English 4 Flashcards
(adj) (have the rights to ) having the necessary qualities or satisfying the necessary conditions 具有條件的 e.g. Are you eligible for early retirement/maternity leave?
(adj) (famous) very well known and important e.g. The government should be playing a more prominent role in promoting human rights.
(v) (cause negative reaction )to cause a reaction, especially a negative one e.g. to cause a reaction, especially a negative one
(n) (SUPPORTER) a person or group that supports an activity or organization, especially by “giving money” e.g. The Princess Royal is a well-known patron of several charities.
Inclement weather
Inclement weather is unpleasant, especially with cold “wind and rain”.
(n) 花崗岩
(n) a type of black rock that comes from a volcano 玄武岩
sedimentary rock
(n) 沈積岩 (of rock) made from sediment left by the action of water, ice, or wind
(n) a white or light grey rock that is used as a building material and in the making of cement 石灰岩
(n) 玉
(adj) A conductive substance allows heat or electricity to go through it
(n) (villager) a person from a mountainous area of the US who has a simple way of life and is considered to be slightly stupid by people living in towns and cities 鄉巴佬
(adv) (live though other people) in a vicarious way (= experienced through the activities of other people, rather than by doing something yourself) e.g. Some parents seem to live vicariously through their children.
live through something
(difficult but survive) to experience something “difficult” or painful and continue to “live”
(adj) complete and in the “original state” e.g. The church was destroyed in the bombing but the altar survived intact.
(n) a period of time when an “illness is less severe” or is not affecting someone e.g. Her cancer has been in remission for several years.
(adj) 1. very exciting to look at e.g. He scored a spectacular goal in the second half. 2. especially great
(adj) having “no energy” and enthusiasm and unwilling to do anything needing effort e.g. He’s seemed listless and a little depressed ever since he got his exam results.
(n) a state in which someone does not feel pain, usually because of drugs they have been given麻醉
(n) a length of “rope”, hair, or wire, arranged into a series of “circles”, one above or outside the other: 線圈
(n) an “official rule” or the act of controlling something e.g. safety/health/traffic/fire/security regulations
without further ado
with no more delay
(adj) very “tired”, especially after working hard for a long time e.g. I think he’s a little weary after his long journey.
(n) a person whose job it is to “give massages” to people
(v) to “raise your shoulders “and then lower them in order to say you “do not know” or are not interested e.g. Where’s Dad?” “How should I know?” replied my brother, shrugging.
be stumped
(v) to be “unable to answer” a question or solve a problem because it is too difficult e.g. I’m completely stumped - how did she manage to escape?
(v) (look with surprise) to look at something or someone for a long time, especially in surprise or admiration, or because you are thinking about something else 注視Annette gazed admiringly at Warren as he spoke.
(adj) A burly man is large and strong
(v) to “deal” successfully with a difficult situation e.g. It must be really hard to cope “with” three young children and a job.
far/further afield
a long/longer distance “away” e.g. Our students come from Europe, Asia, and even further afield.
look into sth
to “examine” the facts about a problem or situation
e.g. We’re “looking into the possibility” of merging the two departments.
high street
(n) (street where most shops are) a street where the most important shops and businesses in a town are e.g. There’s a new Italian restaurant opening on the high street.
(n) (daydream) (a state of having) pleasant dream-like thoughts e.g.He was lost in reverie until he suddenly heard someone behind him.
(n) permanently “unable to move or feel your arms or legs”, usually because of a severe injury to the spine (= bones in the centre of the back)
(v) ( shake suddenly unpleasantly) to “shake suddenly” with very small movements because of a very “unpleasant” thought or feeling 顫抖 e.g. The sight of so much blood made him shudder.
(n) a pair of pants
(n) a piece of clothing that fits loosely over a person’s body, reaches to the waist or knees, and often has no sleeves 長袍
impress sth on/upon sb
to make someone understand or be familiar with the importance or value of something
(v) (take long to disappear) to take a long time to leave or disappear e.g. It’s impossible to forget such horrific events - they linger (on) in the memory forever.
limber up
暖身 to “do gentle exercises to stretch” the muscles in order to prepare the body for more active physical exercise
be upon sb
to be something that someone will experience or have to “deal with soon” e.g. Another few weeks and spring will be upon us.