English lesson of October 2, 2023 Flashcards
What is “tenir compte de” in English?
Exemple: On doit tenir compte des besoins de nos clients.
Take into account.
Take account of.
We have to take our clients’ needs into account.
We have to **take account of **our clients’ needs.
We have to consider our employes’ needs.
What is “par jour”? “par semaine”? “par mois” “par employé”?
Deux dollars par jour.
Cinq dollars par semaine.
Dix dollars par mois.
3 dollars par employé.
A day / Per day (not “by” day)
A week / Per week
A month / Per month
Per employee
2 dollars a day. = 2 dollars per day.
5 dollars a week. = 5 dollars per week.
10 dollars a month. = 10 dollars per month.
3 dollars per employee.
What are “fonctionnalités” in English?
What is “la semaine”?
And “la fin de semaine”?
Exemple: Nous sommes ouverts de 8h à 17h la semaine et de 12h à 17h la fin de semaine.
During the week. / On weekdays
On the weekend
Example: We are open from 8 to 5 on weekdays and from 12 to 5 on the weekend.
What is “dépendre de” in English?
Exemple: Le prix par employé dépend du forfait que vous choisissez.
Depend on
Example: The price per employee depends on the package you choose.
What is “plus que je pensais” in English?
More than I thought
What is the difference between “always”, “again” and “still”?
Always = Toujours, sans exception (Example: I always start work at 8.)
Again = Encore, une autre fois (Example: I will call you again next week.)
Still = Encore / Toujours (dans le sens de quelque chose qui n’a pas cessé) Example: Do you still teach English?
What is “desservir” in English?
Exemple: Je parle au clients que nous desservons déjà.
Serve (not “deserve”, which means “mériter”)
Example: I talk with clients we already serve.
What is “bannière” in English?
What is “baccalauréat” in English? “Maîtrise”? “Doctorat”?
Bachelor degree
Master’s degree
Doctorate / Ph.D.
What is “tel que “ as in “les programmes tels que Excel”?
such as
Example: Programs such as Excel…
How do we pronounce “latest” in English?
How do we pronounce “consulted”?