Endomembrane system Flashcards
Endoplasmic Reticulum
-Continuous network of flattened scas, tubules and associated vesicles
-The membrane-bound sacs are called ER cisternae and the space inside them is the ER lumen
Main functions of ER
-Biosynthesis of proteins for:
* plasma membrane or into the organelles of the endomembrane system
*Export from the cell
-Lipid synthesis
-Membrane synthesis
Rough ER
-Contains ribisomes
-Morphology= flattened sheets
-Function: Biosynthesis and processing of proteins
Smooth ER
-No ribisomes
-Morphology= tubular
-Function: Steroid biosynthesis, drug detoxification, carbohydrate metabolism, calcium storage
Protein synthesis for EMS overview
Signal recognisiton particle (SRP) recognise and binds the ER signal sequence on the peptide and attaches the ribisome polypeptide complex to the ER membrane
signal sequence
-If first amino acids are positively charged, followed by hydrophobic amino acids and then polar aa, it designates that protein to EMS
-signal sequence is 15-30aa
protein synthesis mechanism
BLAST to find signal sequence
Does not work because signal sequence is never part of finsished protein but is cleaved
-Must use genome
Drug detoxification
-Often involves hydroxylation catalysed by cytochrome P450 enzymes
-drugs are usually non-polar and undergo hydroxylation by CYP that add hydroxyl groups to drugs, making them polar and more soluble, allowing the drug to be secreted by urine
Carbohydrate metabolism
-The live stores glucose as glycogen in granules associated with smooth ER
-expresses glucose-6-phosphatase to catalyse:
glucose-6-phosphate + H2O-> glucose and P
Calcium storage
Sarcoplasmic reticulum is specialised smooth ER in muscle cells
-stores and releases Ca
glogi apparatus
-series of flattened membrane-bounded cisternae
-A series of cisternae, usually 3-8, is called a Golgi stack
-Some cells have one large stack and others, especially secretory cells, have hundreds or thousands of stacks
Movement models for golgi
-Stationary cisternae mode
-Cisternal maturation model
Stationary cisternae model
-Each cisterna in the Golgi stack is a stable structure
-Transport of materials from one cisternae to another is mediated by shuttle vesicles
-These bud off from one cisterna and fuse with the cisterna in a cis-to-trans sequence
Cisternal maturation model
-Golgi cisternae are transient compartments
-These gradually change from CGN through medial cisternae to TGN
-Enzymes not needed in later compartments are returned to earlier compartments in vesicles
The addition of carbohydrate side chains (moiety) to proteins to form glycoproteins
N-linked glycosilation
Involves the addition of an oligosaccharide to the nitrogen atom of certain asparagine residues
O-linked glycosilation
It involves the addition of the oligosaccharide to the oxygen atom on the hydroxyl group of certain serine, threonine and rarely tyrosine residuals