Endocrine physiology Flashcards
Explain (using an example) how the hypothalamus communicates with the pituitary gland in order to release a hormone from another endocrine gland
elsewhere in the body.
List two common “electrolytes” and explain 3 roles they play that have been discussed in class thus far.
Explain why Cortisol can be considered a ‘good’ hormone and a ‘bad’ hormone. Use an example for each.
Explain how the endocrine system together with the neuromuscular system can give us “Super-Human” strength. (long)
Explain why your blood glucose level may be higher immediately following exercise opposed to before exercise, without consuming food or liquids? (identify/explain 4 hormones involved) (long)
With reference to the endocrine system, explain how hormones from a) the adrenal gland, b) kidney and c) pituitary gland work to prevent blood pressure from dropping too low when an athlete becomes dehydrated. (long)