English->French Human Resources Management Vocabulary Flashcards
Translate to French:
The French translation of
“self-employed” is
“à son propre compte”
Translate to French:
The French translation of
“downgrading” is
“abaissement du niveau du poste”
Translate to French:
The French translation of
“absenteeism” is
Translate to French:
“entry to the program”
The French translation of
“entry to the program” is
“accéder au programme
Translate to French:
“occupational injury/accident”
The French translation of
“occupational injury/accident” is
“accident de travail”
Translate to French:
The French translation of
“certification” is
Translate to French:
“employer’s accreditation”
The French translation of
“employer’s accreditation” is
“accréditation patronale”
Translate to French:
“union certification”
The French translation of
“union certification” is
“accréditation syndicale”
Translate to French:
“allow, uphold, sustain (a grievance)”
The French translation of
“allow, uphold, sustain (a grievance)” is
“accueillir (un grief)”
Translate to French:
“continuous learning”
The French translation of
“continuous learning” is
“acquisition continue du savoir”
Translate to French:
“impulsive behaviour”
The French translation of
“impulsive behaviour” is
“actes impulsifs”.
Translate to French:
“occupational activity”
The French translation of
“occupational activity” is
“activité professionnelle”.
Translate to French:
“workplace accommodation”
The French translation of
“workplace accommodation” is
“adaptations aux lieux de travail”.
Translate to French:
“test administrator”
The French translation of
“test administrator” is
“administrateur ou administratrice de test/d’examen”.
Translate to French:
“entitled to receive benefits”
The French translation of
“entitled to receive benefits” is
“admissible au bénéfice des prestations”.
Translate to French:
“qualify for benefit”
The French translation of
“qualify for benefit” is
“admissible aux prestations”.
Translate to French:
“compulsory retirement age”
The French translation of
“compulsory retirement age” is
“âge obligatoire pour la retraite”.
Translate to French:
“bargaining agent”
The French translation of
“bargaining agent” is
“agent de négociation/négociateur”.
Translate to French:
“barrier free design”
The French translation of
“barrier free design” is
“aménagement pour accès facile”.
Translate to French:
The French translation of
“seniority” is
Translate to French:
The French translation of
“background” or “past performance” is
Translate to French:
“work history”
The French translation of
“work history” is
“antécédents de travail”.
Translate to French:
“track record”
The French translation of
“track record” is
“antécédents professionnels”.
Translate to French:
“appeal allowed”
The French translation of
“appeal allowed” is
“appel accueilli”.
Translate to French:
“appeal dismissed”
The French translation of
“appeal dismissed” is
“appel rejeté”.
Translate to French:
“suitable for employment”
The French translation of
“suitable for employment” is
“apte à être employé à”.
Translate to French:
The French translation of
“skills” is
“aptitude, habileté, compétence”.
Translate to French:
“past performance”
The French translation of
“background” or “past performance” is
Translate to French:
The French translation of
“arbitration” is
Translate to French:
The French translation of
“arbitrary” is
Translate to French:
The French translation of
“arbitrator” is
Translate to French:
“interruption of earnings”
The French translation of
“interruption of earnings” is
“arrêt de rémunération”.
Translate to French:
“work stoppage”
The French translation of
“work stoppage” is
“arrêt de travail”.
Translate to French:
“professional expectations”
The French translation of
“professional expectations” is
“aspirations professionnelles”.
Translate to French:
“employee organisation”
The French translation of
“employee organisation” is
“association d’employés”.
Translate to French:
“employer’s organisation”
The French translation of
“employer’s organisation” is
“association patronale “.
Translate to French:
“wage loss insurance”
The French translation of
“wage loss insurance” or “salary insurance” is
Translate to French:
“salary insurance”
The French translation of
“wage loss insurance” or “salary insurance” is
Translate to French:
“performance expectations”
The French translation of
“performance expectations” is
“attentes de rendement”.
Translate to French:
“letter of standing”
The French translation of
“letter of standing” is
“attestation de compétence”.
Translate to French:
“annual increment”
The French translation of
“annual increment” is
“augmentation annuelle”.
Translate to French:
“leave of absence”
The French translation of
“leave of absence” is
“autorisation d’absence”.
Translate to French:
“fringe benefits”
The French translation of
“employee benefits” or “fringe benefits” is
“avantages sociaux”.
