Eng - Ned Flashcards
I’m Reading an ANTHOLOGY of American poems and song lyrics
He BALDLY said that she was mentally unstable
Bot, botweg
The lawyer gave details of the CALLOUS killing
Wreed, meedogenloos
This school will not CONDONE such behaviour
Gedogen, accepteren
That CONFOUNDED dog has run away again
He’s known for his CONTEMPTUOUS remarks and attitude towards his rivals
Bob Dylan’s sometimes CONVOLUTED lyrics are hard to understand
Unfortunately, freedom of expression is CURBED in that country
The D.A / DISTRICT ATTORNEY insisted on a heavy punishment for the accused.
Officier van justitie, aanklager
Isn’t it strange that the DEFENDANT was not present in the courtroom?
Beklaagde, verdachte
Jill is a hard-working, DILIGENT student
After her DISMISSAL she soon found another job.
The police HAULED him out of his car
How do most children feel when they see their INCARCERATED parents?
Gevangen, gedetineerd
Where does your INFATUATION WITH American folk music come from?
(Voor)liefde voor
The injured prisoner was take to the prison INFIRMARY
He was known to be. Highly jealous and IRASCIBLE
Snel geïrriteerd
That stupid behaviour will JEOPARDIZE his reputation
In gevaar brengen
Let’s try to remain LEVEL-HEADED and not become sentimental over this