Engagement Planning, Obtaining an Understanding of the Client and Assessing Risks Flashcards
1. Financial statement assertions are established for account balances, Classes of transactions Disclosures a. Yes Yes b. Yes No c. No Yes d. No No
- (a) The requirement is to identify the categories of
fi nancial statement assertions. Answer (a) is correct because
the professional standards establish fi nancial statement
assertions for account balances, classes of transactions
and disclosures. Answer (b) is incorrect because fi nancial
statement assertions are established for disclosures. Answer
(c) is incorrect because fi nancial statement assertions are
established for classes of transactions. Answer (d) is incorrect
because fi nancial statement assertions are established for both
classes of transactions and disclosures
2. Which of the following is not a fi nancial statement assertion relating to account balances? a. Completeness. b. Existence. c. Rights and obligations. d. Valuation and competence
- (d) The requirement is to identify the item that is not
a fi nancial statement assertion relating to account balances.
Answer (d) is correct because valuation and allocation is an
account balance assertion, not valuation and competence.
Answer (a) is incorrect because completeness is an assertion
relating to account balances. Answer (b) is incorrect because
existence is an assertion relating to account balances. Answer (c) is incorrect because rights and obligations is an assertion
relating to account balances.
- As the acceptable level of detection risk decreases, an
auditor may
a. Reduce substantive testing by relying on the
assessments of inherent risk and control risk.
b. Postpone the planned timing of substantive tests from
interim dates to the year-end.
c. Eliminate the assessed level of inherent risk from
consideration as a planning factor.
d. Lower the assessed level of control risk from the
maximum level to below the maximum.
- (b) The requirement is to determine a likely auditor
reaction to a decreased acceptable level of detection risk.
Answer (b) is correct because postponement of interim
substantive tests to year-end decreases detection risk by
reducing the risk for the period subsequent to the performance
of those tests; other approaches to decreasing detection risk
include changing to more effective substantive tests and
increasing their extent. Answer (a) is incorrect because increased,
not reduced, substantive testing is required. Answer
(c) is incorrect because inherent risk must be considered in
planning, either by itself or in combination with control risk.
Answer (d) is incorrect because tests of controls must be
performed to reduce the assessed level of control risk.
- The risk that an auditor will conclude, based on substantive
tests, that a material misstatement does not exist in an account
balance when, in fact, such misstatement does exist is
referred to as
a. Sampling risk.
b. Detection risk.
c. Nonsampling risk.
d. Inherent risk.
- (b) The requirement is to identify the risk that an auditor
will conclude, based on substantive tests, that a material error
does not exist in an account balance when, in fact, such error does exist. Answer (b) is correct because detection risk is the
risk that the auditor will not detect a material misstatement
that exists in an assertion. Detection risk may be viewed
in terms of two components (1) the risk that analytical
procedures and other relevant substantive tests would fail to
detect misstatements equal to tolerable misstatement, and (2)
the allowable risk of incorrect acceptance for the substantive
tests of details. Answer (a) is incorrect because sampling
risk arises from the possibility that, when a test of controls
or a substantive test is restricted to a sample, the auditor’s
conclusions may be different from the conclusions he or she
would reach if the tests were applied in the same way to all
items in the account balance or class of transactions. When
related to substantive tests sampling risk is only a part of
the risk that the auditor’s substantive tests will not detect
a material misstatement. Answer (c) is incorrect because
nonsampling risk includes only those aspects of audit risk
that are not due to sampling. Answer (d) is incorrect because
inherent risk is the susceptibility of an assertion to a material
misstatement, assuming that there are no related controls
5. As the acceptable level of detection risk decreases, the assurance directly provided from a. Substantive tests should increase. b. Substantive tests should decrease. c. Tests of controls should increase. d. Tests of controls should decrease.
- (a) The requirement is to identify an effect of a decrease
in the acceptable level of detection risk. Answer (a) is correct
because as the acceptable level of detection risk decreases,
the assurance provided from substantive tests should increase.
To gain this increased assurance the auditors may (1) change
the nature of substantive tests to more effective procedures
(e.g., use independent parties outside the entity rather than
those within the entity), (2) change the timing of substantive
tests (e.g., perform them at year-end rather than at an interim
date), and (3) change the extent of substantive tests (e.g., take
a larger sample). Answer (b) is incorrect because the assurance
provided from substantive tests increases, it does not decrease.
Answers (c) and (d) are incorrect because the acceptable
level of detection risk is based largely on the assessed levels
of control risk and in-herent risk. Accordingly, any tests of
controls will already have been performed.
- Which of the following audit risk components may be
assessed in nonquantitative terms?
Control risk Detection risk Inherent risk
a. Yes Yes No
b. Yes No Yes
c. Yes Yes Yes
d. No Yes Yes
- (c) The requirement is to determine whether inherent
risk, control risk, and detection risk may be assessed in
nonquantitative terms. Answer (c) is correct because all of
these risks may be assessed in either quantitative terms such as
percentages, or nonquantitative terms such as a range from a
minimum to a maximum.
- Inherent risk and control risk differ from detection risk in
that they
a. Arise from the misapplication of auditing procedures.
b. May be assessed in either quantitative or
nonquantitative terms.
c. Exist independently of the fi nancial statement audit.
d. Can be changed at the auditor’s discretion.
- (c) The requirement is to determine a manner in which
inherent risk and control risk differ from detection risk.
Answer (c) is correct because inherent risk and control risk
exist independently of the audit of the fi nancial statements as
functions of the client and its environment, whereas detection
risk relates to the auditor’s procedures and can be changed
at his or her discretion. Answer (a) is incorrect because
inherent risk and control risk are functions of the client and its
environment and do not arise from misapplication of auditing
procedures. Answer (b) is incorrect because inherent risk,
control risk and detection risk may each be assessed in either
quantitative or nonquantitative terms. Answer (d) is incorrect
because inherent risk and control risk are functions of the
client and its environment, they cannot be changed at the
auditor’s discretion. However, the assessed levels of inherent
and control risk (not addressed in this question) may be affected by auditor decisions relating to the cost of gathering
evidence to substantiate assessed levels below the maximum
- On the basis of the audit evidence gathered and evaluated,
an auditor decides to increase the assessed level of control risk
from that originally planned. To achieve an overall audit risk
level that is substantially the same as the planned audit risk
level, the auditor would
a. Decrease substantive testing.
b. Decrease detection risk.
c. Increase inherent risk.
d. Increase materiality levels.
- (b) The requirement is to determine the best way for
an auditor to achieve an overall audit risk level when the
audit evidence relating to control risk indicates the need to
increase its assessed level. Answer (b) is correct because a
decrease in detection risk will allow the auditor achieve an
overall audit risk level substantially the same as planned.
Answer (a) is incorrect because a decrease in substantive
testing will increase, not decrease, detection risk and thereby
increase audit risk. Answer (c) is incorrect because an increase
in inherent risk will also increase audit risk. Answer (d) is
incorrect because there appears to be no justifi cation for
increasing materiality levels beyond those used in planning the
9. Relationship between control risk and detection risk is ordinarily a. Parallel. b. Inverse. c. Direct. d. Equal.
- (b) The requirement is to determine the relationship
between control risk and detection risk. Inverse is correct
because as control risk increases (decreases) detection risk
must decrease (increase).
- Which of the following would an auditor most likely
use in determining the auditor’s preliminary judgment about
a. The anticipated sample size of the planned substantive
b. The entity’s annualized interim fi nancial statements.
c. The results of the internal control questionnaire.
d. The contents of the management representation letter.
- (b) The requirement is to identify the information that
an auditor would most likely use in determining a preliminary
judgment about materiality. Answer (b) is correct because
many materiality measures relate to an annual fi gure (e.g., net
income, sales). Answer (a) is incorrect because the preliminary
judgment about materiality is a factor used in determining the
anticipated sample size, not the reverse as suggested by the
reply. Answers (c) and (d) are incorrect because materiality
will not normally be affected by the results of the internal
control questionnaire or the contents of the management
representation letters.
- Which of the following statements is not correct about
a. The concept of materiality recognizes that some
matters are important for fair presentation of fi nancial
statements in conformity with GAAP, while other
matters are not important.
b. An auditor considers materiality for planning
purposes in terms of the largest aggregate level of
misstatements that could be material to any one of the
fi nancial statements.
c. Materiality judgments are made in light of
surrounding circumstances and necessarily involve
both quantitative and qualitative judgments.
d. An auditor’s consideration of materiality is infl uenced
by the auditor’s perception of the needs of a reasonable
person who will rely on the fi nancial statements
- (b) The requirement is to identify the statement that is
not correct concerning materiality. Answer (b) is the proper
reply because the auditor considers materiality for planning
purposes in terms of the smallest, not the largest, aggregate
amount of misstatement that could be material to any one of
the fi nancial statements. Answers (a), (c), and (d) all represent
correct statements about materiality.
- Which of the following is correct concerning performance
materiality on an audit?
a. It will ordinarily be less than fi nancial statement
b. It should be established at beginning of an audit and
not be revised thereafter.
c. It should be established at separate amounts for the
various fi nancial statements.
d. It need not be documented in the working papers.
- (a) The requirement is to determine the correct statement
with respect to performance materiality on an audit. Answer
(a) is correct because performance materiality is largely
established to help provide assurance that several immaterial
misstatements do not combine to a material undetected amount
of misstatement; accordingly, it ordinarily is established at a
level lower than that of materiality for the fi nancial statements. Answer (b) is incorrect because performance materiality
may be revised throughout the audit, particularly when
circumstances depart from those which had been expected
while planning the audit. Answer (c) is incorrect because
performance materiality is ordinarily established for the
fi nancial statements as a whole, and if applicable, materiality
levels for particular classes of transactions, account balances,
or disclosures. Answer (d) is incorrect because performance
materiality must be documented in the working papers.
- Which of the following would an auditor most likely
use in determining the auditor’s preliminary judgment about
a. The results of the initial assessment of control risk.
b. The anticipated sample size for planned substantive tests.
c. The entity’s fi nancial statements of the prior year.
d. The assertions that are embodied in the fi nancial
- (c) The requirement is to identify the information that an
auditor would be most likely to use in making a preliminary
judgment about materiality. Answer (c) is correct because
auditors often choose to use a measure relating to the prior
year’s fi nancial statements (e.g., a percentage of total assets,
net income, or revenue) to arrive at a preliminary judgment
about materiality. Answer (a) is incorrect because materiality
is based on the magnitude of an omission or misstatement
and not on the initial assessment of control risk. Answer (b)
is incorrect because while an auditor’s materiality judgment
will affect the anticipated sample size for planned substantive
tests, sample size does not affect the materiality judgment.
Answer (d) is incorrect because the assertions embodied in
the fi nancial statements remain the same from one audit to
- Holding other planning considerations equal, a decrease
in the amount of misstatement in a class of transactions that an
auditor could tolerate most likely would cause the auditor to
a. Apply the planned substantive tests prior to the
balance sheet date.
b. Perform the planned auditing procedures closer to the
balance sheet date.
c. Increase the assessed level of control risk for relevant
fi nancial statement assertions.
d. Decrease the extent of auditing procedures to be
applied to the class of transactions.
- (b) The requirement is to identify the most likely
effect of a decrease in the tolerable amount of misstatement
(tolerable misstatement) in a class of transactions. Answer (b)
is correct because auditing standards state that decreasing the
tolerable amount of misstatement will require the auditor to do
one or more of the following: (1) perform auditing procedures
closer to the balance sheet date (answer [b]); (2) select a more
effective auditing procedure; or (3) increase the extent of a
particular auditing procedure. Answer (a) is incorrect because
in such a circumstance substantive tests are more likely to be
performed at or after the balance sheet date than prior to the
balance sheet date. Answer (c) is incorrect because decreasing
the tolerable amount of misstatement will not necessarily lead
to an increase in the assessed level of control risk. Answer (d)
is incorrect because the extent of auditing procedures will be
increased, not decreased.
- When issuing an unmodifi ed opinion, the auditor who
evaluates the audit fi ndings should be satisfi ed that the
a. Amount of known misstatement is documented in the
management representation letter.
b. Estimate of the total likely misstatement is less than a
material amount.
c. Amount of known misstatement is acknowledged and
recorded by the client.
d. Estimate of the total likely misstatement includes the
adjusting entries already recorded by the client.
