energy and nutrients Flashcards
what are carbohydrates?
repeated simple sugar units
common simple sugars:
sucrose (table sugar), glucose, fructose
chemical digestion of carbohydrates:
enzymes cleave off simple sugars from larger carb molecule
how are glucose molecules used by our body?
they get absorbed into our blood and are used by cells as fuel for cellular respiration
can we digest cellulose (fiber)?
how does type 2 diabetes interfere with cells ability to absorb glucose from the blood?
cells become resistant to insulin and ignore its message to absorb glucose
what are proteins?
repeated amino acid units
chemical digestion of proteins
enzymes cleaving off amino acids from large protein molecule
pepsin (stomach)
hydrochloric acid, helps with digestion
all fats are:
hydrophobic (don’t mix well with water)
saturated fat
packed tightly together
unsaturated fat
double bonds
triglyceride fat
makes up all cell membranes
not chains, important hormones for reproductive systems
why are trans-fats bad?
they were developed in a lab and are foreign to our body, they accumulate in our circulatory system and cause heart disease
what is mastication?
chewing up food
what is peristalsis?
involuntary muscle movement that occurs in your digestive system. It begins in your throat when you swallow, and continues to propel food and fluids throughout your gastrointestinal tract.
why doesn’t hydrochloric acid eat through the stomach?
mucus creates barrier
gastric juice
fluid secreted by stomach glands, inhibits infections in intestine
increases surface area of food by breaking it down into smaller bits
fluid made and released by liver and stored in gallbladder, helps with digestion
pancreatic juice
breaks down sugars, fats, and starches
the digestive tract is also known as the:
alimentary canal
the diaphragm is responsible for:
the nasal cavity is where:
oxygen enters
the pharynx is:
behind nose/mouth, connecting them to esophagus
the trachea is:
a tube leading to the lungs
bronchi/bronchioles are:
branch/branches in the lungs
the alveoli are:
little air sacks, place of gas exchange in lungs
pulmonary circuit aka:
the aorta is:
primary artery at the top of the heart
systemic circuit is:
system (everything other than lungs)
circulatory system (Ravalpava)
right atrium, right ventricle, arteries, lungs, pulmonary vein, left atrium, left ventricle, aorta
when muscle is contracting
when muscle is relaxed
microbes, bacteria, fungi, breast milk from mother, resemble our parents and are very personal