn’t want to beg for witches prophecies, but wouldn’t dismiss them, recognises that witches could be driving him to good or to evil
- presents him as more mature and level-headed than Macbeth
How is Banquo shown to be different to Macbeth in II.1?
- kept awake by the witches’ predictions, but instead calls on “merciful powers” to help him rather than “evil spirits”
- says he will follow Macbeth as long as he has “faith to the king”, shows that he values loyalty to his country over friendship with Macbeth or choosing personal gain
How is Banquo shown to be different to Duncan in II.1?
- Duncan is lavishing in his praise at Macbeth’s castle whereas Banquo is on edge
- “give me my sword” shows he feels the need to defend himself, strange considering he is in the castle of his friend where no harm should befall him
- shows he is suspicious of something greater at play
How is Banquo calling out in II.1 significant to appearance and reality?
“who’s there”
- could be interpreted as just simply calling out
- could also mean that he’s asking to reveal himself, rather than choose to cover himself up with the “false face”
Why is Banquo’s soliloquy in III.1 significant?
“I fear thou play’dst most foully for’t”
- epitomises the overarching suspicion that it was Macbeth who killed Duncan but chooses not to say anything about it
- shows that he, along with many others are also covering up how they truly feel
How is one of Banquo’s responses to Macbeth in III.1 significant?
“fail not our feast” -M
“My lord I will not” -B
-could be interpreted as accepting a simple request
-could also be interpreted as foreshadowing because he does make the feast but in the form of a ghost
How is the witches’ prediction for Banquo significant?
“less than Macbeth yet greater”
shows that in society, he will hold a lower position but is actually greater because he isn’t driven by greed and ambition
“not so happy, yet much happier”
-hints that Macbeth gets what he wants, it won’t make him happier
-Witches use paradoxes and riddles to confuse Macbeth and Banquo to lead them astray
Why is it significant that Fleance walks with Banquo in II.1?
he serves as a reminder of the witches’ prophecy that Banquo’s descendants will become kings
How does Banquo show to be more moral than Macbeth in II.1?
- mention of the witches and “cursed thoughts” shows that he has been thinking about acting on the witches’ prophecies
- the fact that he’s chosen to restrain himself and not do so shows him to be more noble than Macbeth
What does Banquo represent in III.3?
- “west yet glimmers with some streaks of day” sun is setting and becoming dark which represents Macbeth’s evil
- Banquo is carrying a torch, his light represents the goodness in the world
- when is murdered, the light aka the good has gone out and the world is plunged into complete darkness
How is Banquo shown to be brave in III.1?
“that dauntless temper of his mind”
How is Banquo shown to be noble in I.4?
“noble Banquo that hast no less deserved”
How is Banquo shown to be wise in I.3?
“the instruments of darkness tel us truths, win us with honest trifles - to betray’s”
What does Banquo have that Macbeth doesn’t?
“a wisdom that doth guide his valour” III.1
- Banquo thinks before he acts and does what is right
- contrast to Macbeth’s selfish desires
How does Banquo show to be surprised in III.3?
“O, treachery!”
-shows he didn’t expect his best friend to actually end up killing him