- (b) The requirement is to identify the necessary
condition for an auditor to be able to issue an unmodifi ed
opinion. Answer (b) is correct because if the estimate of likely
misstatement is equal to or greater than a material amount
a material departure from generally accepted accounting
principles exists and thus AU-C 705 requires either a qualifi ed
or adverse opinion in such circumstances. Answer (a) is
incorrect because the amount of known misstatement (if any)
need not be documented in the management representation
letter. Answer (c) is incorrect because it ordinarily is not
necessary for the client to acknowledge and record immaterial
known misstatements. Answer (d) is incorrect because the
total likely misstatement need not include the adjusting entries
already recorded by the client.
- Which of the following is an example of fraudulent
fi nancial reporting?
a. Company management changes inventory count tags
and overstates ending inventory, while understating
cost of goods sold.
b. The treasurer diverts customer payments to his
personal due, concealing his actions by debiting an
expense account, thus overstating expenses.
c. An employee steals inventory and the “shrinkage” is
recorded in cost of goods sold.
d. An employee steals small tools from the company
and neglects to return them; the cost is reported as a
miscellaneous operating expense.
- (a) The requirement is to identify the example
of fraudulent fi nancial reporting. Answer (a) is correct
because fraudulent fi nancial reporting involves intentional
misstatements or omissions of amounts or disclosures in fi nancial statements to deceive fi nancial statement users
and changing the inventory count tags results in such a
misstatement. Answers (b), (c), and (d) are all incorrect
because they represent the misappropriation of assets.
See AU-C 240, which divides fraudulent activities into
misstatement arising from fraudulent fi nancial reporting
and misstatements arising from misappropriation of assets
(sometimes referred to as defalcation).
- Which of the following best describes what is meant by
the term “fraud risk factor?”
a. Factors whose presence indicates that the risk of fraud
is high.
b. Factors whose presence often have been observed in
circumstances where frauds have occurred.
c. Factors whose presence requires modifi cation of
planned audit procedures.
d. Material weaknesses identifi ed during an audit.
- (b) The requirement is to identify the best description
of what is meant by a “fraud risk factor.” Answer (b)
is correct because AU-C 240 suggests that while fraud risk
factors do not necessarily indicate the existence of fraud,
they often have been observed in circumstances where frauds
have occurred. Answer (a) is incorrect because the risk of
fraud may or may not be high when a risk factor is present.
Answer (c) is incorrect because the current audit plan may in
many circumstances appropriately address a fraud risk factor.
Answer (d) is incorrect because a fraud risk factor may or may
not represent a material weakness.
- Which of the following is correct concerning
requirements about auditor communications about fraud?
a. Fraud that involves senior management should be
reported directly to the audit committee regardless of
the amount involved.
b. Fraud with a material effect on the fi nancial
statements should be reported directly by the auditor
to the Securities and Exchange Commission.
c. Fraud with a material effect on the fi nancial
statements should ordinarily be disclosed by the
auditor through use of an “emphasis of a matter”
paragraph added to the audit report.
d. The auditor has no responsibility to disclose fraud
outside the entity under any circumstances.
- (a) The requirement is to identify the reply which
represents an auditor communication responsibility relating
to fraud. Answer (a) is correct because all fraud involving
senior management should be reported directly to the audit
committee. Answer (b) is incorrect because auditors are
only required to report fraud to the Securities and Exchange
Commission under particular circumstances. Answer (c) is
incorrect because auditors do not ordinarily disclose fraud
through use of an “emphasis of a matter” paragraph added
to their report. Answer (d) is incorrect because under certain
circumstances auditors must disclose fraud outside the entity.
- When performing a fi nancial statement audit, auditors are
required to explicitly assess the risk of material misstatement
due to
a. Errors.
b. Fraud.
c. Illegal acts.
d. Business risk.
- (b) The requirement is to identify the risk relating to
material misstatement that auditors are required to assess.
Answer (b) is correct because auditors must specifi cally
assess the risk of material misstatements due to fraud and
consider that assessment in designing the audit procedures
to be performed. Answer (a) is incorrect because while
AU-C 315 also requires an assessment of the overall risk of
material misstatement (whether caused by error or fraud)
there is no requirement to explicitly assess the risk of material
misstatement due to errors. Answer (c) is incorrect because the
auditor need not explicitly assess the risk of misstatement due
to illegal acts. Answer (d) is incorrect because no assessment
of business risk is required.
21. Audits of fi nancial statements are designed to obtain assurance of detecting misstatement due to Errors Fraudulent fi nancial reporting Misappropriation of assets a. Yes Yes Yes b. Yes Yes No c. Yes No Yes d. No Yes No
- (a) The requirement is to determine whether audits
are designed to provide reasonable assurance of detecting
misstatements due to errors, fraudulent fi nancial reporting,
and/or misappropriation of assets. Answer (a) is correct
because AU-C 240 requires that an audit obtain reasonable
assurance that material misstatements, whether caused by error
or fraud, be detected. Fraudulent fi nancial reporting and the
misappropriation of assets are the two major types of fraud
with which an audit is relevant.
- An auditor is unable to obtain absolute assurance that
misstatements due to fraud will be detected for all of the
following except
a. Employee collusion.
b. Falsifi ed documentation.
c. Need to apply professional judgment in evaluating
fraud risk factors.
d. Professional skepticism
- (d) The requirement is to identify the reply which is not
a reason why auditors are unable to obtain absolute assurance
that misstatements due to fraud will be detected. Answer (d)
is correct because while an auditor must exercise professional
skepticism when performing an audit it does not represent a limitation that makes is impossible to obtain absolute
assurance. Answers (a), (b), and (c) are all incorrect because
they represent factors considered in the professional literature
for providing reasonable, and not absolute assurance.
- An attitude that includes a questioning mind and a critical
assessment of audit evidence is referred to as
a. Due professional care.
b. Professional skepticism.
c. Reasonable assurance.
d. Supervision.
- (b) The requirement is to determine which concept
requires an attitude that includes a questioning mind and a
critical assessment of audit evidence. Answer (b) is correct
because AU-C 200 states that professional skepticism
includes these qualities. Answer (a) is incorrect because due
professional care is a broader concept that concerns what
the independent auditor does and how well he or she does
it. Answer (c) is incorrect because reasonable assurance is
based on the concept that an auditor is not an insurer and his
or her report does not provide absolute assurance. Answer
(d) is incorrect because supervision involves the directing of
the efforts of assistants who are involved in accomplishing
the objectives of the audit and determining whether those
objectives were accomplished.
- Professional skepticism requires that an auditor assume
that management is
a. Honest, in the absence of fraud risk factors.
b. Dishonest until completion of audit tests.
c. Neither honest nor dishonest.
d. Offering reasonable assurance of honesty.
- (c) The requirement is to determine what presumption
concerning management’s honesty that professional skepticism
requires. Answer (c) is correct because professional skepticism
requires that an auditor neither assume dishonesty nor
unquestioned honesty. Answers (a) and (b) are incorrect
because neither honesty in the absence of fraud risk factor
nor dishonesty are assumed. Answer (d) is incorrect because
the concept of reasonable assurance is not directed towards
management’s honesty.
- The most diffi cult type of misstatement to detect is fraud
based on
a. The overrecording of transactions.
b. The nonrecording of transactions.
c. Recorded transactions in subsidiaries.
d. Related-party receivables
- (b) The requirement is to identify the type of fraudulent
misstatement that is most diffi cult to detect. Answer (b) is
correct because transactions that have not been recorded
are generally considered most diffi cult because there is no
general starting point for the auditor in the consideration of
the transaction. Answers (a), (c), and (d) all represent recorded
transactions which, when audited, are in general easier to
- When considering fraud risk factors relating to
management’s characteristics, which of the following is least
likely to indicate a risk of possible misstatement due to fraud?
a. Failure to correct known signifi cant defi ciency on a
timely basis.
b. Nonfi nancial management’s preoccupation with the
selection of accounting principles.
c. Signifi cant portion of management’s compensation
represented by bonuses based upon achieving unduly
aggressive operating results.
d. Use of unusually conservative accounting practices
- (d) The requirement is to identify the least likely
indicator of a risk of possible misstatement due to fraud.
Answer (d) is correct because one would expect unusually
aggressive, rather than unusually conservative accounting
practices to indicate a risk of misstatement due to fraud.
Answers (a), (b), and (c) are all incorrect because they
represent risk factors explicitly included in AU-C 240, which
provides guidance on fraud.
- Which of the following conditions identifi ed during
fi eldwork of an audit is most likely to affect the auditor’s
assessment of the risk of misstatement due to fraud?
a. Checks for signifi cant amounts outstanding at yearend.
b. Computer generated documents.
c. Missing documents.
d. Year-end adjusting journal entries.
- (c) The requirement is to determine the reply which
represents information most likely to affect the auditor’s
assessment of the risk of misstatement due to fraud. Answer
(c) is correct because AU-C 240 states that missing documents
may be indicative of fraud. Answer (a) is incorrect because
checks for signifi cant amounts are normally expected to be
outstanding at year-end. Answer (b) is incorrect because
almost all audits involve computer generated documents
and their existence is not considered a condition indicating
possible fraud. Answer (d) is incorrect because while lastminute
adjustments that signifi cantly affect fi nancial results
may be considered indicative of possible fraud, year-end
adjusting journal entries alone are to be expected.
- Which of the following is most likely to be a response to
the auditor’s assessment that the risk of material misstatement
due to fraud for the existence of inventory is high?
a. Observe test counts of inventory at certain locations
on an unannounced basis.
b. Perform analytical procedures rather than taking test
c. Request that inventories be counted prior to year-end.
d. Request that inventory counts at the various locations
be counted on different dates so as to allow the same
auditor to be present at every count.
- (a) The requirement is to identify the most likely
response to the auditor’s assessment that the risk of material
misstatement due to fraud for the existence of inventory is
high. Answer (a) is correct because observing test counts of
inventory on an unannounced basis will provide evidence as
to whether record inventory exists. Answer (b) is incorrect
because replacing test counts with analytical procedures is
not likely to be particularly effective. Answers (c) and (d) are
incorrect because the inventories might well be counted at
year-end, all on the same date, rather than prior to year-end
and at differing dates.
- Which of the following is most likely to be an example of
a. Defalcations occurring due to invalid electronic
b. Mistakes in the application of accounting principles.
c. Mistakes in processing data.
d. Unreasonable accounting estimates arising from
- (a) The requirement is to identify the reply that is
most likely to be an example of fraud. Answer (a) is most
likely, since “defalcation” is another term for misstatements
arising from misappropriation of assets, a major type of fraud.
Answers (b), (c), and (d) are all incorrect because mistakes in
the application of accounting principles or in processing data,
and unreasonable accounting estimates arising from oversight
are examples of misstatements rather than fraud.
- Which of the following characteristics most likely
would heighten an auditor’s concern about the risk of
intentional manipulation of fi nancial statements?
a. Turnover of senior accounting personnel is low.
b. Insiders recently purchased additional shares of the
entity’s stock.
c. Management places substantial emphasis on meeting
earnings projections.
d. The rate of change in the entity’s industry is slow.
- (c) The requirement is to identify the characteristic
most likely to heighten an auditor’s concern about the risk of
intentional manipulation of fi nancial statements. Answer (c)
is correct because the placement of substantial emphasis on
meeting earnings projections is considered a risk factor. Answer
(a) is incorrect because high turnover, not low turnover, is
considered a risk factor. Answer (b) is incorrect because insider
purchases of additional shares of stock are less likely to be
indicative of intentional manipulation of the fi nancial statements
than is undue emphasis on meeting earnings projections.
Answer (d) is incorrect because a rapid rate of change in an
industry, not a slow rate, is considered a risk factor.
- Which of the following statements refl ects an auditor’s
responsibility for detecting misstatements due to errors and
a. An auditor is responsible for detecting employee
errors and simple fraud, but not for discovering
fraud involving employee collusion or management
b. An auditor should plan the audit to detect
misstatements due to errors and fraud that are caused
by departures from GAAP.
c. An auditor is not responsible for detecting
misstatements due to errors and fraud unless
the application of GAAS would result in such
d. An auditor should design the audit to provide
reasonable assurance of detecting misstatements due
to errors and fraud that are material to the fi nancial
- (d) The requirement is to identify an auditor’s responsibility
for detecting errors and fraud. Answer (d) is
correct because AU-C 200 requires that an auditor design
the audit to provide reasonable assurance of detecting
misstatements due to errors and fraud that are material to the
fi nancial statements. Answer (a) is incorrect because audits
provide reasonable assurance of detecting material errors
and fraud. Answer (b) is incorrect because it doesn’t restrict
the responsibility to material errors and fraud. Answer (c)
is incorrect because it is less precise than answer (d), which
includes the AU-C 200 responsibility on errors and fraud.
