Endocrine Flashcards
Have good knowledge of these conditions and be able to recognise and manage as a newly qualified doctor
What is the aetiology and pathogenesis of DM type 1 and DM type 2?
- DM is a spectrum of metabolic disorders characterised by chronic hyperglycaemia due to insulin deficiency, insulin resistance, or a combination of both.
- DM1 results from the autoimmune destruction of pancreatic β-cells, occurring in genetically susceptible individuals, and probably triggered by environmental antigens.
- There is association with other organ specific immune diseases e.g. autoimmune, thyroid, Addison’s, pernicious anaemia.
- DM2 is a polygenic disorder triggered by environmental factors, notably central obesity, in genetically susceptible individuals. The hyperglycaemia is characterised by a combination of reduced insulin (relative to glucose levels) and insulin resistance. The β-cell mass is reduced about 50% at normal time of diagnosis.
Compare and contrast T1 and T2 DM.
A C-peptide test is often used to help tell the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. With type 1 diabetes, your pancreas makes little to no insulin, and little or no C-peptide. With type 2 diabetes, the body makes insulin, but doesn’t use it well. This can cause C-peptide levels to be higher than normal
How does diabetes present?
Acute presentation:
- Polyuria; due to osmotic diuresis - glucose exceeds renal reabsorptive capacity [the transporters are full so glucose is excreted; water follows the glucose passively]
- Thirst (polysipsia) due to fluid and electrolyte loss.
- Weight loss due to fluid depletion and breakdown of fat and muscle secondary toinsulin deficiency.
- Ketoacidosis follows if left untreated. [body breaks down fat as fuel as insulin amount is insufficient]
Subacute presentation
may have all of the above symptoms but also:
- Lack of energy.
- Visual problems.
- Candida infection of glans or vulva
How is diabetes diagnosed?
One of 4 tests can be used to establish a firm diagnosis of diabetes:
- Fasting plasma glucose (FPG)
- >6.9 mmol/L (>125 mg/dL)
- Random plasma glucose
- ≥11.1 mmol/L (≥200 mg/dL) with diabetes symptoms such as polyuria, polydipsia, fatigue, or weight loss
- 2-hour post-load glucose
- ≥11.1 mmol/L (≥200 mg/dL) on a 75 g oral glucose tolerance test
- HbA1c
- ≥48 mmol/mol (≥6.5%).
+ The diagnosis should be verified by repeat testing, preferably with the same diagnostic test, but diagnostic levels of 2 different criteria are also acceptable (e.g., a combination of an elevated HbA1c and elevated FPG).
Some variability in HbA1c results is possible as a result of such factors as increased red blood cell turnover (e.g., sickle cell anaemia), factors related to ancestry, or laboratory variation.
How can you tell the difference between T1 and T2 DM?
- Elevated plasma or urine ketones in the presence of hyperglycaemia
- suggests type 1 diabetes, but is occasionally seen at presentation in a patient with type 2 diabetes.
- The diagnosis of type 1 diabetes is often obvious from the clinical presentation, but can be confirmed through additional testing.
- Low C-peptide levels and presence of one or more autoimmune markers are consistent with a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes.
- Autoimmune markers include autoantibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), insulin, islet cells, islet antigens (IA2 and IA2-beta), and the zinc transporter ZnT8.
- If C-peptide levels are very low or undetectable relative to the plasma glucose and anti-GAD antibodies are positive in such a patient, a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes can be made.
- Type 1 diabetes can occur at any age but usually is diagnosed in younger (age <35 years), thinner patients, and has a more rapid onset and often more severe symptoms.
- Around one third of patients with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes present with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). But, DKA may also occur in type 2 diabetes, particularly if there is an underlying infection. [will need to break down for fat for energy to get rid of infection]
- Urine ketones should be checked if patients are symptomatic of hyperglycaemia (polyuria, polydipsia, weakness) and volume depletion (dry mucous membranes, poor skin turgor, tachycardia, hypotension, and, in severe cases, shock) at diagnosis or throughout course of disease.
- The best evidenced C-peptide test is the glucagon stimulation test (GST), but non-fasting ‘random’ blood C-peptide has been shown to correlate with fasting C-peptide and post-GST samples in subjects with well-defined type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Development of absolute insulin deficiency is a key feature of type 1 diabetes, which results in low (<0.2 nanomol/L) or undetectable levels of plasma C-peptide. A GST or non-fasting ‘random’ blood C-peptide level >1 nanomol/L suggests type 2 diabetes. C-peptide results must be interpreted in clinical context of disease duration, comorbidities, and family history.
What are the secondary causes of hyperglycaemia or diabetes?
Diabetes is usually primary, however it can be secondary to other conditions:
- Pancreatic: total pancreatectomy, chronic pancreatitis and haemochromatosis.
- Endocrine: acromegaly and Cushing’s syndrome.
- Drugs: thiazide diuretics or corticosteroids.
What are DDx for polyuria?
Polyuria is defined as urine output >2.5 - 3L in 24hrs:
Polydipsia: increased thirst leading to increased fluid intake (>3L/day).
