English Literature - Short Stories - Essential Quote Memorisation Flashcards
Odour of Chrysanthemums
Give a quote about the family distance in understanding from each other
‘Lost in the darkness’
Odour of Chrysanthemums
What is a quote about the human soul
Utter isolation of the human soul
Odour of Chrysanthemums
What is a quote about the effect of death on Elizabeth Bates
Peace sunk heavy on her heart
Odour of Chrysanthemums
What is the size of the gap created by death
Odour of Chrysanthemums
What is a description of death for Walt Bates
Naive dignity of death
Odour of Chrysanthemums
What is a quote that uses sibilance and describes how Elizabeth reacts to death
Silent in seeing
Odour of Chrysanthemums
With what emotions does Elizabeth view her dead husband
In fear and shame she looked at his naked body
Odour of Chrysanthemums
What did the mother of Walt learn to do for her son
Make allowances
Odour of Chrysanthemums
What is in the mothers womb
Ice of fear
Odour of Chrysanthemums
What is a word describing the mining village at the start
Odour of Chrysanthemums
How are the miners introduced
Odour of Chrysanthemums
How are the chrysanthemums outside the house described?
Dishevelled pink chrysanthemums
Odour of Chrysanthemums
What is a hellish description of the mining village in the opening
Flames like red sores licking its ashy sides
Odour of Chrysanthemums
What are two quotes showing the wife’s disgust with her husband
Rolling and slink
What is a quote about watching a boy die
Boy tore at his tunic over the heart
What is a quote about PTSD
Furze pods bursting…shocking
How many dollars would be given if the boy died in Korean War
10 000 dollars
What is a quote that uses dialect to illustrate difference
Sounds a big highfalutin to me
How is the father described in a moment in the story
What is the quote with swearwords which shows anger
The smell of shit and piss and the warm fleshy smell of worms
What is a quote about Ralph taking over
Ralph now lorded it, tucking into bigger and bigger meals
What is a quote about the mum not being able to cope
Quivery look of being about to spill over
What describes the relationship between the main trio at the start with sibilance
Sad symmetry
What did the boy use to understand relationships around him
Sort of equation
What links the grandfather and narrator
Invisible cord
What can gold also do
Even gold can change
What is chemistry the science of
Chemistry is the science of change
How is the pond described
Circular, exposed
The darkness out there
What describes the way in which Kerry grows up
His anger eclipsed his acne
The darkness out there
What is the last line
Everything is not as it appears, oh no.
The darkness out there
What is the darkness and where is it
The darkness was out there and it was a part of you
The darkness out there
What shows how vague Sandra is about her dreams
There’d be this man
The darkness out there
What did the cushions do in the cottage
Cushions oozed
The darkness out there
What is a word describing the garden
The darkness out there
What word describes the path
The darkness out there
What words describe the night of the granny’s misdeed
Filthy wet night
The darkness out there
What is the granny composed of
Composed of circles
The darkness out there
What do the granny’s eyes do
Eyes snapped and darted
The darkness out there
What words describe the granny that are all linked to liquids
Creamy smiling pool
My Polish Teacher’s Tie
What is a quote about uniformity
I wear a uniform
My Polish Teacher’s Tie
What is a quote about loss of cultural identity
Mother, I’ve lost the words you gave me
My Polish Teacher’s Tie
What two words describe the tie
Terribly hopeful tie
My Polish Teacher’s Tie
What did the bird in the coal mine do?
Sand and sand until it died
My Polish Teacher’s Tie
What is a quote showing Carla being sarcastic
Very keen on fairness, we are, here
My Polish Teacher’s Tie
What is a quote that uses repeated b sounds
Big bright tie blazing
My Polish Teacher’s Tie
What is a quote about ties and flags
Flag from another country, a better country than the ones either of us lived in
My Polish Teacher’s Tie
What is the headteacher called
The Head
My Polish Teacher’s Tie
What did the head to when he met Carla
He stitched a nice smile on his face
My Polish Teacher’s Tie
How do the teachers look at catering staff
Without really seeing them
My Polish Teacher’s Tie
How tense was Stefan at the end
He was as tense as a guitar string
The Invisible Mass of the Back Row
What are 4 short sentences about Easington vs England
Easington heat. Easington sweat. English cold. English ice.
The Invisible Mass of the Back Row
What is the last line
Claiming, proclaiming, learning the new language in dis here England.
The Invisible Mass of the Back Row
What does learning about their past help the back row in England to do
They help us assert our right to be
The Invisible Mass of the Back Row
What 3 things are frozen in England
Frozen places, frozen information, frozen faces.
The Invisible Mass of the Back Row
What is a quote about an aeroplane
Belly of the gigantic metal bird
The Invisible Mass of the Back Row
What is a quote about strange temperatures going to England
I am cold in the blazing sunshine
The Invisible Mass of the Back Row
What is a quote using plosive sounds
Pain of parting traps us
The Invisible Mass of the Back Row
What two words come up allot in the poem
Cold and smell
The Invisible Mass of the Back Row
What is a quote about the back row from the start
Hidden, disposed of, dispatched to the invisibility of the back row
The Invisible Mass of the Back Row
What word describes the state of the words in Hortense’s head
Trapped words inside my head tumble out
The Invisible Mass of the Back Row
What traps them in the school room
Fear which has trapped us in this rank, smelly, room
The Invisible Mass of the Back Row
What does the chatter do in Easington/heartease
Chatter weaves is it waves? and heaves
The Invisible Mass of the Back Row
How does hortense feel about her new clothes
Like a stranger, I greet my new clothes
A Family Supper
Who does the father actually resemble
Chou En-Lai
A Family Supper
What does the father look like
Stony and forbidding
A Family Supper
What kind of blood does the father have
Pure samurai blood
A Family Supper
What season is it
A Family Supper
How did Watanabe kill himself in harakiki
Cut his stomach with a meat knife
A Family Supper
What is the house like
Startlingly empty
A Family Supper
What does the father not like about business now
Delaying with foreigners. Doing things their way.
A Family Supper
What is Fugu poisoning like
Hideously painful and almost always fatal