Translate to French:
“employee benefits”
The French translation of
“employee benefits” or “fringe benefits” is
“avantages sociaux”.
Translate to French:
“job posting”
The French translation of
“job posting” is
“avis d’emplois vacants”.
Translate to French:
“entitled to benefits”
The French translation of
“entitled to benefits” is
“avoir droits aux prestations”.
Translate to French:
“salary schedule”
The French translation of
“salary schedule” is
“barème des salaires”.
Translate to French:
“employment benefits”
The French translation of
“employment benefits” is
“bénéfices/avantages sociaux”.
Translate to French:
The French translation of
“beneficiary” is
Translate to French:
The French translation of
“volunteers” is
“bénévoles, personnel bénévole”.
Translate to French:
“developmental needs”
The French translation of
“developmental needs” is
“besoins de perfectionnement”.
Translate to French:
“staffing requirements”
The French translation of
“staffing requirements” is
“besoins en dotation, besoins en personnel”.
Translate to French:
“financial and human resources requirements”
The French translation of
“financial and human resources requirements” is
“besoins en ressources financières et humaines”.
What is the French translation of
“hiring freeze”
The French translation of
“hiring freeze” is
“blocage du recrutement”.
Translate to French:
“overtime budget”
The French translation of
“overtime budget” is
“budget alloué aux heures supplémentaires”.
Translate to French:
“work setting”
The French translation of
“work setting” is
“cadre de travail”.
Translate to French:
“senior executive”
The French translation of
“senior executive” is
“cadre supérieur”.
Translate to French:
“executive talent”
The French translation of
“executive talent” is
“cadres prometteurs”.
Translate to French:
“practice test booklet”
The French translation of
“practice test booklet” is
“cahier d’examen de pratique”.
Translate to French:
“course schedule”
The French translation of
“course schedule” is
“calendrier des cours”.
Translate to French:
“post-secondary recruitment campaign”
The French translation of
“post-secondary recruitment campaign” is
“campagne de recrutement postsecondaire”.
Translate to French:
“qualified applicant”
The French translation of
“qualified applicant” is
“candidat compétent”.
Translate to French:
“potential candidate”
The French translation of
“potential candidate” is
“candidat éventuel, candidat possible”.
Translate to French:
“high-quality candidate”
The French translation of
“high-quality candidate” is
“candidat(e) hautement qualifié(e)”.
Translate to French:
The French translation of
“ability” is
Translate to French:
“representative workforce”
The French translation of
“representative workforce” is
“caractère représentatif de l’effectif, effet représentatif”.
Translate to French:
The French translation of
“features” is
Translate to French:
“report card”
The French translation of
“report card” is
“carte de déclaration du prestataire”.
Translate to French:
“administrative support group”
The French translation of
“report card” is
“catégorie du soutien administratif”.
Translate to French:
“training area”
The French translation of
“training area” is
“centre de formation, zone d’exercice”.
Translate to French:
“career counselling centre”
The French translation of
“career counselling centre” is
“centre d’orientation professionnelle”.
Translate to French:
“identifying competencies”
The French translation of
“identifying competencies” is
“cerner les compétences”.
Translate to French:
“termination of employment”
The French translation of
“termination of employment” is
“cessation d’emploi, mise à pied”.
Translate to French:
“area of interest”
The French translation of
“area of interest” is
“champ d’intérêt”.
Translate to French:
The French translation of
“workload” is
“charge de travail”.
Translate to French:
“chief of staffing”
The French translation of
“chief of staffing” is
“chef de dotation”.
Translate to French:
“Personnel Manager”
The French translation of
“Personnel Manager” is
“Chef du personnel”.
Translate to French:
“career choices”
The French translation of
“career choices” is
“choix de carrière”.
Translate to French:
“clarify needs”
The French translation of
“clarify needs” is
“clarifier les besoins”.
Translate to French:
“organizational climate”
The French translation of
“organizational climate” is
“climat institutionnel”.
Translate to French:
“Workers’ Compensation Board”
The French translation of
“Workers’ Compensation Board” is
“Commission des accidents de travail”.
Translate to French:
“action management competency”
The French translation of
“action management competency” is
“compétence liée à la gestion par l’action”.