- Solute diuresis: hyperglycaemia with glycosuria.
- Osmotic diuresis is the increase of urination rate caused by the presence of certain substances in the small tubes of the kidneys.
- Diabetes insipidus.
- CKD.
What is the aetiology of diabetic ketoacidosis?
Diabetic ketoacidosis results from untreated insulin deficiency and is seen in: undiagnosed DM1, interruption of insulin therapy, stress of other illness.
Most cases are preventable, and the most common mistake is to reduce insulin if a patient is not eating or vomiting, when they in fact may need more.
What is the pathophysiology of DKA?
Ketoacidosis is a state of uncontrolled catabolism due to insulin deficiency:
- Unrestrained increase in hepatic gluconeogenesis.
- High circulating glucose cause osmotic diuresis and subsequent dehydration.
- Peripheral lipolysis raises Free Fatty Acid levels, which are metabolised in the liver to acidic ketones, causing metabolic acidosis.
- These processes are accelerated by release of catecholamines glucagon and cortisol in response to dehydration and stress of illness.
What are the signs and symptoms of DKA?
Profound dehydration secondary to water and electrolyte loss from the kidney (osmotic diuresis) and exacerbated by vomiting:
- Eyes sunken.
- Tissue turgor reduced.
- Low BP.
- Kussmaul’s respiration–deep rapid breathing, compensatory mechanism for metabolic acidosis.
- Breath smells of ketones (like pear drops).
- Some disturbance of consciousness is common; 5% are in a coma.
- Occasionally abdominal pain.
What are the investigations for DKA?
Diagnosis based on demonstration of hyperglycaemia in combination with acidosis and ketosis:
- Hyperglycaemia: blood glucose >11mmol/L
- Ketonaemia: blood ketones >3mmol/L, best measured using a finger prick and near patient meter which measures β-hydroxybutyrate.
- ABG: Acidosis: blood pH <7.3 and/or bicarbonate <15mmol/L, venous sample will be asimilar to arterial. Acidosis is high anion gap.
- Urine Stix show heavy glycosuria and ketonuria.
- Urea and electrolytes: Urea and creatinine is often raised as a result of dehydration.
- Low total body K+ due to osmotic diuresis, but serum K+ is raised.
- FBC: may show a raised WCC w/o infection.
- Further investigations are aimed a finding a precipitating cause: blood culture, CXR, urine MC+S, ECG and cardiac proteins.
What is the emergency management of DKA?
Phase 1:
- Fluid replacement: 0.9% NaCl with 20mmol KCl/L.
- 1L in 30mins, then 1h, 2h, 4h,6hrs.
- Insulin: soluble insulin 6 units/h by IV infusion, OR 20 units IM stat with 6 units IM hourly. Aim for fall in blood glucose approx. 5mmol/h titrate insulin accordingly.
- If: BP <80mmHg, give plasma expander e.g. colloid.
- pH <7.0 give 500mL of NaHCO (sodium bicarbonate)
Phase 2 when blood glucose falls to 10-12mmol/L:
- Change infusion of fluid to 1L 5% dextrose plus 20mmol KCl 6-hourly.
- Continue insulin titrating dose based on blood glucose e.g. IV 3 units/h glucose 15mmol/L => 2units/h when glucose 10mmol/L etc.
Phase 3:
Once stable and able to eat and drink normally transfer to QDS s/c insulin regimen based on blood glucose.
Special measures:
- Broad-spectrum ABX if infection likely.
- Bladder catheter if no urine passed after 2h.
- NG tube if drowsy or protracted vomiting.
- Consider Central Venous Pressure measurement if previous cardiac or renal disease.
- Consider s/c prophylactic heparin in comatose, elderly or obese patients.
- Vital signs, fluid given - urine output ratio hourly.
- Finger prick glucose hourly for 8h.
- Laboratory glucose and electrolytes 2-hourly for 8h, then 4-6 hourly, adjusting K+according to results.
What is a hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state?
Life-threatening emergency characterised by hyperglycaemia, hyperosmolality and mild or no ketoacidosis.
This is typical of uncontrolled DM2, often undiagnosed, and most commonly precipitated by infection, especially pneumonia.
Although insulin levels are reduced, they are sufficient to inhibit hepatic ketogenesis, but cannot control gluconeogenesis (generation of glucose from certain non-carbohydrate carbon substrates), which is unrestrained.
How do patients in hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic states present?
Patients present with:
- Profound dehydration due to osmotic diuresis.
- Decreased level of consciousness, which is directly related to the degree of elevation of plasma osmolality.
- Without ketosis.
What is the management for patients in a hyperosmolar hypoglycaemic state?
Ix and Rx are the same as ketoacidosis except that a lower rate of insulin infusion is necessary–3U/h, as these patients are extremely sensitive to insulin. The rate may be doubled after 2-3h if glucose is falling too slowly.
Hyperosmolar state predisposes to stroke, MI or arterial thrombosis, and prophylactic
s/c heparin is given.