English Terms Pt.3 Flashcards
What is denotation?
The explicit or direct meaning or set of meanings of a word or expressions.
What is Deus Ex Machine?
Literally the word means “god out of a machine.” It’s a person or event that comes just in time to solve a difficulty in a story and it’s usually quite artificial. (ex. superman or spiderman).
What is diction?
The choice of words in literature.
What is discrepancy?
To be in disagreement; at variance.
What is dissonance?
Harsh sound or discord. (ex. discord from MLP).
What is epilogue?
Literally means to say in addition. It is a section following the plot of a story that explains the work.
What is euphemism?
An offensive expression used in place of one which is clearer but disagreeable. (ex. sanitary engineer for garbage man; passed away for died).
What is fantasy?
A highly exaggerated or improbable story. As a rule, events, characters, settings in a fantasy would not be possible or found in real life.
What is feminine rhyme?
The rhyming of two syllables in a word. (ex. rowing - flowing).
What is figurative?
In writing or speech, using words out of their literal meaning to add beauty or force.
What is flashback?
The recounting of past incidences in a character’s life, usually for the purpose of clarifying present events.
What is forshadowing?
A technique whereby an event or incident is indicated beforehand when the author includes hints or clues about the main events of a story.
What is free verse?
Poetry which has no rhyme or rhythm. It is free from ordinary convention.
What is genre?
A type or class of literature. (ex. short story, poetry, murder mystery).
What is gothic fiction?
It’s a fiction which concentrates on the eerie and the grotesque. It’s purpose is to evoke terror. (ex. Dracula or Frankenstein)