energy and ecosystems exam questions Flashcards
use your knowledge or NPP to explain why freshwater marshes have a high CUE and the advantage of this
Do not refer to abiotic factors in your answer.
(2 marks)
M1: low respiration
M2: more growth
Freshwater marsh soils are normally waterlogged. This creates anaerobic conditions.
Use your knowledge of the nitrogen cycle to suggest why these soils contain relatively high concentrations of ammonium compounds and low concentrations of nitrite ions and nitrate ions (2 marks)
M1: less nitrification
M2: less conversion of ammonium ions to nitrite and nitrate ions
The student used the equation above; however she substituted height for biomass. This was because she did not want to destroy the plants to measure their biomass.
State the assumption the student has made and suggest why this assumption might not be valid. (2 marks)
M1: assumed that height is directly proportional to biomass
M2: height does not include the roots
Using all the information, evaluate the effect on plant growth of adding the different fertilisers to the soil (5 marks)
M1: potassium nitrate most effective and chicken manure least effective
M2: all fertilisers are more effective than the control
M3: no increase in growth with potassium nitrate above 30g
M4: ammonium sulfate shows small increase after 30g
M5: chicken manure effectiveness decreases after 45g
The scientists determined the dry mass of the spinach plants. First, he heated each sample at 80°C for 2 hours.
Suggest what the scientist should do to ensure that he has removed all the water from the sample. (2 marks)
M1: weigh and heat
M2: until mass is constant
Arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi are fungi which grow on, and into, the roots of plants. AMF can increase the uptake of inorganic ions such as phosphate. (1 mark)
Used to produce ATP
Suggest one way in which AMF may benefit from their association with plants (1 mark)
Explain why an increase in shoot biomass can be taken as measurement of net primary productivity (2 marks)
M1: represents dry mass of carbon
M2: represents gross production minus respiratory loss
Using data from the graph, evaluate the effect on plant productivity of adding AMF species and adding phosphate to the soil (4 marks)
M1: no statistical test to determine significant
M2: only 29 weeks of growth
M3: root growth not known
M4: for the control an increase in phosphate increases plant growth
The ecologists dried the samples in an oven at 103°C for 24 hours. Describe how the ecologists could have determined whether or not this drying removed all the water from a sample of wood. (2 marks)
M1: after 24 hours record mass and reheat
M2: until constant mass is reached
What does the graph show about the relationship between the diameter of the trunk of the trees and their biomass (2 marks)
M1: positive correlation
M2: not linear
Using only the information provided suggest how the mass of carbon in the wood of a plantation of trees of a particular species could be estimated.
Start with measuring the diameter of a large number of trees.
Assume that the dry biomass of a tree consists of biological molecules that contain carbon. (4 marks)
M1: calculate a mean diameter
M2: use this to estimate the mean fresh biomass of trees
M3: use the percentage water content to find the dry biomass
M4: use the dried density to calculate the mass of tree
Suggest appropriate units for gross productivity.
mass, per area
Explain the decrease in gross productivity as the woodland matures (2 marks)
M1: less light
M2: reduced photosynthesis
Use your knowledge of succession to explain the increase in biomass during the first 20 years (3 marks)
M1: pioneer species
M2: change in abiotic conditions
M3: increase in diversity