English words/9 Flashcards
a pale yellow chemical element that exists in various physical forms. It burns with a blue flame and a strong smell and is used in medicine and industry.(الكبريت)
a slight shaking movement in a person’s body, especially because of nervousness or excitement:(رعشة او رجفة)
The disease mostly affects people over 50, causing paralysis and uncontrollable tremors.
to make a continuous low sound:(همهمة)
The computers were humming in the background.
to shake slightly in a way that you cannot control, for example because you are frightened, angry, or excited, or because of illness:(رعشة)
I was trembling with fear
to make a long, loud, deep sound:(صوت ضخم)
We could hear the lions roaring at the other end of the zoo.
(أتت بمعنى زئير)
the regular beating of the heart, especially when it is felt at the wrist or side of the neck:(نبض)
The child’s pulse was strong/weak.
help and comfort when you are feeling sad or worried:(خفف او راحة من امر محزن)
She found solace in her memories of her grandmother.
When a volcano erupts, it explodes and flames and rocks come out of it or to burst out suddenly or explode(ثوران او المشاعر الهائجة)
The crowd erupted in cheers.
embarrassed because you know that you have done something wrong or silly(خجول من فعل شيء محرج)
She gave me a sheepish smile and apologized
having a lot of complicated decoration(مزخرف)
a room with an ornate ceiling(سقف) and gold mirrors