English nouns Flashcards
D: a young foreign person, typically a woman, who helps with housework or childcare in exchange for food, a room, and some pocket money.
Ex: Working as an au pair has its pros and cons, but i would suggest and alternative choice.
Au pair
راحة / الوقت المناسب /ملائم / فرصة مناسبة
D: he state of being able to proceed with something without difficulty.
Ex: could you pleas look into this matter at your earliest convenience.
مراسلة / تطابق / تراسل / انسجام / تشابه
D: a close similarity, connection, or equivalence.
D: communication by exchanging letters, emails, or other messages.
Ex: there is a simple correspondence between the distance of a focused object from the eye and the size of its image on the retina.
Ex: I entered into detailed correspondence with him on the problem, but nothing ever came of it.
ازدهار / رخاء / رفاهية / نجاح
D: The state of being successful and having a lot on Money.
Ex: A country’s future prosperity depends ,to an extent, upon the quality of education of its people. /the war was followed by a long period of peace and prosperity.
مخطط / برنامج عمل/الطبعة الزرقاء
D:Something which acts as a plan, model or template for others.
Ex: The scheme was a blueprint for future development programmers.
روايات / سرد / قصة / حكاية
D: A spoken or written account of connected events, a story.
Ex: A gripping narrative.
D: The quality of spreading widely or being present throughout an area or a group of people.
Ex: The pervasiveness of violence on television.
رتابة / حديث ممل / شخص مضجر
D: Lacking excitement or variety, boringly monotonous.
Ex: The use of computers to perform humdrum tasks.
استبداد / طغيان
D: unfair or cruel use of power or authority.
Ex: the children had no protection against the tyranny of their father.
D: The belief that something, especially a country or its system of government, is unusually good or successful.
Ex: the popular belief in American exceptionalism.
شرعية / أهلية / مشروعية
D: ability to be defended with logic or justification; validity.
D: conformity to the law or to rules.
Ex: he has undermined the legitimacy of the criminal justice system
أدنى منزلة / غير بارع
D: a person lower than another in rank, status, or ability.
“her social and intellectual inferiors”
الإفراط في التساهل / تجاوز الحد / أشبع كل نزواته / حلم / فرط
D: behaviour in which you allow yourself to have too much of something enjoyable, especially food or drink.
Ex:”her alleged overindulgence in alcohol.”
التعظيم / مبالغة
D: expansion of power, wealth, rank, or honor.
Ex: The department was used for the aggrandizement of its leaders.
عضو مجلس
D: a member of a council
EX: Councillor Ralph Lewis
الكسل / خمول / تراخ / جمود
D: avoidance of activity or exertion; laziness.
Ex: my failure is probably due to my own indolence.
تشريع / قانون /
D: the process of making or enacting laws.
Ex: it will require legislation to change this situation”
D: A detailed examination
Ex: your analysis is fairly accurate .
سيادة / سلطة عليا
D: supreme power or authority
Ex: the sovereignty of the parliament.
sovereignty / supremacy
كناية / لطف التعبير
D: A mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing.
Ex: “Passed away” is a euphemism for “died”.
نشاز / تنافر النغمات
D: A harsh, discordant ( متعارض// متضارب //متنافر//متباين) mixture of sounds.
Ex: The city streets were filled with a cacophony of car horns, sirens, and shouting.
امرأة سليطة
D: a person who nags or grumbles constantly (typically used of a woman)
Ex: his mother was the village scold.
D: A statement or an idea forms the basis for a reasonable line of argument.
Ex: His reasoning is based on the premise that all people are equally capable of good and evil.
غمر / الفيضان
D: An overwhelming abundance of people or things.
Ex: An inundation of rugby fans.
طول عمر او تعمير
D: Long life or long existence and service.
Ex: The greater longevity of women compared to men.
D: the inability to make a decision quickly.
Ex: I’ve been racked with indecision over what to do next.
D: the path followed by a projectile flying or an object moving under the action of given forces.
Ex: the missile’s trajectory was preset
حفظ / استبقاء / احتجاز
D: the act of retaining something.
