ENG 107 Midterm exam Flashcards
What is thought?
Thought is a simple statement, produced by thinking
What is an example of thought?
I’m hungry.
What is image?
Designed to evoke one of the five senses in readers
What is an example of image?
My stomach growls, as I sit at the table waiting for my mother to bring in dinner. Pain cramping through my stomach as this is the only thing I have eaten all day.
What is abstraction?
An Idea (you can’t see it, feel it, smell it, touch it, hear it, or taste it)
What is an example of abstraction?
Wonder (She had a sense of wonder).
What is denotation?
The dictionary definition of a word
What is an example of denotation?
The definition of hot is something that has or gives off heat.
What is connotation?
Cultural/Social/interpretation of the word
What is an example of connotation?
Wind can mean the actual wind but it can also mean loneliness and longing
What is a concrete detail?
Detail that appeals to one of the five senses
What is an example of a concrete detail?
This will be a piece of cake.
What is literal?
The exact factual meaning of what the words are.
What is an example of literal?
Washington DC is the Capital of the United States
What is figurative?
Departs from the literal use of words
What is an example of figurative?
That news hit me like a ton of bricks.
What is metonymy?
We name something by its designation, by using an overarching term to mean something else
What is an example of metonymy?
The White House put out a statement today.
What is synecdoche?
Takes a piece of something to represent the whole
What is an example of synecdoche?
The captain commands a hundred sails
What is personification?
Giving human traits to inanimate objects
What is an example of personification?
The story jumped off the page.
What is a simile?
Comparisons that use like or as
What is a metaphor?
A direct comparison between two things
What is an example of a simile?
The man was sly as a fox.
What is an example of a metaphor?
She was a shining star.
What is a cliche?
Worn out phrase that is used often and is worn out
What is an example of a cliche?
Travel at the speed of light
What is an example of discovery?
That man right there is the bad guy, and above me is his ally
What is discovery?
Forces the change in conditions, relationships, and activities, what happens to the character
What is decision?
The moment that a character makes a choice, changing from one state to another
What is an example of decision?
I will hide behind a chair and then creep away when the bad guys aren’t looking to escape
What is cosmic irony?
Fate is controlled by outside sources, the world is out to get you
What is an example of cosmic irony?
The titanic sinking. It was designed to be an unsinkable ship and sunk on its maiden voyage.
What is verbal irony?
The words don’t mean what they are saying
What is an example of verbal irony?
The head of an AA meaning, “I could really use a drink right now.”
What is dramatic irony?
Also called situational irony, the reader or viewer knows something that the characters do not know
What is an example of dramatic irony?
You know there is someone in the building with the character but they don’t because they are asleep
What is omniscient 3rd?
3rd person narrator that can read the mind/get into the minds of all characters (god-like)
What is an example of omniscient 3rd?
As everyone in the house settled down to bed, Emma hoped that she would be able to sleep without anymore nightmares like the ones that have been plaguing her all the nights before.
What is objective 3rd?
Tells us what is happening, only can see what the character is doing or saying in a story.
What is an example of objective 3rd?
“Why are you jumping.” Emma said while watching Todd jump in a circle.
What is person?
First person, second person, third person, the pronouns that identify the subject
What is an example of person?
I open the door, you open the door, she opens the door
What is point of view?
Who tells the story, to whom, and in what form, the person in which the story is told
What is an example of point of view?
I come to this McDonalds so often everyone knows my name
What is a flat character?
Character that is boring and has no depth, nothing to say, nothing to do, but to be there, plays no role in the story other than to serve as a decoration
What is an example of a flat character?
The overbearing mother that only serves the purpose to put an obstacle in front of the main character
What is persona?
Role that you as the writer assume to tell the story, the mask that you put on
What is an example of persona?
A middle aged author uses the persona of a teenage girl to tell a story set in a high school
What is diction?
Vocabulary (word choice) and syntax (how the words are arranged)
What is an example of diction?
I ate a red apple.
What is mood?
Emotions that a text evokes in the reader
What is an example of mood?
The house was completely dark when I entered and there was a eerily still quiet in the air.
What is atmosphere?
The tone and attitude, setting, period, weather, time of day, of a story
What is an example of atmosphere?
Can smell the salty air of the sea and a mist hits your face and the wind plays with your hair. It is cloudy and there is a brisk chill in the air.
What is character?
Protagonist or antagonist, human or thing that is the central focus
What is an example of character?
She is loyal to a fault and you can always count on her.
What is dialogue?
Spoken words within a text
What is an example of dialogue?
“Hey what’s up?” Peyton says, seeing her friend walking towards her. “Nothing.” Her friend says back. “You?”
What is scene?
A snapshot of the story taking place
What is an example of scene?
She misses her train and runs after it as if that will help it to stop.
What is the setting?
the where and when
What is an example of setting?
When you go to bed the setting is your bedroom, from your messy blankets to the books on your wall
What is rule of dog?
Sometimes you need to be specific but other times a thing can just be a thing
What is an example of rule of dog?
That is a yellow banana. That is a yellow banana with bruises and a slightly brown tint as it was sitting out for a while.
What is character voice?
A chosen mimicry the develops rich characters, and it creates distinct and memorable characters
What is an example of character voice?
A character that shouts every time that they get excited because they don’t know how to enunciate but instead they yell
What is symbol?
Something that has a larger meaning than what it is
What is an example of symbol?
Arrows are seen as symbols of direction.
What is conflict?
The tension between a character and something in their way
What is an example of conflict?
A man accused of a crime he didn’t commit has to fight for his freedom.
What is desire?
What the character/characters want, it is what drives the plot forwards
What is an example of desire?
A character really wants a new car so she gets a job in order to afford it
What is syntax?
The arrangement of words in a sentence
What is an example of syntax?
The dogs hackles rose.