Enforcement Flashcards
MISLE status changes to Open-Forwarded to Collections after how long for NOV?
60 Days
Penalty amount for an individual is how much of a commercial entity?
Preferred method of delivering a LOW?
When is a LOW not appropriate for gallons of oil?
Over 1,000 gallons
COTP order shall be?
Reasonable, objective, concise, and tailored
MARSEC level 3 multiplies?
2x the penalty amount
What must the unit change the MISLE title once it changes to Open-Forwarded to Collections?
Open-Submitted to Collections; then transfer to MLCPAC
What is the form number for a NOV?
A LOW is appropriate when?
If the deficiency is corrected immediately
If mailing a LOW, how shall it be mailed?
Certified mail with a return receipt
How else can a vessel pay for cleanup operations besides a Surety Bond?
Certified check or money order
What are the lowest level of enforcement actions?
Written Warning
When shall a warning NOT be issued for non-commercial entity?
Commercial entity?
Greater than 50 gallons
Greater than 25 gallons
What is the NOV form number?
When would you issue a 2nd offense NOV?
When a previous offense is defined as paid