32. Disclosure of fraud to parties other than a client’s senior management and its audit committee or board of directors ordinarily is not part of an auditor’s responsibility. However, to which of the following outside parties may a duty to disclose fraud exist? To the SEC when the client reports an auditor change To a successor auditor when the successor makes appropriate inquiries To a government funding agency from which the client receives fi nancial assistance a. Yes Yes No b. Yes No Yes c. No Yes Yes d. Yes Yes Yes
- (d) The requirement is to identify the circumstances in
which an auditor may have a responsibility to disclose fraud
to parties other than a client’s senior management and its audit
committee or board of directors. Answer (d) is correct because
AU-C 240 states that such a responsibility may exist to the
SEC when there has been an auditor change to a successor
auditor or to comply with SEC 1995 Private Securities Reform
Act communication requirement, when the successor auditor
makes inquiries, and to a government agency from which the
client receives fi nancial assistance. In addition, that section
states that an auditor may have such a disclosure responsibility
in response to a subpoena, a circumstance not considered in
this question.
- Under Statements on Auditing Standards, which of the
following would be classifi ed as an error?
a. Misappropriation of assets for the benefi t of
b. Misinterpretation by management of facts that existed
when the fi nancial statements were prepared.
c. Preparation of records by employees to cover a
fraudulent scheme.
d. Intentional omission of the recording of a transaction
to benefi t a third party.
- (b) Errors refer to unintentional mistakes in fi nancial
statements such as misinterpretation of facts. Answers (a), (c), and (d) all represent fraud which are defi ned as intentional
distortions of fi nancial statements.
- Under Statements on Auditing Standards, which of the
following would be classifi ed as an error?
a. Misappropriation of assets for the benefi t of
b. Misinterpretation by management of facts that existed
when the fi nancial statements were prepared.
c. Preparation of records by employees to cover a
fraudulent scheme.
d. Intentional omission of the recording of a transaction
to benefi t a third party.
- (b) Errors refer to unintentional mistakes in financial
statements such as misinterpretation of facts. Answers (a), (c), and (d) all represent fraud which are defi ned as intentional
distortions of financial statements.
- What assurance does the auditor provide that misstatements
due to errors, fraud, and direct effect illegal acts that are material
to the fi nancial statements will be detected?
Errors Fraud
Direct effect
of illegal acts
a. Limited Negative Limited
b. Limited Limited Reasonable
c. Reasonable Limited Limited
d. Reasonable Reasonable Reasonable
- (d) The requirement is to identify the level of assurance
an auditor provides with respect to detection of material errors,
fraud, and direct effect illegal acts. Answer (d) is correct
because AU-C 200 requires the auditor to design the audit
to provide reasonable assurance of detecting material errors,
fraud and direct effect illegal acts. (A “direct effect” illegal
act is one that would have an effect on the determination of
fi nancial statement amounts.)
- Because of the risk of material misstatement, an audit of
fi nancial statements in accordance with generally accepted
auditing standards should be planned and performed with an
attitude of
a. Objective judgment.
b. Independent integrity.
c. Professional skepticism.
d. Impartial conservatism.
- (c) The requirement is to identify the proper attitude
of an auditor who is performing an audit in accordance with
generally accepted auditing standards. Answer (c) is correct
because the auditor should plan and perform the audit with
an attitude of professional skepticism, recognizing that the
application of the auditing procedures may produce evidence
indicating the possibility of misstatements due to errors
or fraud. Answer (a) is incorrect because while the CPA
must exhibit objective judgment, “professional skepticism”
more accurately summarizes the proper attitude during an
audit. Answer (b) is incorrect because while a CPA must
be independent and have integrity, this is not the “attitude”
used to plan and perform the audit. Answer (d) is incorrect
because the audit is not planned and performed with impartial
- Which of the following most accurately summarizes what
is meant by the term “material misstatement?”
a. Fraud and direct-effect illegal acts.
b. Fraud involving senior management and material
c. Material error, material fraud, and certain illegal
d. Material error and material illegal acts.
- (c) The requirement is to identify the meaning of the
term “material misstatement” when used in the professional
standards. Answer (c) is correct because AU-C 240 states that
a material misstatement may occur due to errors, fraud, and
illegal acts with a direct effect on financial statement amounts.
- Which of the following statements best describes
the auditor’s responsibility to detect conditions relating to
fi nancial stress of employees or adverse relationships between
a company and its employees?
a. The auditor is required to plan the audit to detect these
conditions on all audits.
b. These conditions relate to fraudulent fi nancial
reporting, and an auditor is required to plan the audit
to detect these conditions when the client is exposed
to a risk of misappropriation of assets.
c. The auditor is required to plan the audit to detect
these conditions whenever they may result in
d. The auditor is not required to plan the audit to
discover these conditions, but should consider them if
he or she becomes aware of them during the audit
- (d) The requirement is to identify an auditor’s responsibility
for detecting fi nancial stress of employees or
adverse relationships between a company and its employees.
Answer (d) is correct because AU-C 240 states that, while the
auditor is not required to plan the audit to discover information
that is indicative of fi nancial stress of employees or adverse
relationships between the company and its employees, such
conditions must be considered when an auditor becomes aware
of them. Answers (a), (b), and (c) are all incorrect because the
auditor does not plan the audit to detect these conditions.
- When the auditor believes a misstatement is or may be
the result of fraud but that the effect of the misstatement is not
material to the fi nancial statements, which of the following
steps is required?
a. Consider the implications for other aspects of the
b. Resign from the audit
c. Commence a fraud examination.
d. Contact regulatory authorities
- (a) The requirement is to identify an auditor’s responsibility
when he or she believes that a misstatement
is or may be the result of fraud, but that the effect of the
misstatements is immaterial to the fi nancial statements.
Answer (a) is correct because AU-C 240 states that in such
circumstances the auditor should evaluate the implications
of the fraud, especially those dealing with the organizational
position of the person(s) involved.
- Which of the following statements is correct relating to
the auditor’s consideration of fraud?
a. The auditor’s interest in fraud consideration relates to
fraudulent acts that cause a material misstatement of
fi nancial statements.
b. A primary factor that distinguishes fraud from error
is that fraud is always intentional, while errors are
generally, but not always, intentional.
c. Fraud always involves a pressure or incentive to
commit fraud, and a misappropriation of assets.
d. While an auditor should be aware of the possibility of
fraud, management, and not the auditor, is responsible
for detecting fraud
- (a) The requirement is to identify the correct statements
relating to the auditor’s consideration of fraud. Answer (a)
is correct because AU-C 240 states that the auditor’s interest
relates to fraudulent acts that cause a material misstatement
of fi nancial statements. Answer (b) is incorrect because errors
are unintentional. Answer (c) is incorrect because fraud does
not necessarily involve the misappropriation of assets (it may
involve fraudulent fi nancial reporting). Answer (d) is incorrect
because an auditor must design an audit to obtain reasonable assurance of detecting misstatements, regardless of whether
they are caused by errors or fraud.
- Which of the following factors or conditions is an auditor
least likely to plan an audit to discover?
a. Financial pressures affecting employees.
b. High turnover of senior management.
c. Inadequate monitoring of signifi cant controls.
d. Inability to generate positive cash fl ows from operations
- (a) The requirement is to identify the factor or condition
that an audit is least likely to be planned to discover. Answer
(a) is correct because it represents a fi nancial stress, and
auditors are not required to plan audits to discover information
that is indicative of fi nancial stress of employees or adverse
relationships between the entity and its employees. Answers
(b), (c), and (d) are all incorrect because they represent
examples of risk factors that should be considered in an audit
and are included in AU-C 240
41. At which stage(s) of the audit may fraud risk factors be identifi ed? Planning Obtaining understanding Conducting fi eldwork a. Yes Yes Yes b. Yes Yes No c. Yes No No d. No Yes Yes
- (a) The requirement is to determine when audit risk
factors may be identifi ed. Answer (a) is correct because
AU-C 240 states that fraud risk factors may be identifi ed
during planning, obtaining an understanding, or while
conducting fi eldwork; in addition, they may be identifi ed
while considering acceptance or continuance of clients and
- Management’s attitude toward aggressive fi nancial
reporting and its emphasis on meeting projected profi t goals
most likely would signifi cantly infl uence an entity’s control
environment when
a. External policies established by parties outside the
entity affect its accounting practices.
b. Management is dominated by one individual who is
also a shareholder.
c. Internal auditors have direct access to the board of
directors and the entity’s management.
d. The audit committee is active in overseeing the
entity’s fi nancial reporting policies.
- (b) The requirement is to identify the circumstance in
which it is most likely that management’s attitude toward
aggressive fi nancial reporting and toward meeting projected
profi t goals would most likely signifi cantly infl uence an
entity’s control environment. Answer (b) is correct because
when management is dominated by one individual, that individual
may be able to follow overly aggressive accounting
- Which of the following is least likely to be required on an
a. Test appropriateness of journal entries and adjustment.
b. Review accounting estimates for biases.
c. Evaluate the business rationale for signifi cant unusual
d. Make a legal determination of whether fraud has
- (d) The requirement is to identify the procedure least
likely to be required on an audit. Answer (d) is correct because
fraud is a broad legal concept and auditors do not make legal
determinations of whether fraud has occurred. Answers (a),
(b), and (c) are incorrect because considering journal entries,
estimates, and unusual transactions are ordinarily required
audit procedures to address the risk of management override
of controls. See AU-C 240 for information on the auditor’s
responsibility for the consideration of fraud in a fi nancial
statement audit.
- Which of the following is most likely to be an overall
response to fraud risks identifi ed in an audit?
a. Supervise members of the audit team less closely and
rely more upon judgment
b. Use less predictable audit procedures.
c. Only use certifi ed public accountants on the
d. Place increased emphasis on the audit of objective
transactions rather than subjective transactions.
- (b) The requirement is to identify the most likely
response when a risk of fraud has been identifi ed on an
audit. Answer (b) is correct because AU-C 240 indicates that
overall responses to the risk of material misstatements due to
fraud include (1) assigning personnel with particular skills
relating to the area and considering the necessary extent of
supervision to the audit, (2) increasing the consideration
of management’s selection and application of accounting
principles, and (3) making audit procedures less predictable.
Answer (a) is incorrect because closer supervision, not less
close supervision, is more likely to be appropriate. Answer (c)
is incorrect because individuals with specialized skills may
be needed who are not CPAs. Answer (d) is incorrect because
subjective transactions (e.g., accounting estimates) often
provide more risk than objective transactions.
- Which of the following is least likely to be included in an
auditor’s inquiry of management while obtaining information
to identify the risks of material misstatement due to fraud?
a. Are fi nancial reporting operations controlled by and
limited to one location?
b. Does it have knowledge of fraud or suspect fraud?
c. Does it have programs to mitigate fraud risks?
d. Has it reported to the audit committee the nature of
the company’s internal control?
- (a) The requirement is to identify the least likely inquiry
of management relating to identifying the risk of material
misstatement due to fraud. Answer (a) is correct because
fi nancial operations of many companies are not ordinarily
controlled by and limited to one location. Answers (b), (c), and (d) are all incorrect because they are included in AU-C 240 as
inquiries that should be made of management
46. Individuals who commit fraud are ordinarily able to rationalize the act and also have an Incentive Opportunity a. Yes Yes b. Yes No c. No Yes d. No No
- (a) The requirement is to identify the attributes
ordinarily present when individuals commit fraud. Answer (a)
is correct because AU-C 240 suggests that the three conditions
generally present when fraud occurs are that individuals have
an (1) incentive or pressure, (2) opportunity, and (3) ability to
rationalize. Answers (b), (c), and (d) are all incorrect because
they suggest that one of the three elements is not ordinarily
- What is an auditor’s responsibility who discovers
management involved in what is fi nancially immaterial fraud?
a. Report the fraud to the audit committee.
b. Report the fraud to the Public Company Oversight
c. Report the fraud to a level of management at least one
below those involved in the fraud.
d. Determine that the amounts involved are immaterial,
and if so, there is no reporting responsibility.
