English words/6 Flashcards
the fact of a large number of people leaving a place or situation:(نزوح)
exodus from He says there is an exodus from public education which must be stopped.
a condition in which you are unable to move all or part of your body because of illness or injury:(شلل)
Some nervous disorders can produce paralysis.
to become gradually damaged, worse, or less; to cause something to do this:(يضعف او تقل فعاليته تدريجيا(
The role of the extended family has been decaying for some time.
a standard by which you judge, decide about, or deal with something(معيار)
The Health Service should not be judged by financial criteria(جمع الكلمة) alone.
a strong, pleasant smell, usually from food or drink:(رائحة قوية(
a wine with a light, fruity aroma
a type of sweet cake made from special pastry and usually containing something such as fruit or nuts:(معجنات)
We were offered a selection of cakes and pastries with our tea.
to remove dirt from something by rubbing it hard with something rough:(تنظيف شيء من الغبار)
You’ll have to scour out those old cooking pots before you use them.
to make clothes, etc. by using two long needles to connect wool or another type of thread into joined rows:(حياكة)
She’s forever knitting.
Fan out
to spread out over a wide area:(الانتشار في نطاق واسع)
The police fanned out over the west side of the park.
If things such as paper or leaves rustle, or if you rustle them, they move about and make a soft, dry sound:(حفيف)
The leaves rustled in the breeze.(نسيم)