English Literature Terms Flashcards
What is allegory?
A narrative where characters and events represent broader concepts or moral qualities.
What is alliteration?
The repetition of initial consonant sounds in closely placed words.
What is allusion?
An indirect reference to a person, place, event, or literary work.
What is anachronism?
A detail or event placed outside its correct historical time.
What is anaphora?
The repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses.
What is antagonist?
A character or force that opposes the protagonist.
What is apostrophe?
A direct address to an absent person, abstract idea, or inanimate object.
What is assonance?
The repetition of vowel sounds in closely placed words.
What is ballad?
A narrative poem, often set to music, that tells a story.
What is blank verse?
Unrhymed poetry written in iambic pentameter.
What is cacophony?
The use of harsh and discordant sounds in language.
What is catharsis?
The emotional release experienced by the audience of a tragedy.
What is characterization?
The process of creating and developing characters in a story.
What is climax?
The point of highest tension or conflict in a story.
What is conflict?
The struggle between opposing forces in a story, such as man vs. man or man vs. nature.
What is connotation?
The implied or associated meaning of a word beyond its literal definition.
What is couplet?
Two successive lines of poetry that rhyme and have the same meter.
What is denotation?
The literal or dictionary definition of a word.
What is denouement?
The final resolution or conclusion of a story’s plot.
What is diction?
The choice of words and style of expression in a literary work.
What is enjambment?
The continuation of a sentence or phrase across a line break in poetry.
What is epiphany?
A sudden realization or insight by a character.
What is epitaph?
A brief inscription on a tombstone or commemorative poem for someone deceased.
What is euphemism?
A polite or mild expression used to avoid harsh or unpleasant realities.
What is euphony?
The use of pleasant, harmonious sounds in language.
What is figurative language?
Language that uses figures of speech, such as metaphors and similes.
What is flashback?
A scene set in a time earlier than the main story.
What is foil?
A character who contrasts with another character, often the protagonist.
What is foreshadowing?
Hints or clues about what will happen later in a story.
What is free verse?
Poetry without a regular meter or rhyme scheme.
What is genre?
A category of literature, such as fiction, poetry, or drama.
What is hyperbole?
Exaggeration for emphasis or dramatic effect.
What is imagery?
Descriptive language that appeals to the senses.
What is irony?
A contrast between expectations and reality.