- (a) The requirement is to determine an auditor’s
reporting responsibility when he or she has discovered that
management is involved in a fi nancially immaterial fraud.
Answer (a) is correct because AU-C 240 requires that all
management fraud, regardless of materiality, be reported to
the audit committee. Answer (b) is incorrect because fraud
is not directly reported to the Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board. Answer (c) is incorrect because if anything,
in addition to the audit committee, the fraud is reported to a
level of management at least one level above those involved
in a fraud. Answer (d) is incorrect because there is a reporting
responsibility for fi nancially immaterial management fraud.
- Which of the following is most likely to be considered a
risk factor relating to fraudulent fi nancial reporting?
a. Domination of management by top executives.
b. Large amounts of cash processed.
c. Negative cash fl ows from operations.
d. Small high-dollar inventory items.
- (c) The requirement is to identify the most likely risk
factor relating to fraudulent fi nancial reporting. Answer (c)
is correct because negative cash fl ows from operations may
result in pressure upon management to overstate the results
of operations. Answer (a) is incorrect because one would
expect a company’s top executives to dominate management—
domination by one or a few might be considered a risk factor.
Answers (b) and (d) are incorrect because large amounts of
cash being processed and small high-dollar inventory items
are more directly related to the misappropriation of assets than
they are to fraudulent fi nancial reporting.
- Which of the following is most likely to be presumed to
represent fraud risk on an audit?
a. Capitalization of repairs and maintenance into the
property, plant, and equipment asset account.
b. Improper revenue recognition.
c. Improper interest expense accrual.
d. Introduction of signifi cant new products.
- (b) The requirement is to identify the most likely
fraud risk factor on an audit. Answer (b) is correct because
the possibility of improper revenue recognition is ordinarily
presumed on audits. Answers (a), (c), and (d) all represent
potential risks, but risks that are not ordinarily presumed
on an audit. See AU-C 240 for information on the auditor’s
responsibility for the consideration of fraud in a fi nancial
statement audit.
- An auditor who discovers that a client’s employees paid
small bribes to municipal offi cials most likely would withdraw
from the engagement if
a. The payments violated the client’s policies regarding
the prevention of illegal acts.
b. The client receives fi nancial assistance from a federal
government agency.
c. Documentation that is necessary to prove that the
bribes were paid does not exist.
d. Management fails to take the appropriate remedial
- (d) The requirement is to identify the circumstances
relating to the discovery of the payment of small bribes to
municipal offi cials that is most likely to cause an auditor
to withdraw from an engagement. Answer (d) is correct
because AU-C 250 states that management failure to take
the appropriate remedial action is particularly problematical
since it may affect the auditor’s ability to rely on management
representation and may therefore lead to withdrawal. Answers
(a), (b), and (c) all represent circumstances which the auditor
will consider, but are not ordinarily considered as serious as
failure to take the appropriate remedial action
- Which of the following factors most likely would cause a
CPA to not accept a new audit engagement?
a. The prospective client has already completed its
physical inventory count.
b. The CPA lacks an understanding of the prospective
client’s operation and industry.
c. The CPA is unable to review the predecessor auditor’s
working papers.
d. The prospective client is unwilling to make all
fi nancial records available to the CPA.
- (d) The requirement is to identify the factor most likely
to cause a CPA not to accept a new audit engagement. Answer
(d) is correct because a part of the understanding an auditor
must obtain with a client is that management is responsible for
making all fi nancial records and related information available. Accordingly, if the client refuses to make such information
available the auditor is unlikely to accept the audit client.
Answer (a) is incorrect because a circumstance-imposed scope
limitations such as completion of the physical inventory count
results in a situation in which the auditor may consider using
alternative procedures (including making some test counts)
to determine whether inventory counts are proper. Answer (b)
is incorrect because an auditor may obtain an understanding
of the client’s operations and industry while performing the
audit. Answer (c) is incorrect because while a review of the
predecessor auditor’s working papers is ordinarily desirable, it
is not required.
- Which of the following factors would most likely
heighten an auditor’s concern about the risk of fraudulent
fi nancial reporting?
a. Large amounts of liquid assets that are easily
convertible into cash.
b. Low growth and profi tability as compared to other
entities in the same industry.
c. Financial management’s participation in the initial
selection of accounting principles.
d. An overly complex organizational structure involving
unusual lines of authority.
- (d) The requirement is to identify the factor most likely
to heighten an auditor’s concern about the risk of fraudulent
fi nancial reporting. Answer (d) is correct because AU-C 240,
which presents a variety of risk factors, suggests that an overly
complex organizational structure is such a risk factor. Answer
(a) is incorrect because large amounts of liquid assets that are
easily convertible into cash represent more of a risk relating to
misappropriation of assets rather than to fraudulent fi nancial
reporting. Answer (b) is incorrect because high growth, rather
than low growth, is considered a risk factor. Answer (c) is
incorrect because one would expect fi nancial management’s
participation in the initial selection of accounting principles.
- An auditor who discovers that a client’s employees
have paid small bribes to public offi cials most likely would
withdraw from the engagement if the
a. Client receives fi nancial assistance from a federal
government agency.
b. Evidence that is necessary to prove that the illegal acts
were committed does not exist.
c. Employees’ actions affect the auditor’s ability to rely
on management’s representations.
d. Notes to the fi nancial statements fail to disclose the
employees’ actions.
- (c) The requirement is to identify the situation in
which an auditor would be most likely to withdraw from an
engagement when he or she has discovered that a client’s
employees have paid small bribes to public offi cials. Answer
(c) is correct because AU-C 250 states that resignation
should be considered when an illegal act does not receive
proper remedial action, because such inaction may affect the
auditor’s ability to rely on management representations and
the effects of continued association with the client. Answer
(a) is incorrect because the receipt of federal funds in such
a situation is not as likely to result in auditor withdrawal
as is answer (c). Answer (b) is incorrect because it seems
inconsistent with the premise of the question in that, if no
evidence exists, the auditor is unlikely to know that bribes
have been paid. Answer (d) is incorrect because such small
bribes will not ordinarily need to be disclosed. Alternatively,
if the auditor believes that there is such a need, the lack of
such disclosure represents a departure from generally accepted
accounting principles and either a qualifi ed or adverse opinion
is appropriate.
- Which of the following illegal acts should an audit be
designed to obtain reasonable assurance of detecting?
a. Securities purchased by relatives of management
based on knowledge of inside information.
b. Accrual and billing of an improper amount of revenue
under government contracts.
c. Violations of antitrust laws.
d. Price fi xing.
- (b) The requirement is to identify the illegal act that an
audit should be designed to obtain reasonable assurance of
detecting. Answer (b) is correct because the accrual and billing
of an improper amount of revenue under government contracts is
an illegal act with a direct effect on the determination of fi nancial
statement amounts, and audits are designed to detect such illegal
acts. Answers (a), (c), and (d) are all incorrect because they
represent illegal acts with an indirect fi nancial statement effect
and an audit provides no assurance that such acts will be detected
or that any contingent liabilities that may result will be disclosed.
See AU-C 250 for detailed guidance on auditor responsibility
with respect to direct and indirect illegal acts.
- Which of the following relatively small misstatements
most likely could have a material effect on an entity’s fi nancial
a. An illegal payment to a foreign offi cial that was not
b. A piece of obsolete offi ce equipment that was not
c. A petty cash fund disbursement that was not properly
d. An uncollectible account receivable that was not
written off.
- (a) The requirement is to identify the small misstatement
that is most likely to have a material effect on an entity’s fi nancial statements. Answer (a) is correct because an
illegal payment of an otherwise immaterial amount may be
material if there is a reasonable possibility that it may lead to a
material contingent liability or a material loss of revenue.
- During the annual audit of Ajax Corp., a publicly held
company, Jones, CPA, a continuing auditor, determined that
illegal political contributions had been made during each of the
past seven years, including the year under audit. Jones notifi ed
the board of directors about the illegal contributions, but they
refused to take any action because the amounts involved were
immaterial to the fi nancial statements. Jones should reconsider
the intended degree of reliance to be placed on the
a. Letter of audit inquiry to the client’s attorney.
b. Prior years’ audit plan.
c. Management representation letter.
d. Preliminary judgment about materiality levels.
- (c) The requirement is to determine what an auditor
might reconsider when a client’s board of directors has refused
to take any action relating to an auditor’s disclosure that the
company has made immaterial illegal contributions. Answer
(c) is correct because in such a circumstance the failure to take
remedial action may cause an auditor to decrease reliance on
management representations. Answer (a) is incorrect because
the reply by the attorney is likely to disclose any claims,
litigation or assessments that the client has improperly omitted
from the letter of audit inquiry. Answer (b) is incorrect because
the prior years’ audit plans are not being relied upon for this
year’s audit. Answer (d) is incorrect because the preliminary
judgment about materiality levels would not be expected to
- The most likely explanation why the auditor’s
examination cannot reasonably be expected to bring
noncompliance with all laws by the client to the auditor’s
attention is that
a. Illegal acts are perpetrated by management override of
internal control.
b. Illegal acts by clients often relate to operating aspects
rather than accounting aspects.
c. The client’s internal control may be so strong that the
auditor performs only minimal substantive testing.
d. Illegal acts may be perpetrated by the only person in
the client’s organization with access to both assets and
the accounting records.
- (b) The requirement is to identify a reason why audits
cannot reasonably be expected to bring all illegal acts to the
auditor’s attention. Answer (b) is correct because illegal acts
relating to the operating aspects of an entity are often highly
specialized and complex and often are far removed from
the events and transactions refl ected in fi nancial statements.
Answer (a) is partially correct since management override
represents a limitation of the effectiveness of internal control.
Yet, auditors are more likely to identify such transactions
because they relate to events and transactions refl ected in the
fi nancial statements. Answer (c) is incorrect because many
illegal acts are not subject to the client’s internal control.
Answer (d) is incorrect because illegal acts may be perpetrated
without access to both assets and accounting records.
- If specifi c information comes to an auditor’s attention
that implies noncompliance with laws that could result in a
material, but indirect effect on the fi nancial statements, the
auditor should next
a. Apply audit procedures specifi cally directed to
ascertaining whether noncompliance has occurred.
b. Seek the advice of an informed expert qualifi ed to
practice law as to possible contingent liabilities.
c. Report the matter to an appropriate level of
management at least one level above those involved.
d. Discuss the evidence with the client’s audit committee,
or others with equivalent authority and responsibility
- (a) The requirement is to determine an auditor’s
responsibility when information comes to his/her attention that
implies the existence of possible illegal acts with a material,
but indirect effect on the fi nancial statements. Answer (a)
is correct because AU-C 250 requires the auditor to apply
audit procedures specifi cally designed to determine whether
an illegal act has occurred when such information comes to
his/her attention. Answers (b), (c), and (d) are all incorrect
because they represent procedures the auditor would perform
after initial procedures had confi rmed the existence of the
possible illegal act(s).
- An auditor who discovers that client employees have
committed an illegal act that has a material effect on the
client’s fi nancial statements most likely would withdraw from
the engagement if
a. The illegal act is a violation of generally accepted
accounting principles.
b. The client does not take the remedial action that the
auditor considers necessary.
c. The illegal act was committed during a prior year that
was not audited.
d. The auditor has already assessed control risk at the
maximum level.
- (b) The requirement is to determine the circumstance
in which it is most likely that a CPA would withdraw from
an audit engagement after having discovered that client
employees have committed an illegal act. Answer (b) is correct
because the auditor may conclude that withdrawal is necessary
when the client does not take the remedial action, even when
the illegal act is not material to the fi nancial statements.
Answers (a) and (c) are incorrect because whether generally
accepted accounting principles have been violated and whether
the illegal act occurred during a prior year that was not audited
may or may not have an effect on the decision to withdraw
from the engagement. Answer (d) is incorrect because the
assessed level of control risk will not have a direct relationship
on the decision to withdraw from the engagement.
