Energy and Atmosphere Flashcards
What % reduction is required for
demand response?
At least 10% of the estimated peak
electricity demand
What types of demand
response programs are
Semi-automated and automated
(not manual)
What is load shedding?
An intentional action by a utility company to reduce the load on the system. Load shedding is usually conducted during emergency periods, such as capacity shortages, system instability, or voltage control.
What is the contract period
for demand response?
A minimum of one year with
the intention of multiyear
How long must an advanced
energy metering system store
36 months
What energy sources must be
metered in a building?
-Natural gas,
fuel oil,
-other fossil fuels
-District chilled water, steam, and
hot water
How often must advanced
meters be able to report
Hourly, daily, monthly, and
What three components are
part of monitoring-based
commissioning (MBCx)?
-Permanent energy monitoring systems,
-Real-time energy analysis,
-Ongoing commissioning
Does building envelope
commissioning have to be
completed for Fundamental
No. It must be documented
in the OPR and BOD. It is
not required unless the
project team pursues ÉA
Credit Enhanced Commissioning, Option 2.
What are the benefits of
Reduced Energy Use,
Lower Operating Costs,
Reduced Contractor Callbacks,
Better Building Documentation,
Improved Occupant Productivity,
and Verification that Systems perform with Owner’ Project Requirements
What documents get created
during fundamental commissioning and verification?
-Cx report
-Current facility requirements
-Operations and maintenance
What energy-related
systems must be
-Mechanical, including HVAC&R
equipment and controls
-Electrical lighting and
daylighting controls
-Plumbing, including domestic
hot water systems
-Renewable energy systems
What do the Owner’s Project
Requirements typically
Owner and User Requirements, Environmental and Sustainability Goals,
Energy Efficiency Goals,
Indoor Environmental Quality
Requirements, Equipment and
System Expectations,
Building Occupant and O&M
Personnel requirements
What should the Basis of
Design include?
Primary Design
Assumptions, Standards, &
Narrative Descriptions
Process Energy is
considered to include, but is
not limited to what?
Miscellaneous Equipment,
Computers, Elevators,
Escalators, Kitchen Cooking
& Refrigeration Equipment,
Laundry Washing & Drying,
Lighting Exempt from Power
Allowance (e.g., Medical
Equipment), and other (e.g.,
Waterfall or Fountain Pumps)
Regulated or (non-process)
Energy includes?
Lighting (interior, parking
garage, surface parking, façade,
or building grounds)
HVAC, service water heating for
domestic or space heating
What generates both electrical
power and thermal energy from
a single fuel source?
Combined Heat and Power
(CHP) or Cogeneration
What device is used to
regulate humidity and
temperature, making
building systems more
energy efficient?
An economizer
What refrigerant management
procedure governs reducing
annual leakage of CFC-based
refrigerants to 5% or less?
EPA Clean Air Act, Title VI,
Rule 608
What are the three (3)
compliance path options
described in Optimize Energy
Performance (EA Prerequisite 2)?
Option 1: Whole Building
Energy Simulation,
Option 2: Prescriptive Compliance
Path: ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design Guide
Option 3: Prescriptive
Compliance Path: Advanced
Buildings Core Performance Guide
What are the six (6)
components of ASHRAE
(Hint: Aspects that affect Bldg Energy Performance when modelling)
Building envelope,
Service Water Heating,
Other Equipment
What four fundamental
strategies can increase energy
(Hint: conceptual ideas at the very beginning)
Site Energy Sources,
Efficient Envelope,
Energy Recovery Systems
What are the % thresholds for
renewable energy production
LEED BD+C (except Core and
Shell): 1%, 5%, 10%
LEED BD+C: Core and Shell:
1%, 3%, 5%
What are the eligible types
of systems for Renewable
Energy Production?
