Endocrine Flashcards
Hypoglycemia, false positives (2)
Dextrose tx by age
meds special situations (2)
Leukemia, polycythemia due to ongoing glycolysis by cells
D25 peds, D10 infants
glucagon coverts glycogen to glucose
sulfonyurea - “-mide/zide/ride”: octreotide -> inhibits insulin secretion
adrenal insufficiency: hydrocortisone
Kussmaul respirations?
Bicarbonate for DKA?
Pseudo? Common finding DKA
before giving insulin always check? replete if < ?
Tachypnea due to respiratory compensation of metabolic acidosis
for DKA? No
pseudo-hyponatremia down 1.6 per 100 increase in BS
check K+; when low indicates massive total body hypokalemia, given IVF only
replete K+ < 5
Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic non-ketotic state HHNS
contrast with DKA (4)
basic thyroid hormone loop
most common cause of hyperthyroid
pictured entity
No ketosis, increased hypoglycemia, increased osmolality, massive dehydration -> higher mortality
TSH stimulates production/release T3/T4 the active thyroid hormones which increase rate of cell metabolism and protein synthesis; iodine will inhibit
Graves’ disease: autoimmune antibodies resemble TSH and stimulate thyroid hormone release
other causes: thyroiditis, goiter, pituitary adenoma, access iodine
pre-tibial myxedema from graves
Hyperthyroid - treatment (3 meds+1)
clinical hallmark of thyroid storm; other sx (2), dx?
tx (general approach , additional meds* - 2)
Beta-blockers exp propanolol,PTU, radioactive iodine, surgery
AMS, fever, tachycardia out of proportion; clinical dx only
supportive care
iodine one hour after PTU
Elderly, lethary, apathetic facies, droopy eyelids, resistent afib/CHF =
Apathetic thyrotoxicosis
Hypothyroid, common causes (3) drug causes (2)
myxedema coma triad, epidemiology
myxedema drug metabolism
myxedema drug treatment (2)
Iodine deficiency, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, treatment of Graves’ disease
lithium, amiodarone
AMS, hypoxia, hypothermia; elderly female
drug metabolism slows
tx: steroids (possible pituitary adenoma), IV T4
Adrenal gland hormone localization
aldosterone function
primary adrenal insufficiency, cause categories (5)
drug cause
eponym cause
Cortex: cortisol, sex hormones, aldosterone
Medela: epinephrine, norepinephrine
fxn: increase sodium decrease potassium
primary (Addison’s disease), infectious, infiltrative, neoplasm, infarction
drug: etomidate
eponym: Waterhouse-Friderichsen bilateral adrenal infarct from meningococcemia
dx: cortisol level, corticotropin stim
Adrenal insufficiency
secondary cause
tertiary cause
lab abnormalities
acute presentation
secondary cause: hypo pituitary
tertiary cause: steroid overuse -> adrenal atrophy
lab abnormalities: hyponatremia hyperkalemia, eosinophilia, hypoglycemia
acute presentation: fever and refractory hypotension
Adrenal crisis, TX (3)
Cushing’s disease =
most common cause +2 others
Dextrose, hydrocortisone, pressers
Cushing’s disease = excess cortisol
cause: prolong steroids, neoplasm (adrenal or pituitary), para neoplastic
Sx: Kunkel obesity, hypertension, hyponatremia, buffalo hump, moon facies
key lab findings (2)
cause categories (4)
Concentrated urine with low serum osmolality (often hyponatremia)
paraneoplastic, CNS, lung, drugs
tx: free water restriction
Diabetes insipidus = ?
Types and test to distinguish
signature lab abnormalities (2)
sx (2)
tx for each type
drug cause
Central:Lack of ADH production; nephrogenic: renal insensitivity to ADH
central will respond to ADH
concentrated urine and elevated serum osmolality (often with hypernatremia)
sx: polyuria, polydipsia
central: DDAVP/desmopressin
nephrogenic: hydrochlorothiazide
drug cause: lithium
Pheochromocytoma =
sx (5)
Adrenal medulla tumor secreting norepinephrine
dx: 24 hour urine catecholamines and metabolites (VMA)
5 Ps: pressure, pallor, pain, perspiration, palpitations
Carcinoid =
Sx (2+)
hyponatremia, three categories
pseudohyponatremia most often due to; other spurious causes (2)
G.I. tumor 10% of time secreting serotonin, prostaglandins
sx: attacks of flushing skin, watery stools, hypertension, vasodilation, edema
hypernatremia: hypo, hyper and euvolemic
due to hyperglycemia
other causes: hyperlipidemia, hyperproteinemia
Hypovolemic Hypernatremia causes (4)
tx (2)
Dehydrated: Na loss > H2O loss, G.I. (vomiting, diarrhea), renal losses (diuretics), skin loss (sweating, burns)
tx: hydrate with NS, correct underlying cause