- Under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act
of 1995, Baker, CPA, reported certain uncorrected illegal
acts to Supermart’s board of directors. Baker believed that
failure to take remedial action would warrant a qualifi ed
audit opinion because the illegal acts had a material effect
on Supermart’s fi nancial statements. Supermart failed to
take appropriate remedial action and the board of directors
refused to inform the SEC that it had received such notifi cation from Baker. Under these circumstances, Baker is
required to
a. Resign from the audit engagement within ten business
b. Deliver a report concerning the illegal acts to the SEC
within one business day.
c. Notify the stockholders that the fi nancial statements
are materially misstated.
d. Withhold an audit opinion until Supermart takes
appropriate remedial action.
- (b) The requirement is to identify a CPA’s
responsibility under the Securities Litigation Reform
Act of 1995 for uncorrected illegal acts which have been
communicated to the board of directors which refuses to
inform the SEC of their existence. Answer (b) is correct
because CPAs are required under the law to deliver a report
on those illegal acts to the SEC within one business day in
such circumstances. Answer (a) in incorrect because there is
no requirement to resign, although the auditor may decide
to do so. Answer (c) is incorrect because the Act sets up
reporting to the SEC, not to the stockholders. Answer (d)
is incorrect because withholding of the audit opinion is not
suggested in the Act.
61. Which of the following would be least likely to be considered an audit planning procedure? a. Use an engagement letter. b. Develop the overall audit strategy. c. Perform risk assessment. d. Develop the audit plan.
- (c) The requirement is to identify the procedure least
likely to be considered an audit planning procedure. Answer
(c) is correct because performing the risk assessment occurs
subsequent to audit planning. Answer (a) is incorrect because
an engagement letter is used to establish an understanding
with the client, and this is a planning procedure. Answer (b)
is incorrect because auditors develop the overall audit strategy
during audit planning. Answer (d) is incorrect because the
audit plan is developed during planning.
- Which of the following factors would most likely cause a
CPA to decide not to accept a new audit engagement?
a. The CPA’s lack of understanding of the prospective
client’s internal auditor’s computer-assisted audit
b. Management’s disregard of its responsibility to
maintain an adequate internal control environment.
c. The CPA’s inability to determine whether related-party
transactions were consummated on terms equivalent to
arm’s-length transactions.
d. Management’s refusal to permit the CPA to perform
substantive tests before the year-end.
- (b) The requirement is to identify the factor most
likely to cause a CPA to decide not to accept a new audit
engagement. Answer (b) is correct because a certain level of
internal control is essential for fi nancial statement reporting,
and management’s disregard in this area may lead the CPA to
reject the engagement. Answer (a) is incorrect both because a
CPA may not need an understanding of the prospective client’s
internal auditor’s computer-assisted audit technique to form
an opinion on the fi nancial statements, and because if such
understanding is necessary, it can be obtained subsequent to
engagement acceptance. Answer (c) is incorrect because
AU-C 550 indicates that a CPA often will be unable to
determine whether related-party transactions were consummated
on terms equivalent to arm’s-length transactions. Answer (d)
is incorrect because while management’s refusal to permit
the performance of substantive tests before the year-end may
present a problem, the auditor may be able to effectively
perform such tests after year-end.
- Before accepting an engagement to audit a new client, a
CPA is required to obtain
a. An understanding of the prospective client’s industry
and business.
b. The prospective client’s signature to the engagement
c. A preliminary understanding of the prospective
client’s control environment.
d. The prospective client’s consent to make inquiries of
the predecessor auditor, if any.
- (d) The requirement is to identify a requirement prior
to accepting an engagement to audit a new client. Answer (d)
is correct because AU-C 210 requires that an auditor attempt
to obtain client permission to contact the predecessor prior
to accepting a new engagement. Answers (a), (b), and (c)
are incorrect because they may all be obtained subsequent to
accepting an engagement.
- Before accepting an audit engagement, a successor
auditor should make specifi c inquiries of the predecessor
auditor regarding
a. Disagreements the predecessor had with the client
concerning auditing procedures and accounting
b. The predecessor’s evaluation of matters of continuing
accounting signifi cance.
c. The degree of cooperation the predecessor received
concerning the inquiry of the client’s lawyer.
d. The predecessor’s assessments of inherent risk and
judgments about materiality.
- (a) The requirement is to determine the nature of
the inquiries that a successor auditor should make of the
predecessor auditor prior to accepting an audit engagement.
Answer (a) is correct because the inquiries should include
specifi c questions to management on (1) disagreements
with management as to auditing procedures and accounting
principles (answer [a]), (2) facts that might bear on
the integrity of management and (3) the predecessor’s
understanding as to the reasons for the change of auditors.
Answers (b), (c), and (d) are incorrect because, if made at all,
they will be after the engagement has been accepted.
- Before accepting an audit engagement, a successor
auditor should make specifi c inquiries of the predecessor
auditor regarding the predecessor’s
a. Opinion of any subsequent events occurring since the
predecessor’s audit report was issued.
b. Understanding as to the reasons for the change of
c. Awareness of the consistency in the application of
GAAP between periods.
d. Evaluation of all matters of continuing accounting
signifi cance.
- (b) The requirement is to identify the correct statement
regarding a successor auditor’s inquiries of the predecessor
auditor. Answer (b) is correct because the successor should
request information such as (1) facts that might bear on the
integrity of management, (2) disagreements with management
as to accounting principles, auditing procedures, or other
signifi cant matters, and (3) the predecessor’s understanding of
the reasons for the change of auditors. Answers (a), (c), and
(d) all relate to matters not required to be discussed prior to
accepting an audit engagement.
- An auditor is required to establish an understanding
with a client regarding the services to be performed for each
engagement. This understanding generally includes
a. Management’s responsibility for errors and the illegal
activities of employees that may cause material
b. The auditor’s responsibility for ensuring that the audit
committee is aware of any signifi cant defi ciencies in
internal control that come to the auditor’s attention.
c. Management’s responsibility for providing the
auditor with an assessment of the risk of material
misstatement due to fraud.
d. The auditor’s responsibility for determining preliminary
judgments about materiality and audit risk factors.
- (b) The requirement is to identify the item ordinarily
included when an auditor establishes an understanding with
a client regarding the services to be performed. Answer (b)
is correct because auditing standards require that an auditor
ensure that the audit committee is aware of any signifi cant
defi ciencies which come to the CPA’s attention. Answer (a)
is incorrect because while an understanding will include a
statement that management is responsible for the entity’s
fi nancial statements, an explicit statement about errors and
illegal activities of employees is not ordinarily included.
Answer (c) in incorrect because management does not
provide the auditor with an assessment of the risk of material
misstatement due to fraud. Answer (d) is incorrect because
no such statement about an auditor’s responsibility for
determining preliminary judgments about materiality and
audit risk factors is ordinarily included in establishing an
understanding. See AU-C 210 for information on establishing
an understanding with a client.
- Which of the following matters is generally included in an
auditor’s engagement letter?
a. Management’s responsibility for the entity’s
compliance with laws and regulations.
b. The factors to be considered in setting preliminary
judgments about materiality.
c. Management’s vicarious liability for illegal acts
committed by its employees.
d. The auditor’s responsibility to search for signifi cant
internal control defi ciencies.
- (a) The requirement is to identify the matter generally
included in an auditor’s engagement letter. Answer (a) is
correct because AU-C 210, which outlines requirements for
engagement letters, indicates that an engagement letter should
include an indication that management is responsible for
identifying and ensuring that the company complies with the
laws and regulations applicable to its activities. Answer
(b) is incorrect because such detailed information on
materiality is not generally included in an engagement letter.
Answer (c) is incorrect because management liability (if
any) for illegal acts committed by employees is not generally
included in an engagement letter. Answer (d) is incorrect
because while an auditor is required to obtain an understanding
of internal control, he or she is not required to search for
signifi cant internal control defi ciencies.
- During the initial planning phase of an audit, a CPA most
likely would
a. Identify specifi c internal control activities that are
likely to prevent fraud.
b. Evaluate the reasonableness of the client’s accounting
c. Discuss the timing of the audit procedures with the
client’s management.
d. Inquire of the client’s attorney as to whether any
unrecorded claims are probable of assertion.
- (c) The requirement is to identify the most likely
procedure during the initial planning phase of an audit.
Answer (c) is correct because during initial planning the
timing of procedures will be discussed due to the need for
client assistance with many of these procedures. Answer (a)
is incorrect because the timing of audit procedures will occur
subsequent to the initial planning stage of an audit. Answer
(b) is incorrect because the evaluation of reasonableness of the
client’s accounting estimates will occur after planning—see
AU-C 540. Answer (d) is incorrect because the inquiry of a
client’s attorney will occur subsequently to initial planning—
see AU-C 501.
- Which of the following statements would least likely
appear in an auditor’s engagement letter?
a. Fees for our services are based on our regular per diem
rates, plus travel and other out-of-pocket expenses.
b. During the course of our audit we may observe
opportunities for economy in, or improved controls
over, your operations.
c. Our engagement is subject to the risk that material
misstatements or fraud, if they exist, will not be
d. After performing our preliminary analytical procedures
we will discuss with you the other procedures we
consider necessary to complete the engagement.
- (d) The requirement is to identify the statement that is
least likely to appear in an auditor’s engagement letter. Answer
(d) is correct because auditors ordinarily will not discuss with management the details of procedures that are necessary
to perform the audit. Answers (a), (b), and (c) are incorrect
because engagement letters will include a statement on the risk
of not detecting material errors and fraud, and may include
information on fees and observed opportunities for economy.
- Which of the following documentation is not required for an
audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards?
a. A written audit plan setting forth the procedures
necessary to accomplish the audit’s objectives.
b. An indication that the accounting records agree or
reconcile with the fi nancial statements.
c. A client engagement letter that summarizes the timing
and details of the auditor’s planned fi eldwork.
d. The assessment of the risks of material misstatement.
- (c) The requirement is to identify the item for which
the generally accepted auditing standards do not require
documentation. Answer (c) is correct because while a CPA
fi rm will include an engagement letter in the working papers,
it will not detail the auditor’s planned fi eldwork. Answer (a)
is incorrect because SAS 300 requires a written audit plan.
Answer (b) is incorrect because AU-C 230 requires that the
working papers document the agreement or reconciliation of
the accounting records with the fi nancial statements. Answer
(d) is incorrect because AU-C 315 requires the auditor to
document the assessment of the risks of material misstatement.
71. An engagement letter should ordinarily include information on the objectives of the engagement and CPA responsibilities Client responsibilities Limitation of engagement a. Yes Yes Yes b. Yes No Yes c. Yes No No d. No No No
- (a) The requirement is to determine what types of items
are ordinarily included in an engagement letter in addition
to the objectives of the engagement. Answer (a) is correct
because AU-C 210 also requires inclusion of information on
CPA responsibilities, client responsibilities, and limitations of
the engagement.
- Arrangements concerning which of the following are least
likely to be included in engagement letter?
a. A predecessor auditor.
b. Fees and billing.
c. CPA investment in client securities.
d. Other services to be provided in addition to the audit.
- (c) The requirement is to determine the reply which is
least likely to be included in an engagement letter. Answer
(c) is correct because AU-C 210, which provides information
on obtaining an understanding with the client, does not
suggest any arrangement concerning CPA investment in client
securities; indeed such investments are prohibited by the Code
of Professional Conduct. Answers (a), (b), and (d) all represent
arrangements which AU-C 210 suggests may be included in an
engagement letter (or other form of understanding with a client).
- The auditor should document the understanding
established with a client through a(n)
a. Oral communication with the client.
b. Written communication with the client.
c. Written or oral communication with the client.
d. Completely detailed audit plan.
- (b) The requirement is to identify form(s) of documentation
of the understanding obtained with a client.
Answer (b) is correct because the professional standards
require that an auditor document the understanding through a
written communication with the client. Answer (a) is incorrect
because an oral communication is not suffi cient. Answer (c)
is incorrect because the communication should be in writing.
Answer (d) is incorrect because the understanding is not
documented in a completely detailed audit plan—a term of
questionable meaning.
- Which of the following factors most likely would
infl uence an auditor’s determination of the auditability of an
entity’s fi nancial statements?
a. The complexity of the accounting system.
b. The existence of related-party transactions.
c. The adequacy of the accounting records.
d. The operating effectiveness of control
- (c) The requirement is to identify the factor that
most likely would infl uence an auditor’s determination of
the auditability of an entity’s fi nancial statements. Answer
(c) is correct because inadequate accounting records may
cause an auditor to conclude that it is unlikely that suffi cient
appropriate evidence will be available to support an opinion
on the fi nancial statements; accordingly, an auditor may
determine that the fi nancial statements are not auditable.