Photovoltaic systems,
Wind energy systems,
Solar thermal systems,
Biofuel- based electrical systems,
Geothermal heating or electric systems,
Low-impact hydroelectric power systems,
Wave & tidal power systems
What biofuel systems are NOT
eligible for Renewable Energy
Combustion of municipal
solid waste, Forestry biomass
waste other than mill residue,
Coated Wood, or Treated
What are the two (2) Options
for Enhanced Refrigerant
Option 1. No refrigerants or
Low-Impact Refrigerants
Option 2. Calculation of
Refrigeration Impact
What types of equipment
are NOT subject to the
Fundamental Refrigerant
Management requirements?
-Small HVAC units (less than
0.5 Ibs [225 grams] of refrigerant), -standard refrigerators,
-small water coolers.
What is the duration and % a
project must engage in to earn
points under Green Power and
Carbon Offsets?
5-year contract AND 50%
provision of the project’s
energy from green power,
carbon offsets, or renewable
energy certificates.
What are the two (2) Options
to determine electricity use
for Green Power and Carbon
Option 1. Use the calculated
energy consumption results from EA Prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance
Option 2: Estimate electricity use using
CBECS database
RECs can be used to
mitigate what type(s) of
emissions for Green Power
and Carbon Offsets?
Scope 2, electricity use.
Carbon offsets can be used to
mitigate what type(s) of
emissions for Green Power
and Carbon Offsets?
Scope 1 or Scope 2
What are the three (3) basic
methods for ventilating
Mechanical Ventilation (active
ventilation), Natural Ventilation
(passive ventilation), Mixed-
Mode Ventilation (both
mechanical & natural
What is the distance ALL
naturally ventilated spaces
must be in proximity to an
operable wall or roof
opening to the outdoors?
25’ feet
What is a BAS?
Building Automation System
(BAS), it uses computer-based monitoring to coordinate, organize, and optimize building control subsystems, including lighting, equipment scheduling, and alarm
The. Commissioning Authority [CxA] most document all findings and recommendations and report directly to who throughout the process?
In Fundamental Commissioning (EA Prerequisite), For projects smaller than _____square feet, the commissioning authority (CxA) is allowed to be a qualified member of the design or construction team.
Commissioning (Cx ) Plan includes the following when pursuing EA- Demand Response?
One performance test of full demand-response plan.
Proves that all equipment responds as planned and all parties understand their roles.
What is a Carbon Offset?
Reduction in emissions of carbon dioxide or green house gases made to compensate for/offset an
emission made elsewhere.
Exceptional Calculation Method applies to which EA Prerequisite/Credits?
EA-Prerequisite: Minimum Energy Performance
EA-Credit: Optimize Energy
To meet EA-Credit: Optimize Energy, project team will address nonregulated load savings by?
Using exceptional calculation method (ECM) in a whole-building energy simulation
Greene energy certification applies to which EA-Credit?
EA-Credit: Green Power and Carbon Offsets
Which circumstances allow use of solar gardens or community renewable energy systems to be included in calcs for EA- Renewable Energy Production?
If project owns/leases the system for 10 years and it is located in same utility service area.
EA-Credits eligible for exemplary performance?
EA- Optimize Energy Performance
EA- Renewable Energy Production
Calculations for EA-Credit-Renewable Energy Production are based on which factor?
(Hint: Used as denominator in % renewable energy calc)
Building’s annual energy cost.
Eligible energy sources for EA- Renewable Energy Production?
Solar Thermal
Biofuel (Sometimes)
Low-Impact Hydroelectricity
Wave and Tidal Energy
Geothermal Energy (Sometimes)
Residential project’s Estimated Energy Consumption = $125K/year.
What is $ equivalent of renewable energy required for exemplary performance of EA- Renewable Energy Production?
Exemplary performance = 15% of total annual energy cost
150K x 15% = 18.5K
RECs can be used to mitigate the effects of which scope emissions?
Scope 2 Emissions, Electricity Use
Owner interested in making power purchase agreement with 3rd party for photovoltaic array canopies on project’s parking lot. Which circumstances can points can be claimed under EA-C
Renewable Energy Production?
