English 1 Flashcards
To be one sandwich short of a picnic
Refer to someone who is “crazy or stupid”
Hard and fast
Fixed and definitive
If a criticism, insult, remark, or action is uncalled-for, it is “unfair”, rude, or unkind and therefore considered to be unnecessary
come up
to find something or “meet someone unexpectedly”
a set of “mathematical instructions or rules” that, especially if given to a computer, will help to calculate an answer to a problem
(of a method of teaching) allowing students to learn by discovering things themselves and learning from their own experiences rather than by telling them things
a substance, such as salt, that you add to food to “improve its taste”
“away” from the correct path or correct way of doing something
led astray
encouraged to “behave badly”
take hold
start to have an effect.
making you angry
arranged or “decided already” and not able to be changed
stick up
to” support or defend” someone or something, especially when that person or thing is being criticized
conjure (up)
to make something “appear by magic”, or as if by magic
to cause something to “move or change”
at the beginning
the situation when the members of a group or society are “united” 團結
to complain or “express sadness” about something
(to) give credit where credit is due
to “give credit” to the person who deserves it
(to) have a heart of gold
to be very kind and giving
on edge
pig out
to eat greedily
to be, or “do something, better” than someone else
(advantage from job)an advantage or something extra, such as money or goods, that you are given because of your “job”
disentangle (from)
to “separate” things that have become joined or confused:
a person who is very rich and “successful” in business or industry
someone who has committed a crime or a “violent or harmful act”
escalate ( into )
to become or make something become “greater” or more serious
(make) pledge
a serious or “formal promise”, especially one to give money or to be a friend, or something that you give as a sign that you will keep a promise
give in
to “finally agree” to what someone wants, after refusing for a period of time
(pretend to deceive) (n) a person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others
(adj) (of land) “wild “and not even; not easy to travel over
Bleak weather
bleak weather is cold and unpleasant.
(adj) extremely wet
Are you up for ….(drinking)?
Do you feel like….?
Go commando
To not wear underwear
to “consider” or judge something in a particular way
someone who is lazy
(v) to be or “go before” something or someone in time or space
(V)to put flour, sugar, etc. through a sieve (= wire net shaped like a bowl) to break up large pieces , 濾
(adj) Vicious people or actions show an “intention or wish to hurt” someone or something very badly
(pretend and not do it ) (v) to deceive someone by making them think either that you are going to do something when you really have no intention of doing it, or that you have knowledge that you do not really have, or that you are someone else 吹牛
very bad
(adv)in a way that is suggested but not communicated directly
to be or be “considered” as something
(v) to make someone move quickly by “pushing or pulling them along”
I am fly
I am chill
be/get bogged down (with)
to be/become so involved in something difficult or complicated that you “cannot do anything” else
to delegate
(v) to “give a particular job, duty”, right, etc. to someone else so that they “do it for you”
(v)to “kill a large number” of something, or to reduce something severely
(n)the wish to “harm” or upset other people
to and fro
in one direction and then in the opposite direction, a number of times
(v)to push suddenly and “strongly”
(main) thrust (of)
the “main” idea, subject, or opinion that is discussed or written about
” not thinking about” or interested in someone or something
(v)to make a sound “quieter” and less clear
a glazed expression/look
(adj) (of your eyes) still and “not showing any emotion” because you are bored or tired or have stopped listening
(v) (especially of an animal) to make a series of small, weak “sounds expressing pain” or unhappiness
(v) If a part of your body throbs, you feel “pain in it in a series of regular beats”
(adj) extremely frightened
(N) a long , angry looks
Have a blast
to have a lot of fun
rev up
to become more “active”, or to make someone or something become more active
(v) to say something “again”, once or several times
(v) to spend time “considering” a possible future action, or to consider one particular thing for “a long time” in a serious and quiet way
wind sb up
to annoy or upset someone
(v) to cry in a noisy way like a child
grind sb down
to treat someone so badly for such a long time that they are “no longer able to fight back”
(act on) hunch
(n) an idea that is “based on feelings” and for which there is no proof
(n)a container, usually one made of clay
to burn brightly and strongly
(adj) extremely important or urgent
lose your touch
(not as well)If you lose your touch, you can no longer do something as well as you could before
(v)to make an agreement official
(find) common ground
“shared interests”, beliefs, or opinions between two people or groups of people who disagree about most other subjects
(v) to “hurt someone” or do something harmful to someone because they have done or said something harmful to you 報仇
refrain (from)
(v) to avoid doing or stop yourself from doing something:
(n) information, ideas, opinions, or images, often only giving one part of an argument, that are broadcast, published, or in some other way spread with the “intention of influencing people’s opinions”
(v) to make something by “cutting into” especially wood or stone, or to cut into the surface of stone, wood, etc.
along the lines of sth
similar in type
a figment of sb’s imagination
something that seems real but is not
(n) a person who is given the power to do something instead of another person, or the person whose” rank is immediately below that of the leader” of an organization
(v) 1. to cut, tear, or “pull the arms and legs off” a human body
2. to “divide a country “or an empire into different parts
(why) in the world (do i want that)
in any conditions; of all possible things
(adj)based on “feelings” rather than facts or proof
jump the gun
to “do something too soon”, especially without thinking carefully about it
(adv)in a strong and emotional way
(n) the quality of being honest and having “strong moral “principles that you refuse to change
tug of war
a type of sport in which two teams show their strength by pulling against each other at the opposite ends of a rope, and each team tries to pull the other over a line on the ground 拔河
reproach (for)
(v) to criticize someone, especially for “not being successful” or not doing what is expected
(v)to give a “spoken statement” of an opinion or thought
take a long, hard look at sth
to “examine” something very carefully in order to improve it in the future
(n)freedom to act within particular limits
(V) to start using a plan or system
(V)to think carefully about something, especially for a noticeable length of time
whisk (away) (off to)
(v) to take something or someone somewhere else suddenly and quickly: