English Flashcards
is the study, evaluation, and interpretation of literature
literary criticism
Aims of literary criticism (5)
To be the voice of the reader, to discover what cannot be read, to comment on what can be improved, to tackle issues that are known yet unsaid, to bring about changes in the society
is an important aspect of literary reading experience
Literary criticism
Major proponent of biographical criticism
Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve
Major proponent of classicism
Major proponent of Deconstructionism
Jacques Derrida
Major proponent of Formalism
Viktor shklovsky
Major proponent of Feminism
Virginia WOlf
Major proponent of existentialism
Friedrich Nietzsche
Major proponent of Gender or Queer THEORY
Judith butler
Major proponent of historical-biographical
Samuel Johnson
Major proponent of Humanism
Abraham Maslow
Major proponent of Idealism
IMMANuel kant
Major proponent of marxism
Karl Marx
Major proponent of Moral-philosopical
Mjaor proponent of mythological-archetypal
CarL Jung
Major proponent of naturalism
Emile Zola
Major proponent of new historicism
michel foucalt
Major proponent of post structuralism
Roland barthes
Major proponent of Psychological
Sigmund Freud