Engine Equations Flashcards
Displacement (swept volume)
Vd = pi/4 x B^2 x S
Clearance volume (combustion chamber volume)
Compression ratio
rc = Vt / Vd = Vc+Vd / Vc
Engine capacity
cc = Vd x n
n = number of cylinders
cylinder volume at given crank angle
V = Vc + pi/4 * B^2 * (L + r + y)
L = connecting rod length
r = crank radius
y = distance from crank to piston
Mean piston speed
Sp = 2 S N
N = rotational speed in rad/s
max speed just before the middle of the stroke (half way between TDC and BDC)
Otto efficiency
otto = 1 - ( 1 / rc ^ gamma-1 )
Draw the real and ideal PV diagram for an engine
Identify where EVC/IVC and EVO/IVO as well as the gross indicated work and the pumping work
draw it and check book
Indicated work and power
Wi = Wig - Wp
(or = A - B from PV diagram)
Pi = Wi x n/nr
nr = 2, 4 stroke
nr = 1, 2 stroke
n - rotational speed of crank in rpm
Break work and power
Wb = brake work measured on dyno
Pb = Wb x n/nr
imep and bmep
imep = (Pi / Vd) x (nr / n)
bmep = (Pb / Vd) x (nr / n)
bmep/imep = Pb/Pi = mechanical eff
AFR and equivalence ratio
AFR = ma/mf
Equiv ratio = AFRs / AFR
sfc = mf / Pb
Volumetric eff
Volumetric = (ma/rho) / (Vd * n/nr)
Thermal eff
Thermal = Pi / mf * h
Mechanical eff
Mech = Pb / Pi = bmep / imep
Overal eff
Overall = Thermal * Mech
= Pb / mf * h
= 1 / sfc * h
Brake torque
T = F * r
Brake power
Pb = 2pi * N * T
N = crank rotational speed in rad/s
Power developed / max usable power
so at open throttle = 1/1 = 1
at half throttle = 0.5/1 = 1/2
Draw the torque, power, and sfc characteristic for a enigne
See book