English Flashcards
Key quotes:
act 1 scene 1 to show the skill of Macbeth
Unsemed him from the nave to the chops
quotes to show that what duncan thinks of macbeth at the start of the play
o valiant cousin, worthy gentlemen
rewards title quote
what he hath lost noble macbeth hath won
fair is foul and foul is fair uses what technique
concept of a downfall
initially receving praise or glory or someother sourt of reward and then afterwards he has a downfall due to bad deeds
charecter cannot be too good or too bad and must be relatable
what do the witches say about macbeth being king
all hail macbeth who shall king hereafter
quote about what macbeths thoughts about killing duncan
stars. hide your fires, let not see my black and deepest desires
after finding out he will be king macbeth says what showing his care for duncan
douth unfix my hair/ make my hearts knock at my ribs/ agains the use of nature
this is used positively showing how much king duncan is to him
what macbeth says that shows he thinks the witches prophicies are ture
what can the devil speak true
quote that shows macbeth wants to kill duncan
quote of lady macbeth calling him a coward
infurm of purpose
lady macbeth explaining how she does not have guilt and macbeth should not act innocent
my hands are of your colour but i shame to wear a heart so white
quote showing macbeth has commited murder
i have done the deed
quote by macbeth to say his crown is under threat
we have scorched the snake not killed it
quote that signals turning point of lady Macbeth and Macbeth being equals
be innocent of the knowledge dearest chuck
what are Duncan three virtues
he is
kind: let me enfold thee/ and hold thee to my heart
trusting: there’s no art/to find the minds construction in the face
trusting: theres no art / to find the minds construction in the face
a good king “so clear in his great office
what might be one of duncans flaws
he is kind but he is too trusting
“an absolute trust in him”
what function does duncan have in the play
to be a foil to macebth
how does duncan link to the theme or kingsman ship
he is a good king as even Macbeth acknowledges
saying his
be innocent to the knowledge dearest chuck show
it signals a turning point in their relationship together and how Macbeth used to view Lady Macbeth as his equal but now however he does not and refuses to tell her showing originally how lady Macbeth was his parner and how duncans death has made him more isolated.
what is Duncan’s flaws
he is too trusting too pure and too good
why does Macbeth send another murderer
he sends another due to the fact he doesn’t trust anyone and so sends another incase they betray him
what does banquo say to fleance
thou mayst revenge