Agreement must last for 10 years and owner gets to retain environmental benefits from renewable
Electricity Use Scope 2 = 6075.8 mtCO2e/yr. No gas use. What is minimum amount of annual carbon offsets they should purchase?
3037.9 mtCO2e/yr
Contract must specify the provision of at least 50% or 100% of the projects energy from green power, carbon offsets, or renewable energy certificates (RECs)
Acceptable sampling strategy when executing functional testing for commissioning process (Cx)?
( # of units or %)
Sample 10 units or 10% of units.
Systems that must be commissioned for EA- Fundamental Commissioning and Verification?
MEP (Mech, Elect & Plumbing)
Renewable Energy Systems
Requirements for Building Envelope (BE) under EA- Fundamental Commissioning Verification?
None. Covered in OPR and BOD.
Yes for EA-C Enhanced Commissioning Option 2
For Data centres, What is power utilization effectiveness?
•Measure of data center efficiency.
Power needed to operate and cool data center vs. power drawn by IT equipment.
Project phase the commissioning authority must be engaged in to perform EA- Fundamental
Commissioning Verification?
Latest CxA must be engaged is by the end of the design development phase.
Documents the Commissioning Authorities (CxA) submit to owner prior to building occupancy EA-Credit: Enhanced Commissioning?
Up to date O&M manuals
Operator training
Functional performance test reports
Up to Date issues log
Updated CxA plan that outlines plans for 10-month operational review.
Type of commissioning (Cx) that is an ongoing performance analysis utilizing permanent energy-monitoring
systems and real-time energy analysis of an operational building?
Monitoring Based Commissioning
Benefit of monitoring-based commissioning?
Opportunity to track energy consumption.
-Detect faulty equipment operations
-Identify unusual energy or power consumption patterns
Commissioning that is continuation of the enhanced Cx process and involves ongoing testing to ensure
Building continues to perform according to PR and BOD and approved design and construction?
Ongoing Commissioning
Minimum energy savings requirement that a project team should meet when pursuing Option 1 - whole building simulation of EA- Minimum Energy Performance for a ‘New construction’ data center?
First step in meeting EA- Prerequisite:Minimum Energy Performance?
Determine project’s climate zone.
What is a non regulated load?
Any building load, end use, or control without an ASHRAE 90.1 - 2010, appendix G, baseline
modeling requirement that allows the load, end use, or control to be modeled differently in the
proposed and baseline buildings.
Which types of projects are not eligible for Option 3 Prescriptive Compliance: Advanced Buildings Core Performance EA- Minimum Energy Performance?
(Hint: Size)
Projects equal to or more than 100K SF and are Healthcare, Warehouse, Laboratory
Types of projects that are eligible to pursue Option 2 Prescriptive Compliance: ASHRAE 50%
Advanced Energy Design Guide of EA-Prerequisite: Minimum Energy Performance?
(Hint: Size)
Small/Medium office buildings <100,000sf
Medium/Large box retail buildings that are 20,000 - 100,000 sf
School bldgs
Large Hospitals > 100,000sf
Score the energy performance target achieves when it is established using Energy Stars Target Finder for Option 3 Prescriptive Compliance: Advanced Buildings Core Performance. EA-Prerequisite:
Minimum Energy Performance?
Project types that can pursue Option 3 Prescriptive Compliance: Advanced Buildings Core Performance of EA-Prerequisite: Minimum Energy Performance
Projects less than 100K SF that are not school, healthcare, warehouse, or laboratory, and will not pursue EA- Optimize Energy Performance
New construction, Office Building. Energy cost $50k. What is minimum energy use reduction?
Retail project. Which additional systems should be calculated in the baseline and design cases to
meet EA- Optimized Energy?
Appliances and equipment
Display lighting
Unit of measure for energy use intensity (EUI)?
(Hint: Energy, Size, Period)
Sources of energy that must be metered to meet EA- Building Level Energy Metering?
energy supplied by utility companies and campus central plants, such as electricity; natural gas, synthetic gas, propane, fuel oil, diesel fuel, other fossil fuels, biofuels, district chilled water,
steam, and hot water.
