endoscopes Flashcards
know functions and stuff
Laparoscopic Access & Dissection
- A dissecting balloon that separates tissue forming a cavity for laparoscopic in hernias they can be oval or round
- Viewing
- Pass the plug end of the camera
off the sterile field to be plugged
into a camera box. - Projects images of an enclosed
space when the camera head is
connected to the eyepiece of an
endoscope with a light cord
Light Cord
- Accessory
- Tight bundle of fiber optic strands
of glass that transmits light into
an enclosed space when
connected to an endoscope. - Reduction of light conduction can
results from broken fiber optics
from being coiled too tightly or
anything is allowed to crush it.
- Viewing
Size: Variable (5-10 mm) diameter, lens variable degrees - Endoscope placed through a trocar sleeve into the abdomen to view organs/tissues.
- The outer edge of the scope is surrounded by light fibers that pass through the light cord and illuminate the abdomen. These fibers can be damaged if special care is not used with this scope. (can be one of the most expensive repairs.
Veress Needle
Size: variable (regular or long)
- Introduces CO2 gas into the abdomen to distend the abdominal cavity allowing visibility by pushing the abdominal wall away from the organs during laparoscopic procedures. (pneumoperitoneum)
- it is put in at the initial incision then inflates to 12-15mmhg then removed.
Insuflation Tubing
- This tubing is attached to a
CO2 gas pump then connected to veries needle and remove sleeve ( kept throughout the procedure. - The tubing has an inline filter
to reduce contaminants that
may enter the surgical site.
This filter end should be
passed off to the circulator
Trocar with Sleeve
Size: Variable (5, 10 and 12 mm)
DIFF styles etc blade, non blade, etccc
Sleeve provides a leak free seal (retains CO2 gas when instruments are placed/removed) that protects the skin and tissue layers from
damage sustained while manipulating or introducing instrumentation.
Trocar: Used to dissect through abdominal tissue (after small skin incision is made) to provide access to the abdominal cavity during endoscopic procedures
Trocar Anchoring System
Sutures are placed on both sides of the sleeve and wrapped around the anchor to seal it against the abdominal wall and then insufflation is introduced.
- Used in open technique when a blunt trocar with an anchor is inserted without the prior use of pneumoperitoneum through a small incision in the fascia layer.
SILS port
- Supply
- A flexible laparoscopic port that can accommodate up to three
instruments through a single incision
Reducer cap
- Supply
- This devise clips on the top of a 12 mm or 10 mm trocar sleeve allowing 5 mm instruments to be used in larger ports without loosing pressure in the pneumoperitoneum.
Micro Scissors
- Used to make very small cuts in fine structures such as the cystic duct
Hook Scissors
- Cutting/Dissecting
- Hooked tip helps to keep slippery structures (such as ducts and vessels) within the jaws of the scissors while the cut is made.
Endoshear Scissor
- Cutting/Dissecting
Size: Variable (5mm or 10mm)
- Most frequently used very sharp dissecting scissor. Used similarly as a metzenbaum scissors in an open case.
Endo Grasper
- Grasping/Holding
- Atraumatic: Has a wide jaw to grasp and manipulate larger amounts of tissue.
Bullet Tipped Grasper
- Grasping/Holding
- Atraumatic: common grasper used on most tissue types.
- It is named for its tip which is shaped like a bullet.
Maryland Dissector
- Grasping/Holding/Dissecting
- Atraumatic: Used similarly as a debakey would be in an open case.
- The fine curved tip is used for blunt dissection of fatty or thin tissue (omentum, mesentery, connective tissue).
Aggressive Toothed Grasper
- Grasping/Holding
Size: Variable (5mm or 10mm)
- Traumatic: used to hold tissue that will be removed. Be sure the surgeon is aware the grasper has teeth when it is handed to him
- Commonly used to remove the slippery gallbladder
Endoscopic Allis Clamp
- Grasping/Holding
- Traumatic: Used to firmly hold moderate
strength tissue or tissue that is being
Endoscopic Babcock
- Grasping/Holding
- Atraumatic: Used for grasping fragile tissues
- Just like the conventional babcock clamp, it grasps bowel, appendix, stomach, and fallopian tubes safely.
Olson Clamp
- Atraumatic: Used during a Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in conjunction with a Taut catheter and radiographic dye in a syringe
- The Taut catheter is loaded into the lumen of the handle of the clamp, and then the syringe
of dye is connected to the catheter. The cystic duct is clamped closed with a staple proximal
to the gallbladder. Next a tiny nick is made below the staple and the Taut catheter is
introduced into the duct and advanced a short distance. The jaws of the Olson clamp are
then locked shut, compressing the duct. Next the surgeon injects radiographic dye into the
duct. Any stones blocking the duct will appear in x-ray, telling the surgeon if further
exploration will be required.
Endoscopic biopsy punch
- Cutting
- Traumatic: Used to remove a bite of tissue to
be sent as a specimen to pathology.
Blunt Probe
- Retracting/Viewing/Probing
- Atraumatic: Used to manipulate tissue while
exploring the abdomen and pelvis
Needle Aspirator
- Suctioning
- Traumatic: This devise is used to collapse fluid filled cysts or possibly the gallbladder. The leur lock end of this tube is attached to suction or a large syringe. The needle end is then used to puncture the sack and the liquid contents are evacuated.
Suction Bovie
- Suctioning/Occluding
- This instrument will be attached to suction at its leur lock end and to an electrical cord at the metal prong. It is then plugged into a bovie machine and operated by the surgeon
using a foot pedal. This allows the surgeon to evacuate bovie smoke from the field as it is produced.
Hook Bovie
- Occluding/Cutting
Comes in L hook and J hook varieties.
- This bovie has a hook on the end to allow the surgeon to hook around tissue and cut through it using electrical current. This current is activated by pressing on a foot
pedal when needed.
Endo Catch
- Single use specimen pouch used to retrieve a specimen and remove it through a 10-12mm sleeve while containing contents securely during retrieval process.
- Once contents are placed into the pouch the ring on the end is pulled. This “purse strings” the pouch closed.
Laparoscopic Fan Retractor
- Retracting/viewing
- Atraumatic: Used to bluntly retract the liver or other broad organs.
- The dial at the bottom widens the fingers to create the broad fan.
Endoscopic Kitner/Peanut/Cherry
- Supply
- Blunt (intentional tearing of tissue)
laparoscopic dissection in small areas.
Anti-fog should be allowed to completely dry on the tip of the scope for full effectiveness (don’t wipe it off with a sponge after application).
- Used on the tip of scopes to prevent fogging when a cold scope is placed
in a warm body
Scope Warmer
- Supply
- Used to warm the tips of scopes to prevent fogging when a cold scope is placed in a warm body
- Heat activation varies per device