How many list control pumps are there?
What is the rating of the list control pumps?
Purpose of list control?
Distribute water port and starboard to compensate for ships list
In regards to list control pumps, how many degrees can be corrected in 20 minutes?
1.5 Degrees
What is the purpose of degaussing?
Reduce magnetization of the ship
Why is degaussing important?
Reduces ships radar signature
What is the purpose of Liquid Oxygen?
Aviator Breathing Oxygen
What is the total storage capacity of Oxygen?
1500 gallons
What is the total storage capacity of Nitrogen?
1500 gallons
Major Hazard associated with Liquid Oxygen?
accelerant, explosive
Major Hazard associated with Liquid Nitrogen?
Cryogenic PPE?
welders gloves, face shield, rubber apron, LOX coveralls, LOX boots
What is the purpose of the A/C plants?
Cool electronic equipment
How many A/C’s?
What type of A/C do we use?
363 ton, York Centifugal
Purpose of refrigeration plants?
Ships stores, perishables, supplies
What type of refers do we have? How many?
7 ton York reciprocating, 5
Explain refrigeration cycle:
Compression (compressor)-Condensation (condenser)- Expansion (TXV)- Evaporation (coils)
What is the purpose of steering?
attain and maintain desired ship’s heading
How many steering gears(rudders) do we have?