Endodontic Tx Planning Flashcards
What are some indications for endodontic treatment?
Irreversible pulpitis Periapical pathology Post retained restorations Overdenture Teeth doubtful pulp Periodontal disease Pulp sclerosis following trauma
What history would you get from pt with irreversible pulpits?
Lingering pain
Spontaneous pain
Keep away
What clinic signs would indicate periapical pathology?
Exaggerated response sensibility testing
What diagnosis would you give if there was periapical pathology?
Symptomatic or asymptomatic apical periodontitis
OR acute/ chronic apical abscess
What is needed to reach diagnosis?
Pt hx
Clinical exam
When are post used to retain restorations?
When too much tooth structure has been lost and is needed to retain indirect restoration
What is the issue by placing posts to retain restorations?
Can lose vitality?
How much structure is needed to retain restoration?
4-5mm - can be made from composite core
What is issue w/ compostite core?
May not withstand lateral forces of occlusion
How does an over denture work?
Teeth decoronated to provide support as over denture abutment - need to be endo tx
When can teeth under overdenture not be endo tx?
If canals are highly sclerosed with no periapical pathology - still need to warn risk of loss vitality
What do pt need if having over denture?
Good OHI, diet and motivation
What instance would periodontal disease indicated endo?
When there is a perio-endo lesion
What tx can be provided with perio-endo lesion?
Sometime do root resection - root need to be endo prior resection
What happens to a tooth after trauma when they remain vital?
respond to trauma by laying down secondary dentine resulting in narrowing of pulp space
Is trauma an indicated for endo?
No - scelrosis/ narrowing pulp chamber is not indication
What is the reliable tx if pt has trauma and tooth has discoloured?
Endodontic treatment followed internal bleaching - warn pt can take long time
What are the general contraindications for endo?
Inadequate access
Poor OH
General medical condition
What are local contraindications for endo?
Tooth not restorable Insufficient periodontal support Non-strategic tooth Root fracture Root resorption Anatomy
What cases by inadequate access by an issue?
Pt limited mouth opening
Previous overeruption
What is general rule to see is adequate opening?
Should be able to fit 2 fingers between incisors