Adjectives Flashcards
عنيد / مثابر / متماسك
D: holding firmly to something, persistent or determined.
Ex: despite facing many setback, sarah’s tenacious spirit kept her working towards her goals.
غزير الانتاج / خصيب/ مثمر /منتج/كثير النسل
D: producing abundant results or offspring
Ex: the prolific author published five novels in the spam of just tow years.
مرن / لين
D: able to recover quickly from difficulties or setbacks.
Ex: despite the hardships they faced, the community showed it’s resilient spirit by rebuilding their own town after the storm.
فصيح / بليغ /طلق اللسان
D: fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing .
Ex: his eloquent speech moved the audience to tears.
D: filled with enthusiastic, devotion(اخلاص / تفان) , or passion for a cause (قضية), belief(مبدأ معتقد), or purpose (هدف).
Ex: the new recruit was zealous in his commitment to the organization’s mission.
عظيم / مهيب / رائع / فخم / جميل
D: impressively beautiful (جميل بشكل مثير للاعجاب), splendid or grand.
Ex: from the top of the hill, we had a magnificent view of the entire city.
هادئ / ساكن
D: calm, peaceful, and untroubled.
Ex: sitting by the tranquil (هادئ) lake, she felt a sense of serene contentment wash over her.
رضا / اطمئنان /قناعة
D: a state of happiness and satisfaction.
Ex: he wasn’t fully content with the plan.
رائعة / فاتن / متقن / فاخر /شديد الحساسية
D: extremely beautiful, delicate and finely made.
Ex: the chef prepared an exquisite dish that delighted all the guests at the dinner party.
مفعم بالحيوية / نشيط / مرح
D: lively, animated and full of energy and enthusiasm.
Ex: her vivacious personality lit up the room wherever she wants.
مجتهد / مواظب
D: showing careful and persistent effort or work.
Ex: through diligent study and practice, she was able to achieve her academic goals.
سريع الزوال / عابر
D: lasting for a very short time, fleeting.
Ex: the beauty of the sunset was ephemeral, fading away as soon as the sun dipped below the horizon.
واسع الانتشار / وجود الشئ في كل مكان
D: present, appearing, or found anywhere.
Ex: smartphones have become ubiquitous in modern society, with nearly everyone owning one.
D: a voice or words pleasant to hear, sweet or musical.
Ex: the singer had a mellifluous voice that captivated the audience.
شائن / شنيع
D: wicked, evil, or criminal in nature.
Ex: the villain in the story had a nefarious plan to take over the world.
مخدر / منوم / نعسان
D: tending to induce drowsiness or sleep
Ex: the boring lecture had a soporific effect on the students, causing many of them to nod of.
خيالي / مثالي /وهمي
D: his quixotic dream of ending world hunger seemed Nobel but unrealistic given the complexities involved.
D: complicated and confusing, like a labyrinth.
Ex: the legal process can be labyrinthine, with many twists and turns that are difficult to navigate.
رتابة / ممل
D: lacking excitement or variety boringly monotonous.
Ex: the use of computers to perform humdrum tasks.
D: spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people (especially of an unwelcome influence or physical effect).
Ex: The pervasive scent of freshly baked bread wafted (هبت) through the quaint village (قرية غريبة), enticing everyone to follow their noses to the local bakery.
جذتب / مغرٍ
D: something that is attractive, appealing, or tempting, often causing someone to want or desire it. It’s used to describe things that have the power to attract or draw someone in.
Ex: The enticing aroma (رائحة) of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, inviting passersby to step into the cozy café.
معتدل / متوسط
D: a person who is not very good at something.
Ex: a brilliant leader surrounded by mediocrity.
متناقض / مختلف / متعارض
D: containing or showing a lack of agreement between two statements, facts or actions.
Ex: we are faced with two apparently contradictory statements.
فاسق / مبدد/ خليع
D: over indulging in sensual pleasure, enjoying activities that is harmful.
Ex: he plays a dissipated writer living in Europe.
يضرب بة المثل
D: well known and talked about by a lot of people.
Ex: their hospitality is proverbial.
منتفخ / سكران / مملوء بالغرور
D: filled with gas or liquid and therefor bigger than normal in a way that is not pleasant
Ex: i felt bloated after the meal they have served.
نهائي / حاسم / مستتم
D: final, firm and complete, not to be questioned or changed.
Ex: they had no definitive proof of her guilt.
غير كافي / غير ملائم / غير مؤهل
D: not good enough (object), not able or not confident enough to handle a situation or solve a problem.
Ex: i felt inadequate as a parent.
مقرر / مؤسس / مؤكد
D: successful for a long period of time and widely known.
Ex: the established artist started his journey when he was 14 years old.
واضح / جلي / بيٍن /ظاهر
D: clearly seen or understood, obvious.
Ex: his guilt was evident.
متشكك / مرتاب
D: not easily convinced, having doubts or reservations.
Ex: the skeptical officer refused to let go of the case.
متناسق / متناغم /ثابت
D: doing in the same manner.
Ex: our test results were consistent.
Aspirant / seeker
الطامح / الطماح / مرٌيد
D:someone who aspires to achieve something, usually a particular position, status, or goal. someone who is ambitious and actively seeks to fulfill their aspirations.
Ex: Sarah is an aspirant for the position of CEO of the company. She has been working hard to develop her leadership skills and gain the necessary experience.
D: relating to or denoting activity done for enjoyment when one is not working
Ex: we can modernize the area by installing new recreational facilities.
مباشرة /مستسقي من المصدر الاول
D: coming from the original source or personal experience; gained or learned directly.
Ex: working abroad for a year would give you invaluable first-hand insight into another culture.
جديرة بالاهتمام /مستحق الجهد /ذو شأن
D: worth the time, money, or effort spent; of value or importance.
Ex: extra lighting would make a worthwhile contribution to road safety.
قريبا / أت قريبا
D: about to happen or appear.
I would be delighted to take part in this forthcoming exhibition.
متعطشا / طماع / نهم / حاد
D: very eager or enthusiastic
Ex: an avid photographer, i participated in an arctic tour where i was fortunate to capture some remarkable northern landscape and local fauna.
ملفوظ بوضوح
D: having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently.
EX: an articulate account of their experiences
شرعي / قانوني / منطقي
D: conforming to the law or to rules.
Ex: his claims to legitimate authority
D: able to be defended with logic or justification; valid.
Ex: a legitimate excuse for being late
لا يمكن التغلب عليها / لا يقهر/ لا يتخطى
D: too great to be overcome.
Ex: an insurmountable problem
مؤقت \خاطف / سريع
D: lasting for a very short time; brief.
Ex: a momentary lapse of concentration
نسبي / قريب/ نسيب
D: considered in relation or in proportion to something else.
Ex: the relative effectiveness of the various mechanisms is not known