Answer (a) is incorrect because an auditor should be able to
obtain the knowledge necessary to audit a complex accounting
system. Answer (b) is incorrect because while related-party
transactions may raise transaction valuation issues due to the
lack of an “arm’s-length transaction,” the problem is normally
not so severe as to make the entity not auditable. Answer (d) is
incorrect because a lack of operating effectiveness of controls
may often be overcome through an increase in the scope of
substantive tests.
- Which of the following is most likely to require special
planning considerations related to asset valuation?
a. Inventory is comprised of diamond rings.
b. The client has recently purchased an expensive copy
c. Assets costing less than $250 are expensed even when
the expected life exceeds one year.
d. Accelerated depreciation methods are used for
amortizing the costs of factory equipment.
- (a) The requirement is to identify the area that is
most likely to require special audit planning considerations.
Answer (a) is correct because an inventory comprised of
diamond rings is likely to require that the auditor plan ahead
to involve a specialist to assist in valuation issues. Answer
(b) is incorrect because valuation of an asset such as a new
copy machine is not ordinarily expected to provide valuation
diffi culties. Answer (c) is incorrect because the expensing
purchases of such small assets is ordinarily acceptable due to
the immateriality of the transactions. Answer (d) is incorrect
because accelerated depreciation methods are ordinarily
- A CPA wishes to determine how various publicly held
companies have complied with the disclosure requirements of
a new fi nancial accounting standard. Which of the following
information sources would the CPA most likely consult for
a. AICPA Codifi cation of Statements on Auditing
b. AICPA Accounting Trends and Techniques.
c. SEC Quality Control Review.
d. SEC Statement 10-K Guide.
- (b) The requirement is to identify the information
source that a CPA would most likely consult for information
on how various publicly held companies have complied with
the disclosure requirements of a new fi nancial accounting
standard. Answer (b) is correct because AICPA Accounting
Trends and Techniques, which is issued annually, summarizes
such disclosures of 600 industrial and merchandising
corporations. Answer (a) is incorrect because the AICPA
Codifi cation of Statements on Auditing Standards codifi es
the various Statements on Auditing Standards and does not
include information on individual company compliance with
disclosure requirements. Answer (c) is incorrect because
Quality Control Review standards are established by the
AICPA and because they do not include information on
individual company compliance with disclosure requirements.
Answer (d) is incorrect because Form 10-K itself provides
information on preparing Form10-K and this form does not
include information on individual company compliance with
disclosure requirements.
- An auditor should design the audit plan so that
a. All material transactions will be selected for
substantive testing.
b. Substantive tests prior to the balance sheet date will be
c. The audit procedures selected will achieve specifi c
audit objectives.
d. Each account balance will be tested under either tests
of controls or tests of transactions.
- (c) The requirement is to determine the correct
statement regarding to an audit plan. Answer (c) is correct
because an audit plan sets forth in detail the audit procedures
that are necessary to accomplish the objectives of the audit.
Answer (a) is incorrect because audit plans address topics
beyond selecting material transactions and this is not their
primary focus. Answer (b) is incorrect because a program may
include numerous substantive tests to be performed prior to the
balance sheet date. Answer (d) is incorrect because immaterial
accounts often are not tested and because tests of transactions,
tests of balances, and analytical procedures are used to test
account balances; account balances are not directly tested
through tests of controls.
- The audit plan generally is modifi ed when
a. Results of tests of control differ from expectations.
b. An engagement letter has been signed by the auditor
and the client.
c. A signifi cant defi ciency has been communicated
to the audit committee of the board of directors.
d. The search for unrecorded liabilities has been
performed and obtained results as had been expected
during the planning of the audit
- (a) The requirement is to determine the situation that
will ordinarily result in modifi cation of the audit plan. Answer
(a) is correct because results which differ from expectations
may be expected to lead to modifi cation of planned substantive
procedures. Answer (b) is incorrect because the signing of the
engagement letter is unlikely to result in a change in the audit
plan. Answer (c) is incorrect because the communication itself
of a signifi cant defi ciency is unlikely to result in a change to
the audit plan. Answer (d) is incorrect because audit expected
results obtained by such a procedure are unlikely to result in
a change to the audit plan, since the plan is already based on
expected results.
- Audit plans should be designed so that
a. Most of the required procedures can be performed
as interim work.
b. Inherent risk is assessed at a suffi ciently low
c. The auditor can make constructive suggestions to
d. The audit evidence gathered supports the auditor’s
- (d) The requirement is to determine the manner in which
audit plans should be designed. Answer (d) is correct becausean audit plan should be designed so that the audit evidence
gathered is suffi cient to support the auditor’s conclusions.
Answer (a) is incorrect because, often, most audit procedures
will not be performed as interim work. Answer (b) is incorrect
because inherent risk need not be assessed at a low level.
Answer (c) is incorrect because while providing constructive
suggestions to management is desirable, the audit plan is not
based on developing constructive suggestions.
- In designing written audit plans, an auditor should
establish specifi c audit objectives that relate primarily
to the
a. Timing of audit procedures.
b. Cost-benefi t of gathering evidence.
c. Selected audit techniques.
d. Financial statement assertions.
- (d) The requirement is to determine what specifi c audit
objectives are addressed when designing an audit plan. Answer
(d) is correct because in obtaining evidence in support of
fi nancial statement assertions, the auditor develops specifi c
audit objectives in the light of those assertions. Answers (a),
(b), and (c) are all incorrect because these replies do not relate
specifi cally to the audit objectives as do the fi nancial statement
- With respect to planning an audit, which of the following
statements is always true?
a. It is acceptable to perform a portion of the audit of a
continuing audit client at interim dates.
b. An engagement should not be accepted after the
client’s year-end.
c. An inventory count must be observed at year-end.
d. Final staffi ng decisions must be made prior to
completion of the planning stage.
- (a) The requirement is to identify the statement that is
always true with respect to planning an audit. Answer (a) is
correct because it is acceptable for an auditor to perform a
certain portion of the audit at an interim date; for example,
performing a portion of planning prior to year-end is always
acceptable for a continuing client. Also, when a new client
has engaged an auditor prior to year-end, a portion of the
audit may be conducted prior to year-end. Answer (b) is
incorrect because an engagement may be accepted after the
client’s year-end. Answer (c) is incorrect because alternative
procedures may be possible when an inventory count was not
observed at year-end. Answer (d) is incorrect because fi nal
staffi ng decisions need not be made prior to completion of the
planning stage of an audit.
- The element of the audit planning process most likely to
be agreed upon with the client before implementation of the
audit strategy is the determination of the
a. Evidence to be gathered to provide a suffi cient basis
for the auditor’s opinion.
b. Procedures to be undertaken to discover litigation,
claims, and assessments.
c. Pending legal matters to be included in the inquiry of
the client’s attorney.
d. Timing of inventory observation procedures to be
- (d) The requirement is to identify the element of the
audit planning process most likely to be agreed upon with the
client before implementation of the audit strategy. Answer
(d) is correct because the auditor will ordinarily observe
the counting of inventory and this will require a degree of
coordination between the performance of audit procedures and
client count procedures. Answer (a) is incorrect because the
client will not determine the evidence to be gathered to provide
a suffi cient basis for the auditor’s opinion. Answers (b) and
(c) are incorrect because these procedures will be determined
subsequent to implementation of the audit strategy.
- To obtain an understanding of a continuing client’s
business, an auditor most likely would
a. Perform tests of details of transactions and balances.
b. Review prior year working papers and the permanent
fi le for the client.
c. Read current issues of specialized industry journals.
d. Reevaluate the client’s internal control environment.
- (b) The requirement is to determine the manner in which
an auditor plans an audit of a continuing client. Answer (b)
is correct because a review of prior year working papers and
the permanent fi le may provide useful information about the
nature of the business, organizational structure, operating
characteristics, and transactions that may require special
attention. Answer (a) is incorrect because tests of details
of transactions and balances occur subsequent to planning.
Answer (c) is incorrect because while reading specialized
industry journals will help the auditor to obtain a better
understanding of the client’s industry, it is likely to be less
helpful than reviewing the working papers. Answer (d) is
incorrect because a reevaluation of the client’s internal control
environment occurs subsequent to the ordinal planning of the
- On an audit engagement performed by a CPA fi rm with one
offi ce, at the minimum, knowledge of the relevant professional
accounting and auditing standards should be held by
a. The auditor with fi nal responsibility for the audit.
b. All professionals working upon the audit.
c. All professionals working upon the audit and the
partner in charge of the CPA fi rm.
d. All professionals working in the offi ce.
- (a) The requirement is to determine who, at a minimum,
must have knowledge of the relevant professional accounting
and auditing standards when an audit is being performed.
Answer (a) is correct because AU-C 200 requires that, at a
minimum, the auditor with fi nal responsibility have such
knowledge. Answers (b), (c), and (d) are all incorrect because
they suggest a higher minimum requirement.
- An auditor obtains knowledge about a new client’s
business and its industry to
a. Make constructive suggestions concerning
improvements to the client’s internal control.
b. Develop an attitude of professional skepticism
concerning management’s fi nancial statement
c. Evaluate whether the aggregation of known
misstatements causes the fi nancial statements taken as
a whole to be materially misstated.
d. Understand the events and transactions that may have
an effect on the client’s fi nancial statements.
- (d) The requirement is to determine why an auditor
obtains knowledge about a new client’s business and its
industry. Answer (d) is correct because obtaining a level of
knowledge of the client’s business and industry enables the
CPA to obtain an understanding of the events, transactions, and
practices that, in the CPA’s judgment, may have a signifi cant
effect on the fi nancial statements. Answer (a) is incorrect
because providing constructive suggestions is a secondary,
and not the primary, reason for obtaining knowledge about
a client’s business and industry. Answer (b) is incorrect
because while a CPA must develop an attitude of professional
skepticism concerning a client, this attitude is not obtained by
obtaining knowledge about the client’s business and industry.
Answer (c) is incorrect because in-formation on the business
and industry of a client will provide only limited information
in determining whether fi nancial statements are materially
misstated, and numerous other factors are considered in
evaluating audit fi ndings.
- Which of the following procedures would an auditor least
likely perform while obtaining an understanding of a client in
a fi nancial statement audit?
a. Coordinating the assistance of entity personnel in data
b. Discussing matters that may affect the audit with fi rm
personnel responsible for nonaudit services to the
c. Selecting a sample of vendors’ invoices for
comparison to receiving reports.
d. Reading the current year’s interim fi nancial
- (c) The requirement is to identify the least likely
procedure to be performed in planning a fi nancial statement
audit. Answer (c) is correct because selecting a sample
of vendors’ invoices for comparison to receiving reports
will occur normally as a part of the evidence accumulation
process, not as a part of the planning of an audit. Answer (a)
is incorrect because coordination of the assistance of entity
personnel in data preparation occurs during planning. Answer
(b) is incorrect because while planning the audit, CPAs may
discuss matters that affect the audit with fi rm personnel
responsible for providing nonaudit services to the entity.
Answer (d) is incorrect because any available current year
interim fi nancial statements will be read during the planning
87. Ordinarily, the predecessor auditor permits the successor auditor to review the predecessor’s working paper analyses relating to Contingencies Balance sheet accounts a. Yes Yes b. Yes No c. No Yes d. No No
- (a) The requirement is to identify whether a predecessor
auditor should permit a successor auditor to review working
paper analyses relating to contingencies, balance sheet
accounts, or both. Answer (a) is correct because AU-C 210
states that a predecessor auditor should ordinarily permit the
successor to review working papers, including documentation
of planning, internal control, audit results, and other matters of
continuing accounting and auditing signifi cance, such as the
working paper analysis of balance sheet accounts and those
relating to contingencies.