Translate to French:
“core competencies”
The French translation of
“core competencies” is
“compétences de base”.
Translate to French:
“management competencies”
The French translation of
“management competencies” is
“compétences en gestion”.
Translate to French:
“leadership competencies”
The French translation of
“leadership competencies” is
“compétences en leadership”.
Translate to French:
“key skills”
The French translation of
“key skills” is
“compétences essentielles “.
Translate to French:
“competencies assessed”
The French translation of
“competencies assessed” is
“compétences évaluées”.
Translate to French:
“language skills”
The French translation of
“language skills” is
“compétences linguistiques”.
Translate to French:
The French translation of
“behaviour” is
Translate to French:
“organizational awareness”
The French translation of
“organizational awareness” is
“compréhension organisationnelle”.
Translate to French:
The French translation of
“downsizing” is
“compression des effectifs “.
Translate to French:
“cut back on resources”
The French translation of
“cut back on resources” is
“comprimer les ressources”.
Translate to French:
“focus resources on”
The French translation of
“focus resources on” is
“concentrer les ressources sur”.
Translate to French:
“test developer
The French translation of
“test developer” is
“concepteur de test”.
Translate to French:
“competition process”
The French translation of
“competition process” is
Translate to French:
“condition of employment”
The French translation of
“condition of employment” or “working condition” is
“condition de travail”.
Translate to French:
“working condition”
The French translation of
“condition of employment” or “working condition” is
“condition de travail”.
Translate to French:
“labour dispute”
The French translation of
“labour dispute” is
“conflit collectif”.
Translate to French:
The French translation of
“dispute” or “working condition” is
“conflit de travail”.
Translate to French:
“work conflict”
The French translation of
“dispute” or “work conflict” is
“conflit de travail”.
Translate to French:
“basic knowledge”
The French translation of
“basic knowledge” is
“connaissance de base”.
Translate to French:
The French translation of
“expertise” is
“connaissance/compétence spécialisée, compétence technique”.
Translate to French:
“Arbitration Board”
The French translation of
“Arbitration Board” is
“Conseil d’arbitrage, tribunal d’arbitrage”.
Translate to French:
“joint council”
The French translation of
“joint council” is
“conseil mixte”.
Translate to French:
“assessment consultant”
The French translation of
“assessment consultant” is
“conseiller en évaluation”.
Translate to French:
“development counselling”
The French translation of
“development counselling” is
“conseils en développement “.
Translate to French:
“budget constraint”
The French translation of
“budget constraint” is
“contrainte budgétaire”.
Translate to French:
“reference check”
The French translation of
“reference check” is
“contrôle des références”.
Translate to French:
“control emotions”
The French translation of
“control emotions” is
“contrôler ses états émotifs, contrôler ses émotions”.
Translate to French:
“performance ratings”
The French translation of
“performance ratings” is
“côtes de rendement”.
Translate to French:
“employee’s premium”
The French translation of
“employee’s premium” is
“cotisation ouvrière”.
Translate to French:
The French translation of
“walkout” is
Translate to French:
“track trends”
The French translation of
“track trends” is
“déceler des tendances”.
Translate to French:
“biased decision”
The French translation of
“biased decision” is
“décision partiale”.
Translate to French:
“championing vision”
The French translation of
“championing vision” is
“défendre la vision”.
Translate to French:
“time limit”
The French translation of
“time limit” is
“délai, délai d’exécution, date limite, limite de temps”.
Translate to French:
“application for benefit”
The French translation of
“application for benefit” or “claim” is
“demande de prestations”.
Translate to French:
The French translation of
“application for benefit” or “claim” is
“demande de prestations”.
Translate to French:
“request for proposal”
The French translation of
“request for proposal” is
“demande de proposition”.
Translate to French:
“initial claim for benefits”?
The French translation of
“initial claim for benefits” is
“demande initiale de prestations”.
Translate to French:
“ask for references”
The French translation of
“ask for references” is
“demander des références”.
Translate to French:
“advising assignments”
The French translation of
“advising assignments” is
“demandes de consultations”.
Translate to French:
“cost overrun”
The French translation of
“cost overrun” is
“dépassement de coût”.
Translate to French:
The French translation of
“secondment” is
Translate to French:
“above budget”
The French translation of
“above budget” is
“devance les sommes budgétées”.