Endocrine Flashcards
Does the pituitary lie outside of the dura?
How can the pituitary be accessed?
Through the sphenoid bones
Which artery supplies the posterior pituitary?
Inferior hypophyseal artery
Which vein drains the posterior pituitary?
Inferior hypophyseal vein
Which hormones are secreted by the posterior pituitary?
What supplies blood to the anterior pituitary?
Capillary plexus with a high concentration of releasing hormones
Which hormones are released by the anterior pituitary?
What is made in the adrenal cortex?
Steroid hormones (cortisol, aldosterone and androgens)
Which histological zones are located in the cortex?
zona glomerulosa
zona fasciculata
zona reticularis
What is made in the adrenal medulla?
catecholamines e.g. adrenaline
What is the role of the HPA axis?
Maintains homeostasis in real or perceived stress
On what systems does cortisol act?
Metabolic, cardiovascular, immune, CNS
On what receptors do glucocorticoids act on?
Glucocorticoid receptors
How is glucocorticoid activity (duration and magnitude) regulated?
GR expression
How are GR distributed in the body?
Widely through the brain and peripheral tissue
What is Cushing’s syndrome?
Excess cortisol
What is the most common cause of Cushing’s syndrome?
Iatrogenic administration of steroids
What is the most common cause of Cushing’s syndrome?
Raised ACTH usually due to pituitary adenoma (Cushing’s disease)
What are potential endogenous causes of Cushing’s syndrome?
Cushing’s disease
Paraneoplastic syndromes
Adrenal adenoma/cancer
Adrenal nodular hyperplasia
How can it be told that Cushing’s syndrome is due to a paraneoplastic cause?
ACTH is not surpassed by dexamethasone
What are the symptoms of Cushing’s syndrome?
Weight gain Mood change Proximal weakness Gonadal dysfunction Tendon rupture and thickening
What are the signs of Cushing’s syndrome?
Central obesity Moon face Buffalo hump Supraclavicular fat Muscle atrophy Purple abdominal striae Osteoporosis Raised BP Raised blood glucose Infection prone and poor healing
What is the initial test if Cushing’s syndrome is suspected?
Midnight cortisol or 24 hr cortisol urine test
How is a diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome confirmed?
Short dexamethasone suppression test - check cortisol at 8am and there is no suppression Cushing’s syndrome
48 hour dexamethasone suppression test - check midnight cortisol
What makes Cushing’s syndrome due to an adrenal tumour more likely?
If plasma ACTH is reduced by dexamethasone suppression test but patient is Cushingoid
How is an adrenal tumour investigated?
CT adrenal glands, if no mass found then do adrenal vein sampling or adrenal scintography
If the ACTH on dexamethasone suppression is low but the patient is still Cushingoid what is the differential?
Pituitary cause
Ectopic ACTH production
How do you differentiate between a pituitary cause and ectopic ACTH production?
Give high dose dexamethasone or CRH test. If cortisol is raised then there is a pituitary disease.
What is Cushing’s disease?
Excess ACTH from anterior pituitary causing Cushing’s syndrome
What is the problem when using an MRI on pituitary tumours?
Only 70 percent detected as they are very small
How is iatrogenic Cushing’s syndrome treated?
Stop steroids
How is Cushing’s disease treated?
Removal of pituitary adenoma
Bilateral adrenalectomy if the source of ACTH is undetectable or recurrent post op
How is adrenal adenoma treated?
How is adrenal carcinoma treated?
Adrenalectomy + radiotherapy + mitotane (adrenalolytic)
How is ectopic ACTH production treated?
Surgery if tumour hasn’t spread
Metyrapone, ketoconazole and fluconzole post operatively
What is Addison’s disease?
Primary adrenocorticoid insufficiency so not enough corticosteroids and adrenocorticoids (e.g. aldosterone) are made
What are main causes of Addison’s?
80 percent autoimmune
Adrenal mets
Adrenal haemorrhage -Waterhouse Friederichsen syndrome
How do Addison’s symptoms develop?
What are the symptoms of Addison’s?
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and sweating Salt cravings due to sodium loss in urine Fatigue, light headedness, dizziness Hyper pigmentation Muscle weakness and pain Weight loss Changes in mood/ personality Darkening of palmar crease/recent scars (not seen in secondary or tertiary adrenal insufficiency)
How does aldosterone work?
Regulates BP by acting on distal tubes to enhance sodium and water reabsorption and secrete potassium into urine
Which hormone has the opposite function to aldosterone?
Which organ releases ANP?
The heart
What the signs of Addison’s?
Low BP +/- orthostatic hypotension
Hyper pigmentation
Other autoimmune conditions such as T1DM, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and vitiligo
Why is there hyper pigmentation in Addison’s?
Melanocyte stimulating hormone (MCH) and ACTH have the same precursor molecule (POMC). POMC gets cleaved in the anterior pituitary to get MSH, ACTH and beta lipotrophin.
What is autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome?
Addison’s plus at least one of: T1DM, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or vitiligo
What is the maintenance therapy of Addison’s?
Lifelong hydrocortisone/prednisolone tablets in a dosing regimen that mimics physiological release
+/- fludrocortisone (to replace aldosterone)
Which features suggest hypoaldosteronism?
Hyponatremia and hyperkalemia
Which signs are suggestive of Addison’s disease?
Hypercalcaemia Hypoglycaemia Eospinophila and lymphocytosis Metabolic acidosis due to hydrogen ion retention Signs of hypoaldosteronism
On which receptor does aldosterone act?
Na/K pump in the collecting tubule
How is Addison’s diagnosed?
Synacthen test (ACTH stimulation test) - cortisol levels should not rise when tetracosactide is given
What is an Addisonian crisis?
Severe acute adrenal insufficiency
What the signs of an Addisonian crisis?
Confusion Lethargy Syncope Hyponatremia Hypercalcaemia Severe vomiting and diarrhoea leading to dehydration low BP Hypokalemia Convulsions Fever Penetrating lower body pain
What is the management of an Addisonian crisis?
Emergency stat cortisol
Fludrocortisone can be given
Give emergency pack
What is diabetes incipidus?
Extreme thirst due to lack of renal vasopressin (ADH) production
How does ADH work?
Increases water reabsorption in the distal tubule and collecting duct by increasing sodium reabsorption across the loop of Henle
How is hyponatremia treated?
Fluid restrict and give saline
At what point does hyponatremia become severe?
What is the link between sodium levels and dehydration?
ECF volume is determined by sodium levels
Salt loss presents earlier than water loss
What is an isolated high urea suggestive of?
Upper GI bleed
What is an isolated high urea suggestive of in the absence of an upper GI bleed?
ECF depletion
What the key clinical signs in hyponatremia?
Postural hypotension
Normal JVP
What are the clinical signs of SIADH?
Truly hypotonic plasma
Very concentrated urine
What is the pathogenesis of SIADH?
Excess ADH from posterior pituitary so excess water retention and dilution of plasma solutes
How is SIADH treated?
No saline - already excess H2O
Fluid restrict
Can give steroids if needed
Stop drugs if needed
How can you tell there is not renal loss of sodium (and only gut loss) in hyponatremia?
No sodium in the urine
What is the diagnosis if the patient has no sodium in the urine with hyponatremia?
What potential conditions may be present with renal loss of sodium in hyponatremia?
Kidney disease causing sodium loss