- In auditing the fi nancial statements of Star Corp., Land
discovered information leading Land to believe that Star’s
prior year’s fi nancial statements, which were audited by Tell,
require substantial revisions. Under these circumstances,
Land should
a. Notify Star’s audit committee and stockholders that
the prior year’s fi nancial statements cannot be relied
b. Request Star to reissue the prior year’s fi nancial
statements with the appropriate revisions.
c. Notify Tell about the information and make inquiries
about the integrity of Star’s management.
d. Request Star to arrange a meeting among the three
parties to resolve the matter
- (d) The requirement is to determine a successor
auditor’s responsibility when fi nancial statements audited
by a predecessor auditor are found to require substantial
revisions. Answer (d) is correct because when a successor
auditor becomes aware of information that indicates that
fi nancial statements reported on by the predecessor may
require revision, the successor should request that the client
arrange a meeting among the three parties to discuss and
attempt to resolve the matter. Answer (a) is incorrect because the successor is not required to notify the audit committee and
stockholders. Answer (b) is incorrect because the client should
fi rst communicate with the predecessor before revising the
fi nancial statements. Answer (c) is incorrect because a meeting
of the three parties is arranged by the client and because the
situation may or may not have anything to do with the integrity
of management.
89. A successor auditor should request the new client to authorize the predecessor auditor to allow a review of the predecessor’s Engagement letter Working papers a. Yes Yes b. Yes No c. No Yes d. No No
- (c) The requirement is to determine whether a
successor auditor should request a new client to authorize the
predecessor auditor to allow a review of the predecessor’s
engagement letter, working papers, or both. Answer (c) is
correct because AU-C 510 states that it is advisable that
a successor auditor request to be allowed to review the
predecessor’s working papers.
- Which of the following procedures would an auditor most
likely perform in planning a fi nancial statement audit?
a. Inquiring of the client’s legal counsel concerning
pending litigation.
b. Comparing the fi nancial statements to anticipated
c. Examining computer generated exception reports to
verify the effectiveness of internal control.
d. Searching for unauthorized transactions that may aid
in detecting unrecorded liabilities.
- (b) The requirement is to identify the audit procedure
that an auditor will most likely perform during risk assessment
for a fi nancial statement audit. Answer (b) is correct because
AU-C 315 requires that an auditor perform analytical
procedures such as comparing the fi nancial statements to
anticipated results during the planning stage of an audit.
Answers (a), (c), and (d) are all incorrect because these
procedures will all occur subsequent to planning.
- The in-charge auditor most likely would have a
supervisory responsibility to explain to the staff assistants
a. That immaterial fraud is not to be reported to the
client’s audit committee.
b. How the results of various auditing procedures
performed by the assistants should be evaluated.
c. What benefi ts may be attained by the assistants’
adherence to established time budgets.
d. Why certain documents are being transferred from the
current fi le to the permanent fi le.
- (b) The requirement is to identify the information that
is most likely to be communicated by a supervisor to staff
assistants. Answer (b) is correct because staff assistants must
be aware of how their procedures should be evaluated in order
to perform these procedures effectively. Answer (a) is incorrect
because some immaterial fraud may be reported to the client’s
audit committee. Answer (c) is incorrect because the emphasis
in an audit must be on performing the audit effectively and not
merely on adhering to time budgets. Answer (d) is incorrect
because decisions regarding transferring documents from
the current fi le to the permanent fi le are generally of less
importance than the procedure suggested by answer (b).
- The audit work performed by each assistant should be
reviewed to determine whether it was adequately performed
and to evaluate whether the
a. Auditor’s system of quality control has been
maintained at a high level.
b. Results are consistent with the conclusions to be
presented in the auditor’s report.
c. Audit procedures performed are approved in the
professional standards.
d. Audit has been performed by persons having adequate
technical training and profi ciency as auditors.
- (b) The requirement is to determine why the work
of each assistant should be reviewed. Answer (b) is correct
because AU-C 300 suggests that the work performed by each
assistant should be reviewed to determine whether it was
adequately performed and to evaluate whether the results are
consistent with the conclusions to be presented in the auditor’s
report. Answer (a) is incorrect because CPA fi rms, not
individual auditors within the fi rms, have systems of quality
control. Answer (c) is incorrect because the professional
standards do not in general approve specifi c audit procedures.
Answer (d) is incorrect because while determining that
the audit has been performed by persons having adequate
technical training and profi ciency as auditors is important, it
should be addressed prior to the commencement of fi eldwork.
- Analytical procedures used during risk assessment in an
audit should focus on
a. Reducing the scope of tests of controls and substantive
b. Providing assurance that potential material
misstatements will be identifi ed.
c. Enhancing the auditor’s understanding of the client’s
d. Assessing the adequacy of the available evidence
- (c) The requirement is to determine the proper focus
of analytical procedures used during risk assessment of an
audit. Answer (c) is correct because analytical procedures
used during risk assessment may enhance the auditor’s
understanding of the client’s business and signifi cant
transactions and events that have occurred since the prior
audit and also may help to identify the existence of unusual
transactions or events and amounts, ratios, and trends that
might indicate matters that have audit implications.
- A primary purpose of performing analytical procedures
as risk assessment procedures is to identify the existence of
a. Unusual transactions and events.
b. Illegal acts that went undetected because of internal
control weaknesses.
c. Related-party transactions.
d. Recorded transactions that were not properly
- (a) The requirement is to identify a primary purpose
of performing analytical procedures during an audit’s
risk assessment. Answer (a) is correct because analytical
procedures used during risk assessment may enhance the
auditor’s understanding of the client’s business and signifi cant
transactions and events that have occurred since the prior
audit and also may help to identify the existence of unusual
transactions or events and amounts, ratios, and trends that
might indicate matters that have audit implications. Answers
(b), (c), and (d) are all incorrect because while analytical
procedures may lead to the discovery of illegal acts, relatedparty
transactions, and unauthorized transactions, this is not
the primary objective.
- Which of the following nonfi nancial information would
an auditor most likely consider in performing analytical
procedures during risk assessment?
a. Turnover of personnel in the accounting
b. Objectivity of audit committee members.
c. Square footage of selling space.
d. Management’s plans to repurchase stock.
- (c) The requirement is to identify the type of
nonfi nancial information an auditor would most likely
consider in performing analytical procedures during the risk
assessment phase of an audit. Answer (c) is correct because
the square footage of selling space may be used in considering
the overall reasonableness of sales. Answer (a) is incorrect
because while the turnover of personnel in the accounting
department may provide a measure of risk relating to the
accounting function, it is not ordinarily used in performing
analytical procedures. Similarly, answer (b) is incorrect
because while the objectivity of audit committee members
is an important consideration, it is not ordinarily used in
performing analytical procedures. Answer (d) is also incorrect
because management’s plans to repurchase stock is not directly
related to analytical procedures. See AU-C 315 and AU-C 520
for information on analytical procedures.
- The accounts receivable turnover ratio increased during
20X2. This is consistent with:
a. Items shipped on consignment during December were
recorded as credit sales; no cash receipts have yet
been received on these consignments.
b. The company increased credit sales by 10% by
allowing more lenient credit terms—30 days are
now allowed whereas previously only 20 days were
c. A major credit sale on which title passed as of
December 31, 20X2 was recorded in January of 20X3.
d. Sales for each month are approximately 25% higher
than those of the preceding year.
- (c) The requirement is to identify the reply which is
consistent with an increase in the accounts receivable turnover
ratio (credit sales / accounts receivable). Answer (c) is correct
because not including the sale in either the 20X2 sales or
year-end accounts receivable increases the ratio. For example,
assume that the actual total year sales are $100,000 and yearend
receivables are $20,000—a turnover of 5—when the
sale, assume for $5,000, is included in 20X2. Subtracting the
$5,000 from 20X2 sales and receivables results in a turnover
ratio of 6.33 ($95,000 / $15,000)—an increase. Answer (a) is
incorrect because the consignment increases the numerator
and denominator by an equal amount—this decreases the ratio.
Answer (b) is incorrect because the denominator of the ratio is
likely to increase disproportionately when 30 days rather than
20 days are allowed—this results in a decrease in the ratio.
Answer (d) is incorrect because one would expect a pro-rata
increase in accounts receivable, thus resulting in no change to
the ratio.
- A company’s gross margin percentage increased in 20X2.
This is consistent with which of the following occurring in 20X2?
a. An increase in the tax rate on income.
b. An increase in units sold.
c. A decrease in the rate of sales commissions paid to
sales personnel.
d. Outsourcing of a part of the manufacturing process
which resulted in no additional costs.
- (b) The requirement is to identify which reply is
consistent with an increase in a company’s gross margin
percentage ([sales – cost of goods sold] / sales). Answer (b)
is correct because fi xed overhead costs will not increase with
the increase in units—thus allowing costs of goods sold to
increase less proportionately to the increase in units sold.
Answers (a) and (c) are incorrect because income taxes
and sales commissions are not included in the gross margin
calculation. Answer (d) is incorrect because cost of goods sold
should remain the same due to the outsourcing.
- The following summarizes your client’s inventory
turnover for Years 1 and 2.
Year 1 Year 2
Inventory turnover 7.00 6.00
This change is most consistent with
a. A number of expense items were erroneously
included in cost of goods sold (but not in ending
b. While inventory levels remained the same in Year
2, total sales increased and a higher percentage of
customers are paying their accounts.
c. Although sales for Year 2 were the same as for Year 1,
inventory is a bit higher than normal because the last
month of year 2’s sales were lower than anticipated.
d. The year-end physical inventory count omitted a
number of signifi cant items. A periodic accounting
inventory system is in use.
- (c) The requirement is to identify the reply that is most
consistent with a decrease in the inventory turnover (cost
of goods sold / inventory). Answer (c) is correct because an
increase in inventory with no change in cost of goods sold will
decrease the ratio. Answer (a) is incorrect because an increase
in cost of goods sold will increase the ratio. Answer (b) is
incorrect because the increased sales would be expected to
increase the turnover ratio in year 2 since the increased sales,
with no increase in inventory levels, results in an increase in
the inventory turnover (through an increase in cost of goods
sold), not a decrease—more clients paying their accounts does
not directly affect the ratio. Answer (d) is incorrect because
this will increase the turnover ratio since cost of goods sold
will be overstated and inventory will be understated.
- While assessing the risks of material misstatement
auditors identify risks, relate risk to what could go wrong,
consider the magnitude of risks and
a. Assess the risk of misstatements due to illegal acts.
b. Consider the complexity of the transactions involved.
c. Consider the likelihood that the risks could result in
material misstatements.
d. Determine materiality levels.
- (c) The requirement is to identify the next step in
assessing the risks of material misstatement after auditors
identify risks, relate risks to what could go wrong, and
consider the magnitude of risks. Answer (c) is correct because
the professional standards suggest that auditors should then
consider the likelihood that risks involved could result in
material misstatements. Answer (a) is incorrect because
the assessment is not limited to illegal acts. Answer (b) is
incorrect because the complexity of transactions is not next to
be considered. Answer (d) is incorrect because determining
materiality levels occurs prior to this stage of the audit.
100. Which of the following are considered further audit procedures that may be designed after assessing the risks of material misstatement? Substantive tests of details Risk assessment procedures a. Yes Yes b. Yes No c. No Yes d. No No
- (b) The requirement is to identify whether substantive
tests of details and/or risk assessment procedures are
considered further audit procedures that may be designed after
assessing the risks of material misstatement. Further audit
procedures are composed of substantive procedures (tests of
details and analytical procedures) and tests of controls. Answer
(b) is correct because while substantive tests of details are
further audit procedures, risk assessment procedures are not.
Answer (a) is incorrect because risk assessment procedures are
not further audit procedures. Answer (c) is incorrect because
substantive tests of details are further audit procedures and
because risk assessment procedures are not. Answer (d) is
incorrect because substantive tests of details are further audit
- Which of the following is least likely to be considered a
risk assessment procedure?
a. Analytical procedures.
b. Confi rmation of ending accounts receivable.
c. Inspection of documents.
d. Observation of the performance of certain accounting
- (b) The requirement is to identify the procedure that
is least likely to be considered a risk assessment procedure.
Answer (b) is correct because confi rmation is a substantive
test, rather than a risk assessment procedure. Answers (a),
(b), and (c) are all risk assessment procedures, as are certain
inquiries of others outside the entity.
- In an audit of a nonissuer (nonpublic) company, the
auditors identify signifi cant risks. These risks often
a. Involve routine, high-volume transactions.
b. Do not require special audit attention.
c. Involve items with lower levels of inherent risk.
d. Involve judgmental matters
- (d) Answer (d) is correct because signifi cant risks
often involve accounting estimates or complex accounting
that involves signifi cant judgments. Answer (a) is incorrect
because routine, high-volume transactions typically have
lower risk. Answer (b) is incorrect because signifi cant risks do
require special audit attention. Answer (c) is incorrect because
signifi cant risks involve items with high levels of inherent risk.
