Energy Resorces Flashcards
what is the difference between renewable, recyclable resources and non-renewable resources.
Energy resources can be classified as non-renewable, renewable and recyclable:
- non-renewable - Once there used there gone.
- renewable - will never run out and can be used over and over again
- recyclable - can be recycled or reused
give two impacts on the environment of each of the following energy uses:
- Wind energy
- Open cast mining
- Oil
- HEP Dams
- Wind energy, help reduce carbon emissions, the production of energy from these is very green and clean. These can also effect birds
- Open cast mining, produce allot of dust which is bad for local air quality. uses large quantity of water to extract coal leaving large pollution
- Oil, Oil spills that kill marine life. Oil end up in animal which negatively effects the food chain
- HEP Dams, causes large amounts of deforestation. reduces carbon emissions
why has coal production virtually disappeared in the UK? and what makes up our current energy mix?
high cost, declining demand, other energy sources, greenhouse emissions.
25% are renewable, recyclables, and fossil fuels
Explain why globally, demand for energy is rising
Globally we are using more energy year on year. This may not comes as a surprise as we live in an industrialised world with a lot of technology in out lives. The population of the world is also bigger than it has ever been.
Explain how energy use in countries changes, as they develop.
there are huge variations in the global uses of energy HIC’s have high consumption levels. As countries levels. As countries develop, energy use increases in the world’s HIC’s come from domestic appliances. Other countries such as China have high consumption levels due to high population.
Describe how and why Low Income Countries use traditional fuels.
Many people need to collect energy sources themselves - they collect wood or dried animal dung to use as a fuel. Many people rely on biomass for cooking and heating.
what is peak oil?
The point at which over half of the worlds known reserves of oil in the world would had been used.
Why is demand for oil increasing
It now looks as if oil consumption in HIC’s has peaked BUT there is significantly increasing demand form emerging economies, especially those in Asia. Increasing wealth particularly in Asia, has led to higher demand for oil as more people use energy and car ownership increases.
why dose the price of oil change
economic and political factors can cause the price of oil to change
supply and demand
OPEC countries can influence the supply of oil.
state two ways that energy conservation around the home will reduce reliance on fossil fuels
reducing energy consumption at home cut energy use significantly. to help people make there homes energy efficient the government offers grants and loans.
describe two ways that London have tried to reduce their carbon footprint
new London buses have been hybrid since 2012. they are 40% more fuel efficient and produce 40% less carbon dioxide.
London’s cycle hire scheme is amide getting people to choose the zero emiction option.
describe two energy sources in named locations that would help to improve energy security, whilst also reducing carbon footprint
- HEP uses water to produce electricity. dams are expensive and making electricity in this way can have large environmental and social costs as well as benefits
- Warm climate and lots of sunshine hours make this the perfect place of solar energy. The technology exists to provide our energy this way but it is currently expensive and requires subsides to keep electricity costs down
state the 2 scenarios for energy use in the future
Business as usual. This is where the world continues to rely on fossil fuels as the main source of energy with oil and gas production increasing when demands dictates.
A sustainable future more countries adopt renewables and adopt mixed energy supplies - this will reduce carbon dioxide levels
explain how attitudes towards the environment may change as a country becomes more developed.
as countries initially developed they produce more pollution and more damage. Eventually they reduce the amount of damage they do by being more environmentally aware
define sustainable development
meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations of meets their own needs
what is an ecological footprint
They are measured in global hectares and show the amount of land and water required to produce resource for each country