Ex: the Quiz Builder and videos reinforce your understanding and strengthen your retention.
فهم / إدراك / اشتمال
D: the ability to understand something.
Ex: flashcards, powered by Spaced Repetition, and the Daily Practice Quiz enhance your comprehension of complex topics.
تنوير / ثقافة
D: the action of enlightening or the state of being enlightened.
Ex: hey talked about ideas, about what serves enlightenment, and about the true purposes of life.
ولي الأمر/ الأرفع مقاما / رئيس دير / الأفضل منزلة
D: a person superior to another in rank or status, especially a colleague in a higher position.
Ex: obeying their superiors’ orders.
D: the habit or principle of being independent and self-reliant.
Ex: a culture that celebrates individualism and wealth.
D: a social theory favouring freedom of action for individuals over collective or state control.
Ex: encouragement has been given to individualism, free enterprise, and the pursuit of profit.
شهادة / دليل / برهان
D: a formal statement testifying to someone’s character and qualifications.
Ex: I asked my mum and my wife to share a testimonial and I kid you not, this is what they said WORD FOR WORD…
D: A system of government where the citizens have the power to choose their leaders through elections and participate in decision-making processes.
Ex: a system of parliamentary democracy.
D: A political system characterized by centralized control, limited political freedoms, and often a lack of free and fair elections.
Ex: he warned against the intrusion of authoritarianism in various countries
تدخل / تطفل
D: the action of intruding.
Ex: he was furious about this intrusion into his private life
الشراكة بين الحزبين
D: Cooperation or agreement between two major political parties, especially on issues of national importance, despite their ideological differences.
Ex: The passage of the new environmental legislation was achieved through bipartisanship, as both the Democrats and Republicans came together to address the pressing issue of climate change.
المماطلة / قرصان
D: A parliamentary tactic used to delay or block legislation by prolonging debate, typically employed by minority parties or legislators.
Ex: he was one of four Tories who filibustered for more than 30 minutes each to derail the free parking plan
D: The manipulation of electoral district boundaries to favor one political party or group, often resulting in unequal representation.
Ex: The opposition party accused the ruling party of gerrymandering electoral districts to gain an unfair advantage in the upcoming election, sparking widespread criticism and calls for electoral reform.
الاستقطاب السياسي
D: The division of a society into distinct ideological or political camps with little or no common ground, often leading to increased hostility and gridlock. (الجمود)
Ex: The increasing political polarization in the country has led to a breakdown in civil discourse, making it difficult for lawmakers to find common ground on key issues facing the nation.
Political polarization
D: A political approach that seeks to appeal to the concerns and interests of ordinary people, often by criticizing the elites or establishment.
Ex: The rise of populism in recent elections reflects a growing dissatisfaction among the populace with traditional political elites and their policies.
D: A form of government where religious institutions hold the ultimate authority, and religious law governs the state’s policies and laws.
Ex: The nation’s government operates as a theocracy, with religious doctrines guiding all aspects of public policy and governance, from education to criminal law.
شجاعة / بطولة / براعة فائقة
D: skill or expertise in a particular activity or field.
Ex: Our linguistic prowess is matched only by our dedication to staying ahead of industry trends.
العطالة / كسل
D: a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged.
Ex: the problem runs deeper than bureaucratic inertia
خجل / حياء
D: lack of courage or confidence.
Ex: she believes everyone can overcome their timidity
D: written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit.
Ex: a great work of literature.
محادثة / محاضرة
D: written or spoken communication or debate.
Ex: the language of political discourse
نقد / مقالة نقدية
D: a detailed analysis and assessment of something, especially a literary, philosophical, or political theory.
Ex: They will draft and critique their own writing.
تعويذة، شعار
D: (originally in Hinduism and Buddhism) a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation.
Ex: you certainly have heard the political mantra, “Make America great again.
فن الخطابة/ مصلي
D: the art or practice of formal speaking in public. eloquent or rhetorical language.
Ex: the gift of persuasive oratory