Before Cx activity what should occur before predesign?
Owner should create OPR.
Ideal time to develop the BOD?
during schematic design
Who develops BOD?
Design team
Who performs prefunctional inspections?
(Commissioning Authority)
Exemplary performance for EA-Credit: Optimize Energy Performance?
Option 1:
New construction
Major renovation
Core and shell
Achieve at least 54%
Which systems should advanced energy metering be installed in to meet EA-Credit:Advanced Energy Metering?
All whole building energy sources used by the building
-Any individual energy uses that represent 10% or more of total annual consumption of the building.
Which document can be referenced to estimate the end uses to meter for EA-Credit:Advanced Energy Metering if the project team did not conduct energy modeling for EA-Prerequisite:Minimum Energy Performance?
(Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey)
lines for rating system variation that applies to Data Centers pursuing EA-Credit: Advanced Energy Metering?
IT energy consumption, should be metered separately from non-IT equipment, such as HVAC,
plug loads, and lighting.
If UPS system supports non-IT loads that amount to more than 10% of its load, ie lighting and cooling, this non-IT load should also be sub metered.
What should be included in scope of work for CxA for a project pursuing EA-Credit: Demand Response?
Creation of demand response processes, including 1 full test of the DR plan.
Levels of demand response with energy management control systems that are eligible for EA-Credit: Demand Response?
Fully automated and semi automated.
How should buildings total annual energy cost be determined?
Can be obtained from the energy model Option 1 of EA-Prerequisite: Minimum Energy Performance.
Otherwise US Dept of Energy CBECS database
Exemplary performance criteria for EA- Renewable Energy Production?
(Hint: % of annual bldg energy)
15% of annual building energy.
What are Scope 2 emissions?
An entity’s indirect greenhouse gas emissions associated with its consumption of electricity, heating, cooling, or steam purchased from a utility provider.
Ongoing commissioning?
Continued testing to ensure that a building continues to perform according to OPR and BOD and
approved construction documents
Criteria for choosing a commissioning authority CxA for a healthcare project pursuing EA-Credit: Enhanced Commissioning?
-Must have documented commissioning process experience on 2 building projects with a similar
scope of work.
-CxA may be qualified employee of the owner, independent consultant, or disinterested sub of
design team.
For a 400,000sf Hospital. Which Prescriptive option is it eligible to pursue in order to comply with EA-P Minimum Energy Performance?
Option 2 Prescriptive Compliance ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design
What criteria are not used to determine what prescriptive measures must be followed when using the ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design Guide to calculate minimum energy performance?
A. Climate zone in which the building is located
B. Square footage of the building
C. Type of building
D. Building orientation
Option 2 is for the prescriptive compliance path using ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy
Design Guide requires the building type, the square footage, and the climate zone to determine what applicable criteria the project must meet.
Overall formula for calculating Refrigeration Impact?
LCGWP + LCODP x 10^5 ≤ 100
 LCODP: Lifecycle Ozone Depletion Potential (lb CFC 11/Ton-Year)
LCGWP: Lifecycle Direct Global Warming Potential
LCODP = [ODPr x (Lr × Life +Mr) × Rc]/Life
LCGWP = (GWPr x (Lr × Life +Mr) × Rc]/Life
A whole building energy simulation resulted in a baseline building performance of $112,488 for a new school. What minimum improvement in building performance is needed for LEED certification?
$5,624.4 (5% reduction minimum for New construction).
Renovations- 3%
Core & Shell - 2%
What criteria are not used to determine what prescriptive measures must be followed
when using the ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design Guide to calculate minimum
energy performance?
A. Climate zone in which the building is located
B. Square footage of the building
C. Type of building
D. Building orientation
The prescriptive measures do
not take into account the sun’s position. D is the correct answer.
What is the minimum percentage reduction in peak electricity demand required for the EA Credit 4: Demand Response programme?
At least 10% of the buildings estimated peak electricity usage.