- After fi eldwork audit procedures are completed, a
partner of the CPA fi rm who has not been involved in the audit
performs a second or wrap-up working paper review. This
second review usually focuses on
a. The fair presentation of the fi nancial statements in
conformity with GAAP.
b. Fraud involving the client’s management and its
c. The materiality of the adjusting entries proposed by
the audit staff.
d. The communication of internal control weaknesses to
the client’s audit committee.
- (a) The requirement is to identify the focus of a fi nal
wrap-up review performed by a second partner who has not
been involved in the audit. Answer (a) is correct because this
second or “cold” review aims at determining whether the
fi nancial statements result in fair presentation in conformity
with GAAP and with whether suffi cient appropriate evidence
has been obtained. Answer (b) is incorrect because most
frequently fraud involving the client’s management and
its employees have not been discovered and, even if they
have been, the focus of the review is still on the fairness
of presentation of the fi nancial statements. Answers (c)
and (d) are incorrect because decisions on materiality and
communications with the audit committee are only two of the
many matters the review may address in an effort to address
fairness of presentation of the fi nancial statements.
- Which of the following statements is correct concerning
an auditor’s use of the work of a specialist?
a. The work of a specialist who is related to the client
may be acceptable under certain circumstances.
b. If an auditor believes that the determinations made by
a specialist are unreasonable, only a qualifi ed opinion
may be issued.
c. If there is a material difference between a specialist’s
fi ndings and the assertions in the fi nancial statements,
only an adverse opinion may be issued.
d. An auditor may not use a specialist in the
determination of physical characteristics relating to
- (a) The requirement is to identify the correct statement
concerning an auditor’s use of the work of a specialist.
Answer (a) is correct because the work of a specialist who
is related to the client may be acceptable under certain
circumstances. Answer (b) is incorrect because if the auditor
believes that the fi ndings of the specialist are unreasonable,
it is generally appropriate to obtain the fi ndings of another
specialist. Answer (c) is incorrect because a material difference
between a specialist’s fi ndings and those included in the
fi nancial statements may result in the need for an explanatory
paragraph, a qualifi ed opinion, a disclaimer, or an adverse
opinion. Answer (d) is incorrect because an auditor may
use a specialist in the determination of various physical
characteristics of assets.
- In using the work of a specialist, an auditor may refer
to the specialist in the auditor’s report if, as a result of the
specialist’s fi ndings, the auditor
a. Becomes aware of conditions causing substantial
doubt about the entity’s ability to continue as a going
b. Desires to disclose the specialist’s fi ndings, which
imply that a more thorough audit was performed.
c. Is able to corroborate another specialist’s earlier
fi ndings that were consistent with management’s
d. Discovers signifi cant defi ciencies in the design of the
entity’s internal control that management does not
- (a) The requirement is to identify a circumstance in
which an auditor may refer to the fi ndings of a specialist in
the auditor’s report. Answer (a) is correct because the auditor
may refer to the specialist when the specialist’s fi ndings result
in inclusion of an explanatory paragraph to an audit report, in
this case on going concern status. Answers (b), (c), and (d) are
all incorrect because a specialist is only referred to in an audit
report when that specialist’s fi ndings identify a circumstance
requiring modifi cation of the audit report. Auditors do not
modify audit reports to simply inform the user that a specialist
was involved.
- Which of the following statements is correct about the
auditor’s use of the work of a specialist?
a. The specialist should not have an understanding
of the auditor’s corroborative use of the specialist’s
fi ndings.
b. The auditor is required to perform substantive
procedures to verify the specialist’s assumptions and
fi ndings.
c. The client should not have an understanding
of the nature of the work to be performed by the
d. The auditor should obtain an understanding of the
methods and assumptions used by the specialist
- (d) The requirement is to identify the statement that
is correct about the auditor’s use of the work of a specialist.
Answer (d) is correct because the auditor should obtain
an understanding of the nature of the work performed by
the specialist. Answer (a) is incorrect because ordinarily a
specialist will have a basic understanding of the auditor’s
corroborative use of the fi ndings. Answer (b) is incorrect
because the auditor need not perform substantive procedures to
verify the specialist’s assumptions and fi ndings. Answer (c) is
incorrect because the client may have an understanding of the
nature of the work performed by the specialist. See AU-C 620
for information on the auditor’s use of the work of a specialist
- In using the work of a specialist, an auditor referred to
the specialist’s fi ndings in the auditor’s report. This would be
an appropriate reporting practice if the
a. Client is not familiar with the professional
certifi cation, personal reputation, or particular
competence of the specialist.
b. Auditor, as a result of the specialist’s fi ndings, adds an
explanatory paragraph emphasizing a matter regarding
the fi nancial statements.
c. Client understands the auditor’s corroborative
use of the specialist’s fi ndings in relation to the
representations in the fi nancial statements.
d. Auditor, as a result of the specialist’s fi ndings, decides
to indicate a division of responsibility with the
- (b) The requirement is to identify the circumstance in
which an auditor may appropriately refer to the fi ndings of a
specialist. Answer (b) is correct because an auditor may refer
to a specialist when the report is being modifi ed due to the
specialist’s fi ndings. Answers (a) and (c) are incorrect because
a client’s familiarity with a specialist or understanding of the
auditor’s use of the fi ndings of a specialist does not result
in modifi cation of the audit report. Answer (d) is incorrect
because an auditor does not divide responsibility with a
- In using the work of a specialist, an understanding
should exist among the auditor, the client, and the specialist
as to the nature of the specialist’s work. The documentation of
this understanding should cover
a. A statement that the specialist assumes no
responsibility to update the specialist’s report for
future events or circumstances.
b. The conditions under which a division of
responsibility may be necessary.
c. The specialist’s understanding of the auditor’s
corroborative use of the specialist’s fi ndings.
d. The auditor’s disclaimer as to whether the specialist’s
fi ndings corroborate the representations in the
fi nancial statements.
- (c) The requirement is to identify the statement that an
auditor must document when using the work of a specialist.
Answer (c) is correct because the specialist’s understanding of
the auditor’s corroborative use of his or her fi ndings must be
documented. See AU-C 620 for this and other documentation
requirements. Answer (a) is incorrect because no statement
concerning an update of the specialist’s report is required to
be documented. Answer (b) is incorrect because a division
of responsibility relates to circumstances in which other
auditors, not specialists, are involved. Answer (d) is incorrect
because an auditor will not normally issue a disclaimer
related to whether the specialist’s fi ndings corroborate the
representations in the fi nancial statements. The specialist’s
report is only referred to when there is a material difference
between the specialist’s fi ndings and the representations in
the fi nancial statements. See AU-C 620 for information on the
effect of a specialist’s work on an auditor’s report.
109. Which of the following is not a specialist upon whose work an auditor may rely? a. Actuary. b. Appraiser. c. Internal auditor. d. Engineer.
- (c) The requirement is to determine which individual is
not considered a specialist upon whose work an independent
auditor may rely. The professional standards relating to using
the work of a specialist do not apply to using the work of an
internal auditor. Answers (a), (b), and (d), actuary, appraiser,
and engineer, respectively, are all examples of specialists per
the professional standards. Note here that the question and
its reply do not imply that a CPA cannot use the work of an
internal auditor. What is being suggested is that an internal
auditor is not considered a specialist under the professional
E. Required Communication to Those
Charged with Governance
110. In identifying matters for communication with those
charged with governance of an audit client, an auditor most
likely would ask management whether
a. The turnover in the accounting department was
unusually high.
b. It consulted with another CPA fi rm about accounting
c. There were any subsequent events of which the
auditor was unaware.
d. It agreed with the auditor’s assessed level of control risk.
- (b) The requirement is to determine the matter that an
auditor would communicate to those charged with governance.
Answer (b) is correct because AU-C 260 requires that when
the auditor is aware of such consultation with another CPA, s/
he should discuss with the audit committee his/her views about
signifi cant matters that were the subject of such consultation;
accordingly, such a discussion with management is to be
expected. While the information suggested in answers (a), (c),
and (d) may all be communicated to the audit committee, they
are not included as required disclosures under AU-C 260. See
AU-C 260 for the various matters that must be communicated
to those charged with governance.
- Which of the following statements is correct concerning
an auditor’s required communication with those charged with
governance of an audit client?
a. This communication is required to occur before the
auditor’s report on the fi nancial statements is issued.
b. This communication should include discussion of
any signifi cant disagreements with management
concerning the fi nancial statements.
c. Any signifi cant matter communicated to the audit
committee also should be communicated to management.
d. Signifi cant audit adjustments proposed by the
auditor and recorded by management need not be
communicated to those charged with governance.
- (b) The requirement is to identify the correct statement
concerning an auditor’s required communication with those
charged with governance. Answer (b) is correct because
the communication should include such information on
disagreements. See AU-C 260 for this and other required
communications with those charged with governance.
Answer (a) is incorrect because the communication may occur
before or after issuance of the auditor’s report. Answer (c)
is incorrect because not all matters need be communicated
to management. Answer (d) is incorrect because signifi cant
adjustments need to be communicated to those charged with
- An auditor would least likely initiate a discussion with
those charged with governance of an audit client concerning
a. The methods used to account for signifi cant unusual
b. The maximum dollar amount of misstatements that
could exist without causing the fi nancial statements to
be materially misstated.
c. Indications of fraud and illegal acts committed by a
corporate offi cer that were discovered by the auditor.
d. Disagreements with management as to accounting
principles that were resolved during the current year’s
- (b) The requirement is to identify the discussion that
it is least likely that an auditor will initiate with those charged
with governance. Answer (b) is correct because auditors do
not generally initiate a discussion on materiality, although they
do occasionally respond to such questions. See AU-C 260 for
auditor communications with those charged with governance.
- Which of the following statements is correct about an
auditor’s required communication with those charged with
governance of an audit client?
a. Any matters communicated to the entity’s audit
committee also are required to be communicated to
the entity’s management.
b. The auditor is required to inform those charged
with governance about signifi cant misstatements
discovered by the auditor and subsequently corrected
by management
c. Disagreements with management about the
application of accounting principles are required to
be communicated in writing to those charged with
d. Weaknesses in internal control previously reported
to those charged with governance need not be
- (b) The requirement is to identify the correct statement
about an auditor’s required communication with those
charged with governance. Answer (b) is correct because
the communication must include signifi cant misstatements
discovered, even if corrected by management. Answer (a)
is incorrect because while such communications may be
communicated to management, there is no such requirement.
Answer (c) is incorrect because disagreements with
management, as well as the other required disclosures, may
be communicated either orally or in writing. Answer (d)
is incorrect because an auditor must recommunicate such
weaknesses in internal control. Also, see AU-C 260 for the
matters communicated to those charged with governance.
- Which of the following matters is an auditor required to
communicate to an entity’s audit committee?
I. Disagreements with management about matters
signifi cant to the entity’s fi nancial statements that have
been satisfactorily resolved.
II. Initial selection of signifi cant accounting policies in
emerging areas that lack authoritative guidance.
a. I only.
b. II only.
c. Both I and II.
d. Neither I nor II.
- (a) The requirement is to determine whether
disagreements with management and initial selection of
signifi cant accounting policies need to be communicated to
those charged with corporate governance. Answer (a) is correct
because disagreements should be communicated directly to those charged with corporate governance. Answer (b) is
incorrect because direct communication by the auditor is not
required for selection of accounting principles. Management
may engage in this communication with those charged
with corporate governance. Answer (c) is incorrect because
the auditor only needs to make sure that management has
communicated with the committee concerning initial selection
of signifi cant accounting policies in emerging areas that
lack authoritative guidance. Answer (d) is incorrect because
disagreements should be communicated directly to those
charged with corporate governance
115. Should an auditor communicate the following matters to those charged with governance of an audit client? Signifi cant audit adjustments recorded by the entity Management’s consultation with other accountants about signifi cant accounting matters a. Yes Yes b. Yes No c. No Yes d. No No
- (a) The requirement is to determine the information
that an auditor should communicate to those charged with
corporate governance. Answer (a) is correct because both
signifi cant audit adjustments and management’s consultation
with other accountants about signifi cant accounting matters
should be communicated to an audit committee. See AU-C 260
for these and other matters that should be so communicated.